CawleyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – CawleyCreated:
5 Members,
4 Topics,
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CAWS-2026CAWS 2026 Florida ConventionCreated:
27 Members,
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Cayce-Readings / The Readings of Edgar CayceLets have friendly discussion on the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce. What we have learned from the readings, and how they have helped us to achieve health, and understanding of things spiritual, the ancient mysteries, and things yet to come. Much can be learned about ancient history. Cayce was a great soul, with wonderful mystical abilities. We discuss mystics, psychics, reincarnation, past ...Created:
34 Members,
11 Topics,
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Caylor-genealogy / Caylor History and GenealogyA genealogy discussion group for the Caylor surname and variations including Kaylor, Caler, Kaler, Cailor, Kailor.Created:
4 Members,
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Caymanconnection / Cayman ConnectionThis Genealogy mail list discussion group is for the purpose of sharing and learning more about the History and Genealogy of Families in and from the Cayman Islands. If you think you may have a Cayman family connection then you are welcome to ask to join our group. This Group was created in Nov 2019 as a way of preserving over 20 years of discussions, photos, and files from the original Cayman con...Created:
557 Members,
13,348 Topics,
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caymanianvoicesA group where recordings about the Cayman Islands can be sharedCreated:
1 Member,
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caymanimagesa group for sharing photos and images of the Cayman Islands and its peopleCreated:
4 Members,
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CaytonFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - CaytonCreated:
4 Members,
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CazenoveArea / Cazenove Area Action GroupCazenove Area Action Group (CAAG) is the residents' association for Cazenove ward in Hackney, London N16. This is a general email discussion group for any local interests.
117 Members,
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cazstubes / Caz's TubesTubes from Caz, formerly Sassy Illusions. Here is where I will share my tubes, PSP snags and the occasional tag offer.Created:
164 Members,
638 Topics,
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cb / Camp Celestial BodiesCelestial Bodies is a camp at Burning Man. This is our main communication hub for important camp business and idle gossip.Created:
126 Members,
203 Topics,
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CB-LThis elist is for the discussion of all aspects of the making and shooting of bullets which are CAST LEAD in any firearms whether the firearm is made for black powder or smokeless. This may include bumping or swaging bullets which are CAST. NO discussion of jacketed bullets is allowed as that is to take place on BULLETSWAGING or RELOAD-L. Blackpowder load discussions are on the BP-L elist. The BP-...Created:
870 Members,
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CB1100RAn email list for everyone who owns a Honda CB1100R or is interested in this bike. Honda's first race homologation special from the early 80's. One of the very special air cooled in line fours.Created:
4 Members,
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CB2HAM / CB2HAMGroup open only to licensed radio amateurs who are interested in converting CB radios to ham bands. Please state your callsign to join. Your email must be linked to your callsign.Created:
540 Members,
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cb4s / Chromebooks 4 SeniorsThis is a discussion group for followers of the Chromebooks 4 Seniors website. If you use a Chromebook, and especially if you are a senior citizen, this is where you can get questions answered. If you are a parent or a grandparent, or even a business person, a Chromebook could be for you. You do not have to be a student to use a Chromebook.Created:
1 Member,
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cbaA mailing list for Cynthia Burrage ArmourCreated:
3 Members,
2 Topics,
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CBAGradsThis is a group for discussions of all things dog - primarily behavior, but also their health and well being. Members of this group have taken Academy Classes (Canine Behavior Academy or Academy of Dog Behavior).Created:
173 Members,
336 Topics,
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cbc-rwaSouthern Idaho (Boise-centered) chapter of Romance Writers of AmericaCreated:
20 Members,
1,391 Topics,
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cbcr / Carolina Border Collie RescueNon-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of abandoned, neglected and mistreated Border Collies in the state of North Carolina.Created:
70 Members,
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CBCT-TeachersThe intention of this group is to help teachers of CBCT® connect and engage with one another. Teachers will be able to ask each other questions, have discussions about techniques, share different ideas and whatever else we come up with. We do not permit the following: Pornography, adult content or nudity. Harassment of any kind. Groups that share media or content whose distribution would be in vi...Created:
2 Members,
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