scnworkinprogressSCN Work in ProgressCreated:
22 Members,
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SCOAjudgeseducation / SCOA Judges Education CommitteeSaluki Club of America - judges education committeeCreated:
6 Members,
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scoil-bheoSignup and administration list for the in-person Jerry Tobin Irish Language SchoolCreated:
4 Members,
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SCOM-ControllersThis group is the official successor to the SCOM-Controllers Yahoo Group. For disseminating information on any of the several S-COM, LLC repeater related products like the 7330, and legacy products like the 7K, 6K, 5K, and MRC-100 controllers and more! This list is supported by S-COM, and their engineering department is subscribed to the list.Created:
732 Members,
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SCOM7330 / S-COM 7330 SupportThis group is the official successor to the SCOM7330Beta Yahoo Group. This group provides a discussion area for SCOM 7330 owners. This list is owned by S-COM, and their engineering department is subscribed to the list.Created:
444 Members,
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SconetSouthern California Orienteering NEWS , questions and contacting others to share trips to major O events. Promoting opportunities to travel together far and wide. This group will aim at getting announcements from ALL Orienteering clubs in California and Arizona, andWestern States, and give links and reports from USA and all the world's major Orienteering events Plan your trips together - hav...Created:
1 Member,
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ScooterBoostersSupporters of automated electric scooters.Created:
2 Members,
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scopelike minds togetherCreated:
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SCOPUSAOfficersBOD-2023-2024 / The San Carlenians of Pangasinan USA, Inc.A registered tax-exempt non-profit community group incorporated in California.Created:
17 Members,
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scopusdiaries / Scopus diaries and the hacks of academiaHave you ever asked (or been asked) "if you hear of any career opportunities that could interest me, please let me know"? My response is "sign up to my group, whatever I hear or read about opportunities is there", it would be impossible otherwise to remember who might be interested this or that and I would not have the time to personalise all messages The name of the group is take...Created:
334 Members,
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scorch / SCORCHMails for the SCORCH project.Created:
147 Members,
148 Topics,
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ScoreA forum for the exchange of ideas an insights into the Score music publishing system.Created:
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scoremusThis is a list to discuss topics related to the SCORE music typesetting software written by Leland Smith. This list was originally set up by Dr. Gordon Callon and hosted at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, Canada. It lived there up through January 2021, after which Noel Cragg moved it to be hosted at (which is a small group of free ...Created:
90 Members,
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scoresheet-early-birdFor owners in Scoresheet Baseball's BL Early BirdCreated:
23 Members,
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scorex-devScorex project developers mail-list. Scorex is the modular blockchain framework .Created:
80 Members,
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ScorpionTo discuss the options in the world today.Created:
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scot-rail / Not the new Scot-RailIf you are migrating from the older Scot-Rail list please don't join this one, Please go to: Many thanks, Scot-Rail AdminCreated:
6 Members,
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scota / Scout Camps On The AirThe goal of Scout Camps On The Air is to introduce youth to amateur radio by getting them on the air. Visit us at for more information.Created:
61 Members,
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scotacommitteeScout Camps On The Air CommitteeCreated:
8 Members,
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Scotch-Irish-Gen / Scotch-Irish GenealogyThis former rootsweb list focuses on researching families who are believed to have migrated from Ulster, largely in the 18th century, to America and elsewhere and who were largely Presbyterian. In America Germans, English, et, assimilated into what became a new ethnic group. We focus on methods of tracing them back to the old country, which might not be Ireland after all. Many will find their ance...Created:
203 Members,
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