AHHS / Aquarium Hobby Historical Society of America (AHHS)The Aquarium Hobby Historical Society of America (AHHS) is a fellowship of collectors and amateur historians of the North American aquarium hobby. Our goal is to reminisce, exchange ideas, educate, and archive hobby history through message postings and file uploads. Trading posts are welcomed. While our Group tends to skew towards North American hobby trends shared in English, we welcome hobbyists...Created:
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AHLTurn back the clocks for some 60s hockeyCreated:
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ahlcl / APBA High Low Computer League (AHLCL)APBA Baseball high low group whose schedule runs spring, summer, and fall.Created:
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ahlimimpitempat bertukar mimpiCreated:
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ahlussunnahSalaf ahlus sunnah wal jamaahCreated:
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AhomeRadiohelp / Radio systems for the home helper centerSolutions for selecting the perfect systems for the home and more..Created:
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AHP-housing-meetup / Autism Housing Pathways housing meetup discussion groupThis is a place to meet and chat with others who participate in Autism Housing Pathways' regular housing meetup Zoom presentation and discussion. Members of this group need to attend at least one Zoom meetup every 12 months to remain in this group. Subgroups will discuss specific housing models. This is a private group; neither conversations nor personal information shared in the files are to ...Created:
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AHPDTCMembersAdirondack High Peak Dog Training Club - Members. For dog training discussion and information on events, training classes, etc. An email list for AHPDTC Members only.Created:
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AHS-73-Colts / Arlington High School (Arlington, TX) Class of 1973Arlington High School (Arlington, TX) Class of 1973 Classmate Information and Reunion PlanningCreated:
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AHSCBAXTER / AHSC, Baxter and Successor CompaniesEmployees, alumni and friends of American Hospital Supply Corporation, Baxter and Successor companies.Created:
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AHuiHou / A Hui HouA Hui Hou means "Until we meet again". We are friends and hikers from the mid-twentieth century to the present in Hawaii. We use this group to keep in touch with old friends and each other. You can post announcements and status. This is NOT A CHAT group.Created:
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ai-and-social-good / AI and Social GoodA community interested in research projects and updates on Artificial Intelligence and Social Good. This group started from the AI and Social Good workshop co-organized by Microsoft Research, University of Southern California and Indian Institute of Science. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/event/microsoft-research-india-workshop-on-ai-for-social-good/ Talks: https://www.youtube.com/playli...Created:
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AI-Art-educationWelcome to the AI Art Education Group on Groups.io! This group is dedicated to exploring the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and art. Whether you're an artist, a technologist, an educator, or simply curious about the creative possibilities of AI, you'll find a vibrant community of like-minded individuals here. **What We Offer:** 1. **Learning Resources:** Dive into ...Created:
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ai-intelligent-agentsanyone truly interested in AI intelligent agents and using those concepts to expand AI research into synthetic awareness and more, please join and actively participateCreated:
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ai-trailblazers / AI TrailblazersWelcome to Arizona's premier AI meetup, the Artificial Intelligence Trailblazers! We're a bi-weekly gathering of AI enthusiasts passionate about the transformative potential of AI. The AITB mission is to educate and collaborate on the latest AI tools and techniques, and we're dedicated to ensuring equitable access to these powerful new capabilities. Join us for presentations, discu...Created:
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AI4LanguageProfessionals / AI4LanguageProfessionalsThis group has been created to exchange information about AI for translators. It is sponsored by CotranslatorAI, which means that this forum will sometimes feature this program and any of its related events such as webinars, new versions etc. Discussion of other programs and AI solutions is also welcome. You can download a free version of CotranslatorAI at: https://cotranslatorai.com/Created:
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AIAF / Ancient Indian Astrologyമലയാളത്തില് ജ്യോതിഷികള് തമ്മില് ഭാരതീയ ജ്യോതിഷം, വിശിഷ്യ കേരളീയജ്യോതിഷം, ചര്ച്ച ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുവേണ്ടിയുള്ള ഒരു ഗ്രൂപ്പ്.Created:
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AIASFSmallFirmsCommittee / AIASF Small Firms CommitteeThe Small Firms Committee of the American Institute of Architects, San Francisco Chapter provides a group source for collecting and sharing knowledge among architects of small firms. Monthly meetings include professional presentations and round-table discussions of topics relevant to our business and the unique qualities of working in the Bay Area.Created:
248 Members,
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aicap-aifap / Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American PrisonsA replacement for the same group name in Yahoo Groups, all the users, photos, files, and messages were moved here from the original group at Yahoo Groups. AICAP/AIFAP ~ A Guide For Canadians Imprisoned Abroad http://www.voyage.gc.ca/publications/imprisonment-emprisonnement-eng Registration of Canadians Abroad http://www.voyage.gc.ca/register Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963 h...Created:
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AICCU / AICCUA place for AICCU leaders to connect and network.Created:
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