TestwupperExperimental siteCreated:
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testxmectest xmec for testingCreated:
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testy-testthis is a test groupCreated:
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TestzweckeNur für TestzweckeCreated:
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testzyyneThis a test descrption for a test groupCreated:
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tetaggiesA mailing list for Former Students of the Telecommunications Engineering Technology program at Texas A&M University.Created:
115 Members,
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Tetazoo / Tetazoo: Third East Traveling Animal ZooThird East Traveling Animal Zoo. If you belong here, you know what that means...Created:
218 Members,
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Tetley-genealogy / Tetley genealogyFor the discussion of the genealogy of families with the names Tetley, Tettley, Titley, Tatley, Tetlow, and other similar names, wherever in the world they are.Created:
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TetonsGroup.io page to organize the Midlothian, VA YMCA Indian Guides-Princess tribe The Tetons of the Sioux Nation. This is a program developed by the YMCA to foster positive relationships between Fathers and their Daughters. The purpose of this page is to organize campouts and events for The Teton tribe.Created:
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tetra / TETRA Amateur Radios Discussion GroupTETRA Amateur Radios Discussion Group Tetra and Amateur Radio https://groups.io/g/Tetra Discuss TETRA systems and hardware here. Programming questions related to TETRA may also be posted to this group. TETRA has been slow to catch on in North America for regulatory and commercial reasons, but is starting to come into its own. TETRA was born in ETSI in the 1990s, when the professional mobil...Created:
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tetrasociety / Tetra High IQ SocietyTetra High IQ Society have one condition for membership - IQ at least 4 standard deviations above average of populationCreated:
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tetssshi there, Marina would like to meet with you! unsub hereCreated:
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TEU-ContainersA group dedicated to the humble boxCreated:
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TexarkanaTOGA / Texarkana TOGAA group for dissemination of information on the Texarkana TOGA. This group was formerly known as Northeast Texas TOGA, but was renamed when the event moved from Lone Oak, Texas to Texarkana, Arkansas in 2020. TOGA is an acronym for TreadleOn Gathering and Academy. Texarkana TOGA is an annual event for men and women interested in antique and vintage sewing machines, collecting, using and repairing ...Created:
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TexasGenealogy research in TexasCreated:
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Texas-Admiralty-ScuttlebuttTexas Admiralty Scuttlebutt is an open communications channel for Admirals and other Officers of the Texas Navy.Created:
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texas-asl / Texas ASLWhy do you call yourselves a club? We're not really a club in any formal sense. We don't have dues, membership cards, etc. We're just a bunch of guys who hang together because of a common interest: ASL. But it's easier to say and write "club" than launch into a long explanation every time we want to refer to ourselves collectively. Are there dues required for membership...Created:
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TexasBoomersThe Texas Boomers are a group of RVs who focus on Fun, Food and Friends. We meet once per month for thematic rallys throughout the state. New members welcome. There are no membership fees whatsoever.Created:
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TexasCzechs / Texas CzechsTexas Czechs, originally known as the "Electronic Czechs," is a group of collective souls which includes (but is not limited to) members of the Czech Heritage Society of Texas. We are joined together by kinship and a love of our Czech culture. We have discussions regarding food, families, traditions or just growing up Czech. We tend to share a love of history and that may include our genea...Created:
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texasfelix / Texas FelixWelcome to Texas Felix This is a place to talk about our Pets & Family adventures. Named in memory Felix the cat. Felix crossed the Rainbow Bridge April 1, 2002.Created:
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