Fleet19 / Fleet 19For members of a fleet of sailboats, the Santana 20, who regularly sail on FernRidge Lake.Created: 5/18/20
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Fleet59buccsCarolinas Buccaneer Fleet 59Created: 10/22/19
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FleetCCGroup for the Fleet Cruising Club www.fleetcruisingclub.co.ukCreated: 11/02/17
4 Members,
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FleetCruisingClubGroup for members and friends of the Fleet Cruising Club.Created: 9/08/17
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fleetstudygroupDiscussion group for the Fleet Study GroupCreated: 3/31/19
23 Members,
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Mar 18
Fleischmann-Model-Trains / Fleischmann Model Trains* This group is for the serious or casual collector, restorer and operator of Fleischmann Model Trains. If you have no interest in model trains, please do not ask to join. Members require approval before being allowed to join the group. New member posts will be moderated. Be respectful of others. Foul language will NOT be tolerated. * NO ADVERTISING please, except for model railway shows. * When p...Created: 12/03/17
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FleischmannPROFIBOSSI want to use JMRI with PROFIBOSS via Ulhenbrock USB Adapter 63130. What kind of Center should i use in JMRI/ connection ?Created: 5/24/22
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flevofan / Flevobike FanclubDiscussion and information about Flevobikes and all other recumbent bikes/trikes with centre steering.Created: 12/06/20
99 Members,
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FlewellingFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Flewelling surname.Created: 1/19/20
6 Members,
5 Topics,
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FlexitSidecarOwnersGroup / Flexit Sidecar Owners GroupA group for all topics, help and fun with our Flexits! Hello New Member Applicant to Flexitsidecarownersgroup.groups.io or FSOG. By way of introduction to our group and for the purpose of your subscription to FSOG being approved, we now require that all new members post a brief introduction about themselves to our group letting us know how they became aware of FSOG and interest in this Group. ...Created: 3/20/18
56 Members,
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Feb 7
Flexradio-DL / Flex 6xxx - DL Benutzer Gruppedeutschsprachige Flex 6xxx User Gruppe bitte gebt euer Rufzeichen an 73 Chris DL5NAMCreated: 8/28/18
113 Members,
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Mar 6
FlexRadioContestingForum to discuss how Flex Radio is being used in Amateur radio contesting.Created: 4/17/19
18 Members,
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FlexradioEALista de correo para intercambio de información entre usuarios de equipos SDR FlexRadio de habla hispana.Created: 8/03/17
6 Members,
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FlexRadioSmartSDR / FlexRadioSmartSDRThis Discussion group is for FLEX radios using the SmartSDR architecture. The new hardware architecture has multiple processors including a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The FPGA supports direct Digital Down Conversion of the signal and provides tremendous processing power in the radio. SmartSDR is the software running on the radio controlling it all. The user interface is thin client and ...Created: 5/24/13
1,786 Members,
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flexspec / FlexSpec Solid Spectrography to meet Flexible RequirementsFlexspec - the 3D flexible spectrograph This group is dedicated to work with the FlexSpec. Flexible in the sense it may be altered to meet the needs of observing programs easily. The project addresses world-wide federation of collaborating small telescope scientists to meet requirements to obtain continuous multi-longitudinal high cadence and high quality spectrographic observations of selected t...Created: 10/01/22
13 Members,
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flfd2023officersOfficers of the Fort Lee Fire DepartmentCreated: 1/14/23
16 Members,
22 Topics,
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flfdco3Group used for information purposes for members of Hook & Ladder Co #3 Fort Lee Fire Department.Created: 12/02/19
31 Members,
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Mar 10
FLFDRulesandRegsCommitteeThe group will be used by members of the Fort Lee Volunteer Fire Department rules and regulations committee, responsible for the development of administrative procedures and regulations used by the volunteer fire departmentCreated: 1/05/20
8 Members,
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FLFineandFeeJusticeThis is a group for all participating members of the Florida Counties for Fine and Fee Justice network.Created: 6/04/20
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flfo2023 / Fundamentos lógico formales de las ontologías.Esta lista de discusión está dedicada a la comunicación entre el profesor y los estudiantes del curso de postgrado Fundamentos lógico formales de las ontologías (FLFO), de la Escuela de Invierno de la Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas.Created: 3/17/23
5 Members,
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