This group provides event information for the LGBTQI communities in and near Helena, Montana.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
May 17-18, 2023 and beyond! Come to Helen, Georgia to the Helen HarpFest and join in with some amazing teachers, Jason Ricci, Rob Paparozzi and Todd Parrott, and some amazing players to enjoy the camaraderie and learning experience that’s hard to find! The town is beautiful, rafting, tubing, amazing restaurants and of course great music! Contact us for all the details!
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Personal for my use only
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HelicallyLoadedMagLoop / Helically Loaded Mag Loop
This group is for builders and users of Helically Loaded Fractional Wave Loop Antennas, as designed by Rich, K8NDS. These small Loop Antennas are a bit different then the conventional Magnetic Loop. A conventional magnetic loop is usually smaller then a 1/0th of a wavelength. Some fractional wave loops designs here are usually between 1/4 and 1/2 electrical length. Some designs employ 2 elements t...
599 Members, 661 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Discussion of standards and conventions for metadata for units in heliophysics
11 Members, 13 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A working group of the Long Island CW Club
11 Members, 22 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
helipaddy / Helipaddy
HUMS groups
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
helipaddy1 / Imperial College HUMS Project
HUMS project group 1 email and wiki
9 Members, 8 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
helipaddy2 / Imperial College HUMS Project
Imperial College HUMS project
8 Members, 6 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Welcome to the Helium Mining Group! Helium Mining Group is the #1 Fan Club of Helium (HNT) Miners from around the World! We love mining HNT with our Helium hotspots & share great ideas about Helium hotspots, the Helium app, LoRaWAN antennas, Trading HNT, how to maximizing your HNT earnings with simple tricks & allot more! You could be earning way more HNT today! Join Helium...
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HeliumCanada / HELIUM ($HNT) Hotspots Miners Network Crypto
HELIUM (HNT) Hotspots Miners Network Crypto Join for the $HNT air drop. Helium A shared discussion about Helium HNT // #sensecapmx #MNTD #nebra #linxdot #rakwireless www.twitter.com/HeliumCanada What is helium ? Glad you asked ( About YOUTUBE Video - https://youtu.be/Vx9YyS7-d3g ) Helium Map (nodes) : https://explorer.helium.com/coverage#14/43.6488906/-79.3808726 // #s...
25 Members, 10 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
HeliumNetwork / Helium Hot spots Network Group
Welcome to Helium HotSpots Network Group "The Peoples Net Work". This is a discussion group for Helium hotspots and related items. Share your experiences tips etc and your station pictures. The group is "user owned and operated" and not affiliated with any manufacturer although employees are encouraged to participate. Third party vendors that provide related hardware or software ac...
3 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
For Helix database users transitioning to Donut
67 Members, 64 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is a group to support our D&D Campaign Hell Raisinz. We need to coordinate, file, plan and run our game
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HellaBlackHorsePatrol / Hella Black Horse Patrol
About The Black Horse Patrol Print The Hella Mounted Patrol was started in 1957 by Nobles Otto Consolvo and Ernest Webber who used hand-painted signs to identify themselves while riding horseback through the All-State Convention Parade in Fort Worth. Two months later the Hella Mounted Patrol was formed and approved in November by the Potentate. The Unit later changed its name to the He...
11 Members, 186 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HellaClowns / Hella Clowns
Hella Clowns was formed in 1954 with four Clowns. Ray Sullivan, Troy Woerner, Jamie Jamison and Lonnie Mulder who got together in Oak Cliff Texas and wrote the By-Laws for the Unit. Hella Clowns work hard for their unit to raise money for the Shrine Hospitals and they Love the Competitions with their fellow Shriners.
66 Members, 1,701 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HellaHams / Hella Amatuer Radio Club ( Hella Hams)
Hella Shrine Amatuer Radio Club We talk so our kids can heal! Amatuer radio operators that are Shriners We raise money for our Hospitals and Temple
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
for Graeco Roman pagans
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
An informal study group designed to further the ocular arts within the context of hellenic polytheism
5 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
HellenicPagan archive and emailing list.
13 Members, 10,804 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: