MCRRCRacingTeam / MCRRC Competitive Racing TeamThis group is a discussion group for members of MCRRC Competitive Racing Team.
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mcrrctestthis is a test for the mcrrc functionality of groups.ioCreated:
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MCRS / Mideast Coral Reef Society ListservWelcome to the Mideast Coral Reef Society email listserv! The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for MCRS members and other interested stakeholders to exchange information related to coral reef research, conservation and management in the seas surrounding the Middle East. This includes sharing recent papers, job ads, upcoming webinars or events, observations from the field, or other topic...Created:
108 Members,
22 Topics,
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MCRT-Clinton / MCRT Segment 3Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT) Segment 3 as described in MCRTFeasibility_Study_Seg3_20200521.pdf from
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MCRT-Seg3 / MCRT Segment 3Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT) Segment 3 as described in MCRTFeasibility_Study_Seg3_20200521.pdf from
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MCRW-Online-Class / MCRW Online ClassroomThis group is for Music City Romance Writers online classes. Our October class (October 1-31) features Kathryn Jane's Back Cover Copy . . . Shoot Me Now: Taking the pain out of blurbs, product descriptions and pitches.Created:
2 Members,
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MCS-CAMCS-CanadianSources is a support, information and resource exchange for those living and coping with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Environmental Illness (EI), or Chemical Injury (CI). We also discuss invisible illnesses as they relate to chemical sensitivities. Since January 2001, we have offered support to Canadians dealing with the challenges of living and coping with MCS/EI/CI. Altho...Created:
45 Members,
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MCS-Talking-Tech / MCS Talking TechA forum for Manhattan Country School parents to talk about the role of technology in their children's lives and to share resources for being tech-savvy parents. Please remain kind, respectful and on-topic.Created:
12 Members,
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MCT-TRBEmail list for Mountain Community Theater's 2022 production of The Robber Bridegroom. Includes cast, crew, and design personnel.Created:
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MCTransitionsMCTransitions is a grassroots listserve for adults with disabilities, families and professionals advocating for adults with mild to significant disabilities as they transition from school age entitlements in Maryland to young adulthood and beyond. Purpose is to share information, provide each other support, and work to improve services and outcomes for adults with disabilities in the State of Mary...Created:
745 Members,
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MCTT / Madera County Tech TeamThis group is for the Madera County Technology Team; a group of IT administrators and colleagues who serve Madera County, CA.Created:
15 Members,
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mcuboot / MCUBootMCUBoot is a secure boot for 32-bit Microcontrollers! Please see for information on the Tech Forum (formerly TSC) meeting that happens twice a month.Created:
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MCUUThe MCUU discussion group is for people interested in the Mystic Circle Of Unitarian Universalists. It is intended primarily for students in the novitiate year participating to discern if they have a vocation as a lay monk. Other people are welcome as well who are interested in the mystical spiritual life regardless of faith tradition. The discussions are based on what is commonly thought of as ...Created:
4 Members,
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mcwfriends / Friends - Montgomery County WoodturnersFriends of Montgomery County Woodturners are non-members who receive the club's monthly newsletter and an occasional note about the goings on of the club.Created:
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mcwmembers / Members - Montgomery County WoodturnersMontgomery County Woodturners is a woodturning club affiliated with the American Association of Woodturners that meets at the Woodworkers Club in Rockville, MarylandCreated:
75 Members,
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mcwofficers / Officers - Montgomery County WoodturnersMontgomery County Woodturners is a woodturning club affiliated with the American Association of Woodturners who meet at the Woodworkers Club in Rockville, MarylandCreated:
14 Members,
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MD-ALLEGANYGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in Allegany County, Maryland. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list MDALLEGA.Created:
76 Members,
9 Topics,
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MD-ANNE-ARUNDELGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list MDANNEAR.Created:
28 Members,
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MD-BALTIMOREGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons who may have had a life event in Baltimore County, Maryland. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list MDBALTIM.Created:
45 Members,
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md-bike / Maryland Bicycle AdvocatesMailing list for discussion and coordination among Maryland bicycle advocates. Topics include statewide legislation, engagement with state agencies, and discussion between local advocates to replicate local successes.Created:
27 Members,
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