McGarrettThis group discusses Jack Lord, specifically his role as Steve McGarrett on the original/classic Hawaii Five-O.Created:
4 Members,
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mcgilchrist-irregulars / McGilchrist IrregularsWe are readers and enthusiasts of the philosopher Iain McGilchrist. We meet here to seek deeper understanding and to create fruitful relationships among ourselves.Created:
19 Members,
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McGivernsMcGivern family email listCreated:
41 Members,
25 Topics,
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McGlothlinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the McGlothlin surname .Created:
12 Members,
5 Topics,
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MCGTCHOICES / MCGT CHOICES ChapterWelcome to the Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented CHOICES Group! This is the former MCGT Homeschool Chapter Group. Families come to us because either a) they’re homeschooling and their kids’ asynchronies leave them with questions that are tough to answer in the broader homeschooling community or b) their kids’ asynchronies leave them searching for an education option beyond ful...Created:
140 Members,
2,898 Topics,
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McGuinnFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the McGuinn surname .Created:
9 Members,
5 Topics,
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McGuireFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the McGuire surname.Created:
47 Members,
8 Topics,
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McHargFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - McHargCreated:
6 Members,
4 Topics,
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mcHFmcHF QRP transceiver homeCreated:
1,069 Members,
831 Topics,
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MCHS-jazz-saxes / MCHS Jazz SaxesGroup for the saxophone section of the Moreau Catholic High School Jazz Band to communicate with each other, share music and ideas, and receive instruction and assignments form the sax coach.Created:
7 Members,
6 Topics,
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mchstudents-coping-with-covidForum for MCHS students while we are coping with covid-19 quarantine.Created:
1 Member,
2 Topics,
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mchudinfo on lawn tractor rear ensds. LT-133 rear end # 4360-105 Dana SpicerCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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McKeilPointeNeighborhoodThis is a listserve to connect the residents of Mckeil Pointe Neighborhood.Created:
28 Members,
26 Topics,
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McKelvainA list for the genealogical research of the McKelvain surname.Created:
1 Member,
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mckenneyhills / McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic AssociationListserv for the McKenney Hills-Carroll Knolls Civic Association.The McKenney Hills–Carroll Knolls Civic Association is loosely bounded by Forest Glen to the South, Georgia Ave to the East, Plyers Mill to the North, and Leslie St to the West.Created:
604 Members,
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McKenneyList / McKenney Family email list (Carlton & Anne)An email list for communicating with other members of the extended McKenney family. Intended primarily for relatives of Carlton & Anne McKenney (formerly) of Richmond, VA, but others with a connection to the family are welcome as well. (Migrated here from
22 Members,
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McKinneyARC / McKinney Amateur Radio Club MARCThis is the email reflector for the McKinney Amateur Radio Club (MARC) located in Mckinney, Tx.Created:
116 Members,
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mclamsMycophagy & Culinary Group of the Los Angeles Mycological Society. Welcome to the Los Angeles Mycological Society's mycophagy and culinary group to discuss, share and explore the multitude of ways to use fungi in the kitchen. All levels and skills welcome. Group events will be posted here. Share your recipes, culinary creations, favorite fungi resources, mushroom stories and more! Mycophag...Created:
14 Members,
3 Topics,
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McLean-FriendsWE are aMcLean Friends group living in McLean Hamlet and have about 100 members. We celebrate Hindu Festiwals and other activities.Created:
1 Member,
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McLean-ViennaVaFreecycleWe are the Freecycle group for McLean, Vienna, Great Falls & Tysons Corner, VA. For RESIDENTS of McLean, Vienna, Great Falls and Tysons Corner, VA only. YOU MUST ALREADY *LIVE* (not just work) IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD TO JOIN. You can only be a member of ONE Freecycle group. If you are a member of another Freecycle group, you must unsubscribe first before requesting membership to this group. Clic...Created:
379 Members,
10,379 Topics,
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