WesleyUkuleleBandSpreading aloha through ukulele!Created:
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wesnoth-packagersMailing list for announcements (ie: a new version has been tagged) for packagers of the Battle for Wesnoth.Created:
5 Members,
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wesnoth-translationsMailing list for announcements (ie: string freeze dates) related to translations of the Battle for Wesnoth.Created:
13 Members,
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wessex-sidecars-io / Wessex Sidecars.Wessex Sidecars. This Description contains 6 lines. Group contains info on the Wessex Sidecars made in UK for attaching to motorcycles. Many thanks to Organiser, Vincent H.R.D. Owners Club Sidecar Section, for help in starting this Group. To facilitate a logical sequence of Files, most Folder Names and File Names contain a relevant date in the format YYYY MM DD. That is YEAR MONTH DAY. For...Created:
27 Members,
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wessexwargamerswinchester / Wessex Wargamers WinchesterThis group is for the Members of the Wessex Wargamers Winchester Wargames Club based in Winchester, Hampshire, UK. It is for sharing ideas and arranging battles to be played at the Club which meets every Tuesday evening from 7pm to 11pm at the Badger Farm Community Centre, at the far end of the Sainsbury supermarket car park.Created:
75 Members,
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West-Coast-FFI / West Coast RV Formation Mailing ListAn email group to facilitate communication among West Coast RV pilots who wish to fly formation to FFI (Formation Flying Inc) standards. It is intended for announcing formation practice, formation events, formation clinics, formation checkrides, etc.Created:
95 Members,
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West-coast-galaxy-journal-clubUBC extragalactic journal clubCreated:
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West-Haven-CT-Care-Team / West Haven CT Community Care TeamA group of people caring about others in our community. We persevere in faith and service . We will find ways to help those who request it. .Created:
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WEST-POINT-USMA-CLASS-OF-1949 / WEST POINT United States Military Academy Class of 1949Looking for obituaries and burial information for West Point - USMA Class of 1949 . My father was one of the of 574 graduates, over 500 of them have 'faded away'. I am trying to make sure their memorials are as complete as possible. LEST WE FORGET. I created a Virtual Memorial on Find A Grave and I am trying to fill in as much information as possible. I will post requests for obituary as...Created:
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West-Riding-Yorkshire-gen / West Riding Yorkshire Genealogy GroupThis is a group for family history (genealogy) and local history researchers searching in the historic West Riding of Yorkshire. Please see the Group's Guidelines for more information. This group replaced the Rootsweb mailing list 'West-Riding' which was shut down by Rootsweb on 2 March 2020.Created:
327 Members,
180 Topics,
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West-Texas-NVIS-Net / West Texas NVIS NetNetwork of Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) stations to collaborate and communicate SSB voice and data modes. As of now, this group can be reached on JS8Call digital mode (Resource sites below): - radio dial 7.078Mhz - select "add new station or group" and add @WTXNVIS - send message or directed command to group handle @WTXNVIS. - Any stations with this handle saved in their callsig...Created:
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West-Vlaanderen-genealogie / Genealogiegroep West-VlaanderenOm een oplossing te vinden voor het verdwijnen van de Yahoo-groups, werd deze groep gecreëerd. Er wordt nog gezocht naar een moderator voor deze groep. Voelt u zich hiervoor geroepen, graag een seintje. Marc Van DammeCreated:
82 Members,
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WestBerksYSFGroup for communicating about YSF / The WB room / Pi-Star / Bridging and anything DVCreated:
7 Members,
33 Topics,
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WestBonnyDoonRoadThe West Bonny Doon Road group represents the neighborhoods of Thayer Rd, Shake Mill Road, Cold Springs Road, and Bonny Doon Road. The purpose of this group is to enable neighborhood communication for neighborhood radio drills and information, Firewise Community, and any other neighborhood-related information.Created:
7 Members,
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WestBradley / West Bradley Neighborhood Announcement ListThis is the announcement-only list for the West Bradley Neighborhood Association. West Bradley includes the homes off of Seven Locks Rd between Bradley and River Roads. This list replaces the WestBradley Yahoo Group announcement list.Created:
583 Members,
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westbridgecondoresidentsdc / Westbridge Condominium Residents Group DCThis is a listserv about life at the Westbridge Condominium DC, where residents can meet, ask questions, share experiences and concerns.Created:
6 Members,
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WestbrookGenealogyOur group invites those interested in the research and ancestry of the Westbrook family, whether in the United States, or in a number of countries throughout the world.Created:
293 Members,
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westcentralmodelers / West Central Modelersto discus and share ideas of modeling of railroads in western MinnesotaCreated:
10 Members,
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Westchestercyclingclub / West Chester Cycling ClubTo promote cycling and social connection of cyclists in the greater West Chester, PA area.Created:
518 Members,
253 Topics,
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westchestergrouptherapistsEmail group for group psychotherapists in Westchester County, NYCreated:
1 Member,
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