BellesWritingFriendsA group of six friends who write and hang out together.Created:
6 Members,
104 Topics,
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BellevueARC / Bellevue Amateur Radio ClubThis group is for members of the Bellevue Amateur Radio Club (BARC) in Bellevue, Nebraska.Created:
177 Members,
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bellevuecert / Bellevue CERTCERT discussion list for the Bellevue, Washington Community Emergency Response Team volunteer group.Created:
4 Members,
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BellevueRCAeromodelersA recreational hobby group interested in flying model Remote Control aircraft of various types.Created:
25 Members,
110 Topics,
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BellEwingThis group consists of researchers and descendants interested in Thomas Bell born 05 November 1817 in Tennessee, a son of John and Nancy Bell, married to Delila Dalton Ewing, born 4 February 1822 born in Kentucky. Thomas and Delila married on 19 January 1836 in Golconda, Pope County, in Southern Illinois. They had 15 or 16 children, nine of whom survived to adulthood. The surviving children includ...Created:
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Bellezas-de-GaviotaHola Te damos la bienvenida a nuestro hermoso grupo de materiales para tus trabajos de diseños. No enseñamos tutoria, solo es de envios de materiales. No tienes que enviarnos nada. La moderadora es la unica que puede enviar material para tus trabajos. Nuestro grupo es privado, Es solo por invitacion.Created:
27 Members,
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BellflowerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BellflowerCreated:
4 Members,
6 Topics,
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bellingham-modern-quilt-guild / Bellingham Modern Quilt GuildWe meet on the first Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the Ferndale Library in Ferndale, WA. We'd love to have you join us!Created:
2 Members,
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BellinghamInsightThis group is an open forum to discuss issues, ideas, events and philosophy among friends and members of the Bellingham Vipassana community.Created:
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BellinghamTriClub / Bellingham Triathlon ClubThe Bellingham Triathlon Club's mission is to provide athletes in the Bellingham, WA area with the resources they need to be successful in multi-sport. Benefits include a variety of activities and events to: * share information on training, equipment, racing, and nutrition strategies * schedule group training rides, runs, and swims * carpool to local and regional events * obtain race course su...Created:
15 Members,
5 Topics,
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Bellizzi / The Bellizzi Extended Family Exchange SiteRestricted group for members of the extended Bellizzi family to exchange information store photos & memoriesCreated:
1 Member,
2 Topics,
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BellOldtimersThis groups is for Bell System retirees in the PA area.Created:
16 Members,
15 Topics,
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belltargetThis group is for those interested in the very old sport of Bell Target Shooting.Created:
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belltownbookarts / Belltown Book ArtsThis is the discussion board for a group of artists involved with anything to do with making books. All artists are welcome. The group meets at the ArtWorks in Edmonds at 201 2nd Ave South (when groups are allowed to meet in person again). We meet the last Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m for Show & Tell. The name is a legacy reference to our original meeting place in a Belltown coffee shop.Created:
33 Members,
317 Topics,
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bellydancesantacruzBelly Dance Santa Cruz. This group is meant for communication between different groups and individuals around Santa Cruz & the Monterey Bay Area who are involved with, or interested in the Art of Middle Eastern Dance (Belly Dance); whether it be dancing, costuming, or musical interests, postings of upcoming events/classes, ideas, related sales, and other general information are appropriate to ...Created:
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Belmont-More-Homes / Belmont Town of (More!) HomesOrganizing and information/education list for people working towards increased diversity and density of housing in Belmont, Massachusetts. In 2024, our town is changing its zoning based on the MBTA Communities law… and it’s an opportunity to rethink Belmont housing overall. Belmont leaders in the 1970s wrote, with apparent satisfaction, "This town will remain a relatively expensive place...Created:
31 Members,
89 Topics,
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BelmontMAThis is a group for residents of and people interested in Belmont, MA (originally on Yahoo group Belmont_MA). It has no official relationship to town government. It's for discussions among neighbors.Created:
639 Members,
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Below10HzResearch / Below 10 Hz Research GroupNext Research: Collecting earthquake plots using Spectrum Lab with special .usr programing. That is all you need! The signals are right there in your computer and you may not even be aware of it! See plot on this home page of this group. There are quakes world wide you can monitor using this method. Earthquake: USGS Earthquake information can be used to see your results in the Earthquake dete...Created:
32 Members,
100 Topics,
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BeltOfOrionPredictive Financial Analysis. The search through curiosity and intuitive sensibilities.Created:
3 Members,
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BeltsvilleAdventistSchool / Beltsville Adventist SchoolThis forum is for the staff at Beltsville Adventist SchoolCreated:
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