mcbusMidhurst Community BusCreated:
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mcbvi-l / MCBVI-LMCBVI-L is a list where members of the Michigan Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MCBVI) can share information, ask questions, and/or make announcements regarding areas of interest to people who are blind or visually impaired.Created:
57 Members,
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McCartanGenealogy and family history research for the surname McCartan - all spellings - McCartan / McCarten / McCartin / McCarton / McCartunCreated:
8 Members,
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mccarty / McCarty GenealogyA group for research and study of the genealogy and family history of the McCarty families, including alternate spellingsCreated:
40 Members,
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McCaslinMarch 2 is approaching when Rootsweb shuts down its List email operations! Diane and I hope you will all choose to join us in this exciting new venture. Simply reply to this email and you are in. Please join us in our new home.Created:
10 Members,
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MCCD-COCandComColMadison County Community Development COC Partnership and ComColCreated:
238 Members,
60 Topics,
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Mccdla / MCCDLAThis is the listserv of the Montgomery County Criminal Lawyers Association of Montgomery County Texas.Created:
84 Members,
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mccenergia / mcc energiaDeze groep is opgericht om de leden van ex mccenergia een contactplek te bieden.Created:
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McClaffertyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – McClaffertyCreated:
3 Members,
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McClaryFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the McClary surname .Created:
6 Members,
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McClaskeyGenesThis is an egroup for all of the decendants of the McClaskey surname. This group will be a "meeting" place for all those decendants of the McClaskey's from Missouri, Kansas, Oregon, & Washington. And for McClaskey's from anywwhere no matter where they live today. Others who are connected to the McClaskey's via marriage are also invited. Some of these names (off the top of m...Created:
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McCleanFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – McCleanCreated:
10 Members,
4 Topics,
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McClellandFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – McClellandCreated:
15 Members,
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Mcclendon-JohnFormerly Rootsweb. Discussing and sharing of information on the ancestors and descendants of John Milton McClendon (1863-1935) and his wife Alice Minerva Barker. John was born in Sansaba, Texas, and died in Lubbock, Texas.Created:
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McCLOSKEY-surnameA replacement for the former McCLOSKEY mailing list hosted by Rootsweb. The topic of discussion is the McCLOSKEY surname and all variations (McCLOSKY, McCLUSKEY, McCLUSKY, McLUSKEY, McLUSKY, etc.).Created:
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McCloudRiverRailroads / McCloud River RailroadsA group to discuss any aspects of the McCloud River Railroad Company, McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud Railway Company, Shasta Sunset Dinner Train, or any other affiliated railroads or companies.Created:
45 Members,
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McClungDiscussion of McClung RelativesCreated:
5 Members,
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MCCLVMCCLV is a group primarily for those with low Vision in Missouri. This group will focus on education, advocacy, as well as being a resource in Missouri for those with limited vision.Created:
11 Members,
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mccms / MCCMS AnnouncementsThe Montgomery County Chamber Music Society (MCCMS) is a group of intermediate and advanced musicians who meet to play in small ensembles each Friday evening in Rockville, Maryland. Instrumentalists of all types are welcome. We have piano-equipped rooms and an extensive library of sheet music. You are welcome to bring music from your personal collection, too. No previous chamber music experience i...Created:
15 Members,
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MCCNaturalScienceClub / The MiraCosta College Natural Science Club Discussion BoardsThe discussion boards for the MiraCosta College Natural Science Club. Members can create subgroups for topics that interest them (member-initiated hikes/activities, natural science books you've read, topical areas such as botany, desert ecology, etc.)Created:
6 Members,
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