badassmastermindMastermind group for badass entrepreneursCreated:
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BadBoys / Bad Boys of AMAn invitation only group for people deemed worthy. You're not afraid to speak your mind but are able to hold a conversation with others and respect others opinions. Being deemed a bad boy is not that you are a troublemaker. It is the kind of equipment you are running on AM. Bad Boy Transmitters IE Big, Heavy and powerful period. Now we can go on with other "attitudes" with on the air s...Created:
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badcatdesigns / BadCatDesignsSupport for lace knitters working on any BadCatDesigns knitting pattern. This is a group that lived at Yahoo for many years and is moving over.Created:
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BADCBKLAWThe Bar Association of DC Bankruptcy Law Section The BADC is DC's voluntary bar and seeks to promote civility, justice and collegiality among members of the legal profession in the nation's capital. Members of the BADC distinguish themselves by volunteering their time and talents to advance civility, justice, and the nation's capital community's access to legal services. The Bank...Created:
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BaddersFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BaddersCreated:
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BadDogBooksCreated as an email list for The Review Crew, as well as anyone else interested in receiving free books for review. We offer a mix of eBooks and hard copies, in all genres. (Note: There is a separate dedicated to only cozy mysteries.)Created:
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baden-wuerttemberg / Baden-WürttembergAhnen- und Geschichtsforschung in Baden-Württemberg. Eine deutschsprachige Gruppe.Created:
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Baden-Wurttemberg / Baden-Wurttemberg Genealogy and HistoryGenealogical research in the Baden, Hohenzollern, and Wurttemberg region. Communication language is English.. The history of Baden-Württemberg covers the area included in the historical state of Baden, the former Prussian Hohenzollern, and Württemberg, part of the region of Swabia since the 9th century.[1] In the 1st century AD, Württemberg was occupied by the Romans, who defended their co...Created:
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badgerdachsAKC Dachshund Breed Club - shared files, notices to members, queries from members and the responsesCreated:
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Badgerdog / BadgerdogThe new home of the former Yahoo group BadgerdogCreated:
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BadgerStateChapter / Badger State Chapter of the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage FoundationThis is a meeting place for members of the Badger State Chapter of The Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc., and others who share this interest. Everyone who is involved in learning about, and discussing the Corps of Discovery is welcome to become a member of this Group. Members of the Badger State Chapter will become full members of this Group when they apply. To guard against spammi...Created:
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badiscussWelcome to the! PURPOSE: The purpose of this list is to enable individuals who belong to Congregation Beth Aaron to have a private means of communicating with each other on shul matters, and on other issues of general interest to shul members. DISCLAIMER: This discussion group has no official connection with Congregation Beth Aaron and is not sanctioned in any way by the...Created:
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badonkadonk / BadonkadonkBadonkadonk is a Bradford UK, monthly game development meet up in a pub. A chillaxed 2 hour get together in a pub for game creators in the Bradford area to play each others games (finished digital to paper prototypes to fully realised tabletop games), get face-to-face feedback and general tomfoolery. The format is flexible and anyone can show up as long as they are making (or would like to maek)...Created:
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badx / Boston Area DXersBoston Area DXersCreated:
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BAEFBay Area Education FoundationsCreated:
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BaehrFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to this group.Created:
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BAEHS62 / Buenos Aires English High School - Clase de 1962Éste es el grupo de la clase de 1962 del Buenos Aires English High School, que reemplaza el homónimo grupo de Yahoo.Created:
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BAEMBay Area Engine Modelers (BAEM) is a volunteer group of engine enthusiasts who design, construct and exhibit fully functioning model engines.Created:
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BAEurogameThis is a group aimed at collecting a group of (mature) players for regular gaming at my house or a public forum in San Carlos, (mid-penisula) Bay Area. If you are looking for a weekly gaming group interested building a great social gaming group then please join We are willing to play any type of board/card game such as: * Multi-player games(including "Eurogames"): like Settlers of Catan, ...Created:
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BAFeedback / Blind Artists FeedbackBlind Artists Feebback. An email list for blind musicians to evaluate each other's work and offer constructive feedback.Created:
21 Members,
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