MCCOS / MODEL CANINE COLLECTORS ONLINE SHOWMODEL CANINE COLLECTORS ONLINE SHOW An online venue for people who collect model dogs to show their models in a realistic dog show. Model figurines made of Resin, Sandicast, Plastic, China and Customs. Other makes will show in Specials, glass, metal, paper mache, etc... EVENTS OFFERED ARE: DOG EVENTS: Herding, Treibball, Dock Diving, Lure Coursing, Terrier Racing and more https://snapbragg...Created:
23 Members,
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MccoyfamilygroupGenealogy of William McCoy and related families of Loudoun County, VA, Bedford County, VA, and Breckinridge County, KY, and Beyond. Ongoing focus on Y-DNA results to confirm relationships between McCoy families and confirm links to other surnames that are Y-DNA related.Created:
17 Members,
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McCoySoftwarethis is just for testingCreated:
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Mccpm / MCCPMThis group is for all members of the Minnesota Council of Certified Professional Midwives. New members will be invited after joining MCCPM and paying annual dues. This group is for sharing news, announcements, updates, events, and a private forum for support and consultation among midwives.Created:
19 Members,
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mccpta / MCCPTA elistsMontgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations (MCCPTA)Created:
3,028 Members,
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MCCPTAReflectionsLocal chairs from Montgomery County MD schools supporting arts in education through the National PTA Reflections program. This list is used to share information and collaborate in this annual program celebrating the creativity of students in grades Pre-K through 12.Created:
4 Members,
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mccrascA group for The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada's Marketing and Communications Committee.Created:
5 Members,
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MCCRT / Using Radio Contesting to gain opportunities to fully understand the abilities of Amateur Radio and discover its strengths and weaknesses while building team camaraderieCreated:
13 Members,
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McCubbinsFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the McCubbins surname and variations.Created:
13 Members,
4 Topics,
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McCune / McCune Surname GroupA list to ask questions about or discuss the genealogy of various people that have the surname McCune or it's variantsCreated:
4 Members,
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mcdaaWelcome to the email list of the members of the Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys' Association. Emails are private and should not be forwarded outside the list without permission of the originator.Created:
435 Members,
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McDadeHistoricalSocietyThe McDade Historical Society is formed to support our McDade community and our Museum. We meet monthly at the Downtown Barroom on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.Created:
17 Members,
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MCDF-Membership / MCDF-MembershipThe new home for members of the McKenzie Cascade Dog Fanciers to discuss club-related activities and business.Created:
20 Members,
316 Topics,
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McDonoughFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – McDonoughCreated:
14 Members,
7 Topics,
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MCECG-ECMaricopa County Emergency Communications Group Event Coordinators GroupsCreated:
11 Members,
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mcecn / Morgan County Emergency Communications NetworkMorgan County Emergency Communication Network Morgan County West Virginia This is a group of volunteers interested in building and sustaining emergency communications capabilities within and around the Morgan County West Virginia area. This group is open to anyone. Although a large portion of conversation is centered around Amateur Radio, a license is not required to participate. Please adhere to...Created:
11 Members,
71 Topics,
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mcedit / McEditApple Macintosh usage experience, discussed by users who are editors or other professionals in the editorial sphereCreated:
371 Members,
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McEnteeFamily history and/or genealogy of all whose last name was/is McEntee (and other spellings of name)Created:
1 Member,
2 Topics,
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McFarlandFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the McFarland surname .Created:
24 Members,
10 Topics,
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MCFPPA / Mercer County Fire Prevention and Protection AssociationMercer County, NJ Fire Prevention and Protection Association. Group of professionals representing the fire prevention and protection of lives and property for local, county and state government agencies, private sector, including correctional facilities, private business and educational facilities.Created:
78 Members,
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