CathcartFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – CathcartCreated:
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CatherineReutherThis group was initially created on May 3, 2004 as a Yahoo group for communication between friends and family of Catherine Virginia Reuther (January 20, 1957 - August 1, 2004.) It was initially a forum for information about Catherine's life and her battle with LAM lung disease. The group has continued (now at as a tribute to Cat and for all of us who enjoyed her warmth, wit, good ...Created:
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CatholicBibleStudy / Catholic Bible StudyFriends sharing the Catholic faith through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.Created:
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CatholicByGrace / Catholic By Grace!Group for Catholic folks for networking, prayer requests, Rosaries, and Mass and Novenas to sign up for. Also discussion about the Church welcome. No Debates allowed and no anti-Catholic posts about the Vatican, etc. We all need prayers these days! Sharing of Pro-Life information is great and some politics as far as getting the Country back to its Judeo-Christian values. Please pray for our C...Created:
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CatholicCommunity / Catholic CommunityGeneral Catholic discussionCreated:
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CatholicDeclarationOfFaith / Catholic Declaration Of Faith- Catholic Declaration Of Faith - The Apostles' Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heave...Created:
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CatholicDevotionsandPrayers / Catholic Devotions and PrayersPax Et Bonum!!! Welcome to the Catholic Devotion and Prayer list! Please take a few minutes to say hello and introduce yourself if you feel so inclined! Feel free to post devotions, favorite prayers, prayer requests, questions about the Church, Saints, mysteries of the Rosary, or whatever you want to ask! May God Bless You on your journey. While we welcome you to our group, we ask that you respect...Created:
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catholicheritagecurriculaThis group is for homeschoolers who like to use Catholic Heritage Curricula. We will allow buy/selling on here and have Flagrant Friday posts - where you can list other items for sale as long as you are willing to ship them! Remember books are the only items available for media rate. Thanks for joining our group!Created:
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CatholicHomeschoolConnection / Holy Family Homeschoolers in Colorado SpringsHello! Welcome! This is an email group created for communication, connection and community among the Catholic Homeschooling families in the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Families meet for activities at St. Patrick Catholic Church, but the group serves Catholic homeschoolers from any surrounding parish in the area. We are looking forward to meeting you and hope you find this group welcoming...Created:
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CatholicHomeschoolersofHuntsville / Immaculate Heart of Mary Homeschool GroupImmaculate Heart of Mary Homeschool Group is a support group for Catholic homeschoolers in the Huntsville, AL area. We abide by the teachings of the Catholic Magisterium. Members are encouraged to share here, ask questions, contact other members and participate in activities and field trips coordinated by the Immaculate Heart of Mary homeschool group. We strive to keep this board charitable in ton...Created:
46 Members,
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CatholicHomesteadThis is a group for Catholic people to discuss: homesteading, off-grid living, places where Catholics already have up and running communities, starting Catholic off grid and/homesteading communities, and other similar topicsCreated:
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catholichs / Catholichs - Kansas City Area Catholic HomeschoolersThe purpose of this group is to provide a means for Catholic families in the greater Kansas City area to offer support to each other as they encounter the joys and the sacrifices involved in the home education of their children. Pope St. John Paul II, in his apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio has emphasized the importance and sacred character of our role as home educators of our children: ...Created:
208 Members,
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catholicriderwood / Catholic Riderwoodto enable communication amongst the Catholics living and working at Riderwood Retirement Community in Silver Spring MarylandCreated:
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CatholicsHSVThis group was created for the Vietnamese Catholics in Huntsville, AL to communicate with one another for our spiritual wellsbeing and fellowship among our friends and families around Huntsville, Madison, Alabama and the surrounding areas.Created:
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catholicsinconversationAn email list for Catholics at Riderwood Retirement Community interested in the synodal process and sharing faith experiences.Created:
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catholicstuffDo you have questions about the Roman Catholic faith? Maybe you have wisdom that you've learned. Even if you're not Catholic, you're still welcome to this group.Created:
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cathswap / Cathswap (Catholic Curriculum Swap)The Catholic Curriculum Swap (est. 5/7/99) The Largest & Oldest Swap Resource for Roman Catholics on the Net Greetings, For twenty (20) years, Cathswap existed as a Yahoo Group. In October of 2019, Yahoo Groups changed its format and necessitated a change for our group to continue, and so we moved to Cathswap provides a place where Catholic home school families can buy...Created:
1,467 Members,
12,822 Topics,
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CathysCornerthis group is for friends to receive shares from Cathy no sharing required by membersCreated:
7 Members,
67 Topics,
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CatLovers89 / Cat Lovers GroupHello and welcome to the group Cat Lovers – I Love My Cats! We started this group so that our ameowzing fans could share THEIR CAT stories, pictures, crafts, memes, videos and ask for advice from other cat servants.Created:
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