OpenComputeProjectOpen Compute Project (OCP) General DiscussionCreated:
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opencrawlerOpen crawlerCreated:
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OpenCredentialPublisherOpen Credentials Publisher is an open source system for high schools, states, education platforms, tech and certification providers to publish and review verifiable credentials. Credentials like school history, test scores, professional certifications and more, set to the international standard, IMS Global CLRs.Created:
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opendcc / OpenDCC GroupThis is the new OpenDCC group taking over from the previous Yahoo Group. The OpenDCC group exists to facilitate the development of Open Source Atmel AVR based devices that implement the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Digital Command & Control (DCC) protocols to do stuff on our model railroad layouts. The firmware development is hosted on SourceForge under the project name: op...Created:
106 Members,
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OpenDVSupport for the MMDVM, D-Star Repeater and ircDDB Gateway.Created:
912 Members,
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openfde / OpenFDEOpen Fusion Desktop EnvironmentCreated:
10 Members,
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openflOpenFL is a Python 3 framework for Federated Learning. OpenFL is designed to be a flexible, extensible and easily learnable tool for data scientists. OpenFL is hosted by Intel, aims to be community-driven, and welcomes contributions back to the project.Created:
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OpenHeartsOpenMindsThis a book clubCreated:
17 Members,
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openhitlsMail-list of openHiTLS project which aims to provide more secure, more robust, and smaller open-source cryptography & secure communication software.Created:
4 Members,
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OpenHPC-ARM / OpenHPC ARM DevelopmentARM architecture specific discussions for OpenHPC. Slack channel: http://arm-hpc.slack.comCreated:
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openlab / OpenLabOpenLab is curated infrastructure for open source testing. We call it a playground where everyone can play. OpenLab aims to address two problem areas for the open source ecosystem; shared knowledge and application of project integration and reference architectures for such integration.Created:
14 Members,
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| - News and updates on openLCA via email. For more frequent updates as well as tips and tricks, follow openLCA's Twitter or LinkedIn.Created:
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openlcb / Open model railroad Layout Control BusThis group is to facilitate the development of an new and open Model Railroad Layout Control Bus specification. See: The OpenLCB specification has been adopted as the candidate for the NMRA's Layout Command Control (LCC), and as such is also referred to as S-9.7. It is being developed by modellers for modellers. OpenLCB defines a common protocol for model railroad layou...Created:
407 Members,
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openliberty / Open Liberty projectA place to discuss, debate, and contribute to the open source Open Liberty project.Created:
319 Members,
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0 Members,
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openmindfulnessAltruistic Open Mindfulness communications and announcementsCreated:
105 Members,
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openpath / OpenPathA set of sub-groups for communities that use the OpenPath HMIS Warehouse or OpenPath CAS. The main group is not public, please subscribe to the appropriate subgroup or subgroups.Created:
9 Members,
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OpenPlacerUserA place OpenPlacers users can network, sharing experiences and knowledge. Users helping Users!Created:
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openqso / openqso = ham radio big ideasA spinoff comments and discussion forum from Do you have any ideas for improving ham radio; club membership; radio net activities; bringing in new licensees? Don't be shy - start a topic!Created:
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