dalagerMessages to and from DalagersCreated:
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DalcassianFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – DalcassianCreated:
10 Members,
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DaleCoCERTThis group provides help for Dale county Alabama and surrounding areas as need arises during hazardous conditions and/or Incidents that require immediate attention.Created:
7 Members,
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DaleEMS / Dale EMS and Rescue Squad MembersDale EMS and Rescue Squad MembersCreated:
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DaleEMSRescueSquadAnnouncements / Dale EMS & Rescue Squad AnnouncementsDale EMS & Rescue Squad Announcements We will utilize this email system to keep you informed of squad events and news. We will not flood your email inbox with spam. You can also stay informed of squad events and news by visiting our social media outlets: facebook.com/DaleRescue Instagram: @DaleRescueSquad Twitter: @DaleRescue TikTok: @DaleEMSRescueSq LinkedIn: Dale EMS & Rescue Squad...Created:
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DaleOfShadows / Dale of Shadows 5eThis is a Forgotten Realms 5e campaign starting at level 0 and running indefinitely. The starting locale is Shadowdale. The year is 1492. We'll start with a Session 0 to come up with some ground rules. I'd love daily posts, but I know we all have real lives. Try to post at least once a week just to let us know you're still here. DM reserves the right to act for your character if time d...Created:
6 Members,
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DaleviewFeetDaleview Feet Swim Team in Silver Spring MarylandCreated:
232 Members,
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DaleviewSwimTeamDaleview Pool Swim Team in Silver Spring MarylandCreated:
3 Members,
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dalewoodglenGroup page for directors and unit owners of Elgin Standard Condominium Corporation No.16, known as "Dalewood Glen"Created:
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Dallas-OR-Therapy-Dogs / Dallas and Salem Oregon Therapy DogsThis group is for Dallas, Oregon and Salem, Oregon area Alliance of Therapy Dog teams to conduct their business. This group is for sharing information about visits and other therapy dogs related information.Created:
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DALLAS4thSaturdayInvestors / Dallas 4th Saturday InvestorsThe 4th Saturday Investors Groups meets each 4th Saturday morning for breakfast and an investing related presentation. Our focus is on Equities. PLEASE - NO SOLICITATION on the group or the email listCreated:
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DallasBeadSocietyDallas Bead SocietyCreated:
26 Members,
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dallasdogsports / DALLAS DOG SPORTS IO GROUPDallas Dog Sports - Dog Agility Training Center located in Wylie, TX Private group for current Members or Students of DDS.Created:
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dallasexecunet / Dallasexecunet (MEG)A Dallas-Ft.Worth based career networking group senior and mid-level executives (Director through C-level) looking to transition into new roles or assist others in their career search. This group was re-founded on groups.io by Midge Duncan in October 2019. We are a peer accountability group that operates under the "Servant Leadership/Pay-it-Forward" principal. In addition to the practical ...Created:
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DallasFilmCasting / Dallas Film CastingAs I get casting info for feature films in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas area I will share it for both multi-million Hollywood films and micro-budget indies; both feature films and shorts. If you know of any casting calls (yours or others) please e-mail me with all the pertinent info, including time, location, pay (if any), etc. and an e-mail and/or contact phone number. I hope that all info I ...Created:
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2 Members,
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DallasMarathonComms / Dallas Marathon CommsPrior to completing your request to join, or shortly after acceptance, we ask that you configure your Display Name to also show your Call Sign. Ex: Dallas Marathon - DW5MCS to ease in identifying our operators. This Groups.io site has been created to aid in communication between volunteers and leadership staff. We will post all logistics and event information on the Dallas Marathon Comms Websit...Created:
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DallasMesh / DallasMeshDallas Mesh is just a dream right now for a planned community group working to build a mesh network of solar-powered Meshtastic radios in the Dallas Ft Worth metro area. This network could act like a city-wide text messaging system, allowing people to communicate publicly or privately with anyone on the network. All of this happens without any external infrastructure – no power, no cell phone to...Created:
36 Members,
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dallasrpi / Dallas Raspberry Pi User GroupDallas area Raspberry Pi enthusiastsCreated:
55 Members,
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dalmatiansforever / Dalmatians ForeverCreated:
3 Members,
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