CatzNDogzCatzNDogz coming soonCreated:
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CaubleFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - CaubleCreated:
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CaughronFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Caughron surname.Created:
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cauhfGroup for the Central Arkansas UHF Group. This is a group of ham radio (aka amateur radio) enthusiasts in central Arkansas.Created:
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cauldron-of-crowsNot so much a writing group, more a cauldron of crows stirred by a stag-headed being and seasoned with otter tears. Meets in person in Edinburgh for mutual support and to deepen our writing practice, especially poetry.Created:
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caulleryAmicale de généalogistes amateurs partageant un intérêt commun pour Caullery*, son histoire et celle de ses habitants. Site web : *(France, Hauts-de-France, Cambrésis, Code Postal 59191, Code Insee 59140)Created:
23 Members,
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causbyMailing list for those researching the Causby surname (including variations in spelling such as Causbie)Created:
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Cavalcade-USAWe are a world-wide group of Suzuki Cavalcade owners. Our mission is to share ideas, plan gatherings and give information and advice to one another to keep these magnificent motorcycles in top-notch condition.Created:
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cavalierbreedersA group for the breeders listed at www.cavalierbreeders.comCreated:
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cavalierclubA group for the members of Cavalier ClubCreated:
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cavalierpedigreesA group for all who use the Cavalier Pedigrees website.Created:
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cavaliers / Cavaliers is for all Cavalier loversCavaliers is for anyone that owns, breeds or even just likes Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs. The list is for people to come together to share knowledge of the breed and to become friends.Created:
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Cave-aholicsAnonymousThe group is for all who want to recover from underearning and all its manifestions: hiding, biting, underspending, clinging to "underearning" possessions. This is a sharing forum and not a feedback forum. We refrain from crosstalk - just as we do in face-to-face meetings.Created:
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caveman / CavemanThe story of human evolution, cavemen and apemen are the subject of this egroup. From the Leaky researches in Africia to the cave picture in French caves , these men are just bones to us. Big boned Neanderthals and smaller boned Cro-Magnon used different stone tools. Anything older than 4000 bc is a subject for this group about the origin of man... Group rules 1) Courtesy is required at all time...Created:
8 Members,
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Cavendish-SurnameFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – CavendishCreated:
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caversA group for cave explorers/divers, cave researchersCreated:
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cavetelescopesThanks for taking the time to visit this corner of cyberspace. Here, is your little spot on the web to share information, restoration tips and techniques, regarding telescopes produced by The Cave Optical Company. Our group will strive to be the best resource for these classic scopes. This site is a constant work in progress as we continue to keep the dream alive.Created:
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CAvG / Canberra Aviation GroupA group for all Canberra based Aviation Enthusiasts. We don't get the quantity of flights found in other airports but we do get the quality with military, diplomatic and VIP flights all operating from Canberra plus the normal commercial flights. The group's emphasis is on photography and spotting with some members having a keen interest in aviation history.Created:
11 Members,
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CavinessFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - CavinessCreated:
3 Members,
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CavittFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – CavittCreated:
13 Members,
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