WestgateConsistoryThis listserv will be used to keep the Fraters o Westgate Consistory, abreast of relevant informationCreated:
69 Members,
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WestHawaiiDistrictAl-Anon West Hawaii DistrictCreated:
6 Members,
2 Topics,
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WestHempsteadNewsNews about our West Hempstead communityCreated:
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Westhempsteadshuls / WestHempsteadShulsWestHempsteadShuls is an announcement list for the Jewish community and shuls in West Hempstead. The primary goal of the list is to be an effective tool in the building and maintenance of our community. This list is intended to allow members of the community to communicate with one another. Please note that this list is moderated. All messages must be approved by the Moderator. We reserve the rig...Created:
313 Members,
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WestHoustonModelRailroadClubInformal group of model train enthusiasts on west side of Houston. Membership open to anyone interested.Created:
20 Members,
55 Topics,
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westiesIIA group for anyone in love with West Highland White Terriers!! This group used to be a YAHOO group. It is a private group and you must ask to join it. Most of the members have a long history with their little white dogs. It's a place to come for answers or to provide answers for others. We are like family here. No misbehavior will be tolerated.Created:
2 Members,
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1 Member,
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WestIslandGeneralWest Island Model Railroad ClubCreated:
61 Members,
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westlahardware / West LA Hardware GroupAn mailing list for the West LA Hardware group. This group integrates with the westlahardware Slack.Created:
14 Members,
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WestLakesU3AFHG / West Lakes U3A FHGChat group for West Lakes U3A Family History GroupCreated:
8 Members,
2 Topics,
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WestlandBusStopBlues / Westland Bus Stop BluesThis group is for people who are interested helping MCPS undertand the importance of a bus stop at RCFES to/from Westland MSCreated:
63 Members,
19 Topics,
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westlaurel / West Laurel Discussion BoardThis discussion group was designed strictly for West Laurel, Maryland residents to share thoughts, ideas, information and opinions in a responsible and courteous manner. Personal attacks, political ads, non-contributory, and commercial posts for services/goods for sale will not be approved. Posts are reviewed by a group of volunteer moderators. Not all posts are approved. You must provide your ...Created:
575 Members,
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WestLondon-SPGBList for members of West London branch of the Socialist Party to discuss.branch and Party matters.Created:
3 Members,
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westlondondawah / West London DawahAllah's Messenger, Muhammad ﷺ said, "I have left you upon clear proof, its night is like its day, no one deviates from it except one who is destroyed, and whoever lives (long) from amongst you will see great controversy. So stick to what you know from my Sunnah (example) and the Sunnah of the orthodox, rightly-guided caliphs - cling to that with your molar teeth, and stick to obedience e...Created:
1,182 Members,
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WestLondonDistrictFor the purpose of storing West London District documentationCreated:
1 Member,
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westlondonPIUp to date information on all the PI committee's business stuff and Minuets as well as service guidelines etc.Created:
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WestMichiganHams / West Michigan HamsA gathering place for amateur radio operators and amateur radio clubs in West MichiganCreated:
45 Members,
268 Topics,
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westminster-ma-democrats / Westminster (MA) DemocratsHello! You do not have to be a member of the Westminster Democratic Town Committee to subscribe to this group or to participate in Westminster DTC events and activities. Please consider joining this group if your politics lean progressive and you live in Westminster, Massachusetts. Subscribers receive: The latest information about Westminster (Massachusetts) Democratic Town Committee meetings an...Created:
18 Members,
28 Topics,
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WestminsterAstro / Westminster Astronomical SocietyWe are the Westminster Astronomical Society, a group of amateur astronomers bringing the universe to Carroll County, Maryland since 1984. This is a message group for Westminster Astronomical Society members to ask questions and discuss general astronomy related subjects. You must be a current member in good standing to remain in this group: https://www.westminsterastro.org/join-wasi/.Created:
119 Members,
769 Topics,
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WestMIWXAlertsWest Michigan Weather Email AlertsCreated:
3 Members,
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