A place for OPS retirees
Created: 6/11/24
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
OPSME / Oak Park Society of Model Engineers
We are the Oak Park Society of Model Engineers, a HO Model Railroad Club in Oak Park Illinois since 1964 This is the central location for communications of club activities and members
Created: 5/01/18
52 Members, 2,413 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 20
OPT grupa 12 osób odrabiających semestr 2 z 2019/2020
Created: 10/05/20
5 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Optacon / opticon discussion group
This is the easy to use email group for the discussion of all things Optacon. The Optacon was made by Telesensory and is the best device for the blind to feel printed material and even graphics and words on a screen or display or monitor or TV. No inappropriate or unimportant posts will be accepted, so your inbox will be respected.
Created: 2/22/24
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post: 2/22/24
optacon-l / optacon-l dicussion group that is easy to use and respectful
This email group is for the discussion of all things Optacon which is the best device for the blind to feel any print material or even words and graphics on computer screens. It was built by Telesensory. This group will never tolerate any unkind or inappropriate postings. In addition, any off-topic or unimportant postings will not be posted, so your email inbox will be respected.
Created: 2/22/24
4 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 2/23/24
Optcom Online Community
Created: 3/24/18
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Optec / Optec, Inc. User Group
The OPTEC user group exists to promote the proper usage of all of Optec's astronomy and telescope related products.
Created: 10/02/02
805 Members, 1,110 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 16
Optical-EME / Optical-EME
The purpose of this group is to explore the technical possibility of optical telescope Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) communications by licensed radio amateurs with an FCC license grade of Technician or higher. Only an interest in optical-EME is required to join this group, but messages to the group should only be posted by FCC-licensed amateur radio operators of any license class. This group is free on g...
Created: 2/18/24
9 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 7
Forensic Spectrographic investigations involving materials analysis using optical light excitation.
Created: 11/21/23
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Subjects having to do with Optical Spectroscopy
Created: 11/22/23
8 Members, 31 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 9
opticks / Opticks
Opticks users forum. Opticks is an open source software package providing GPU accelerated optical photon simulation, enhancing Geant4 simulations of particle physics detectors with the NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing engine. Links to presentations and papers on Opticks and how to get and install the software: https://simoncblyth.bitbucket.io https://bitbucket.org/simoncblyth/opticks
Created: 6/23/18
41 Members, 88 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 20
Optik / Eye'M an Optik Insider
Optik Insders: For Eye Guys & Gals with a passion for independent Canadian eye care professional success and personal growth. Contribute to the group and be the first to know what's hot and not in Canadian eye care. We'll have short (really short) questions for you to give your opinion. We will publish your opinions, but never with your name, if you don't want to -- but we encoura...
Created: 9/21/20
4 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 9/22/20
email test
Created: 3/09/21
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
OptimysticsOnly / Optimystics Only
Due to inactivity on this platform, this group has been moved to MeWe. Please visit this link for more information on how to join us over there. Think there's more to life than just day to day living? Come join us for sometimes intense, friendly discussions related to questioning reality, alternate timelines/lives, and exploring different viewpoints/perspectives. Also discussions related to po...
Created: 3/09/15
10 Members, 4,126 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 20
There seems to be a lack of communities that support shared ideas in regards to using the leverage of options of equities (stocks) to profit week over week. This is a community that will share back tested ideas and information to help all all members make directional long or short call swing trades based. The group will be limited to 50 people who actively seek patterns and trends that help ind...
Created: 6/06/19
3 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
OptionTraders247 / OptionTraders 24/7
[English text below] Dit is een forum in eerste instantie voor optietraders. Het is een plaats om te praten over optie-strategieën, brokers, tradingplatformen, charting, websites over traden en beleggen, ... De gespreksonderwerpen mogen divers zijn, zolang er maar een raakvlak is aan de beurs, beleggen en/of opties. Pure reklame-posts worden geweerd. Verwijzingen naar mogelijk interessante co...
Created: 3/09/18
25 Members, 18 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 9/16/19
The Optoelectronics Mailing List is an email list for the purpose of discussing the Optoelectronics products. Spam will NOT be tolerated. Anyone sending spam to the list will be removed and banned. Rules: No flaming. No spam. That's it! Please tell your friends about this list so they can sign up!
Created: 10/17/19
6 Members, 10 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 5/17/23
Oficjalna Lista Dyskusyjna Księstwa Opuncji.
Created: 4/02/20
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
OpusDomini / Opus Domini
Opus Domini is a Catholic homeschool support community in Central Ohio. Opus Domini is YOUR homeschooling community! We exist to help our members connect with each other to plan classes, activities, and social gatherings with other Catholic homeschoolers. This is also the perfect place to ask questions, request prayers, and seek encouragement for your homeschooling journey. Opus is not a co-op but...
Created: 8/21/18
135 Members, 1,597 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 19
oq / OQ
OQ: Orlando & Quinota
Created: 10/13/20
13 Members, 1,147 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 18