Catalina30 / International Catalina 30 Assn ForumAll things Catalina 30 and 309! Sponsored by the International Catalina 30 Assn IC30A. FAQs, Q&A, comments, and experiences especially fixes and modifications invited. Share with over 2200 other owners. Connect with the Association: Link to: website Link to: Association Officers and other useful Contact Info Please join the Association. Your membership will help to suppor...Created:
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catalina380 / Catalina 380, 390, 385 & 387 GroupThis group is for the owners and those interested in Catalina 380 series sailboats (Catalina 380, 390, 385 and 387). Please also consider joining the official Catalina 380 International Association at Catalina380.orgCreated:
435 Members,
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Catalina400-445 / Catalina 400/445 Owners groupCatalina 400/445 owners group forums.Note, please join individual subgroups for C400 and C445: Catalina 400 Catalina 445Created:
301 Members,
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Catalina445OwnersCurrent owners of the Catalina 445 sailboat.Created:
3 Members,
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catalina93Santa Catalina Alumnae group of 1993.Created:
5 Members,
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catalogostupper / grupotuppercatalogosA Tupperware comemora mais de 60 anos desde seu primeiro produto fabricado. Em várias décadas de história a empresa de catálogos Tupperware cresceu de poucas revendedoras para milhões em todo o mundo. Hoje seus potes de plástico são vendidos em mais muitos países e a cada dia inicia-se uma demonstração dos produtos Tupperware. O grupo é para pessoas que trabalham com os catálogos e de...Created:
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CatanaCats / Catana Catamaran Owners & wannabe'sThe New Catana Catamaran Owner discussion group: Information and advice, about sailing and maintaining Catana catamarans, shared amongst Catana owners and those interested in owning one. Our numbers are diverse, many of us have lived aboard for many years, some cruise seasonally, some have sold their boat and are wishing they hadn't, other just wish they had bought their Catana when the Euro w...Created:
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CATARSIS-STscientific group of the collaboration CATARSIS, based on a survey of 600 nights at the 3.5m telescope in Calar Alto ObservatoryCreated:
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catauto / Computer Automation Technology (CAT AUTO) Repeater Controller legacy supportSupport for the now defunct CAT Auto repeater controllers. CAT-1000 B CAT-400 CAT-250 CAT-260 CAT-200 CAT-300 DX CAT-300 DXL CAT-800 RLS-1000 Expansion board Resource for manuals and software
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CatawbaGamers / CatawbaGamersDiscussion and event notifications for gamers of historical miniatures in the Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas.Created:
14 Members,
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Catawbavalleyobedienceclub / CATAWBA VALLEY OBEDIENCE CLUB. Dog obedience training group.Non-profit, local group of dog lovers interested in obedience competition, performance events and therapy work. We hold indoor weekly training sessions in Hickory, NC, at Foothills Gymnastics, 6:30 -- 8:30 pm, on Thursdays. AKC CGC testing and prep classes, TDI therapy dog testing and prep classes are offered. CVOC offers basic obedience classes to the public at economical rates. Pre-registrat...Created:
30 Members,
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CatBehaviorConsultingMentorshipKatenna Jones' Cat Behavior Consulting mentor groupCreated:
21 Members,
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CATCadmingroupFor owners/Moderators only Contains files, etx., for use by owners/moderators Also provides a place to update messagesCreated:
2 Members,
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CatCafe / Cat CafeOpen to all Felines to stop by for a chat, drink or sleep. Frivolous, serious or surreal. Cattiness not only allowed but encouragedCreated:
2 Members,
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1 Member,
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catcityCaty City (TTP)Created:
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CATECampaign against technological elitism in the form of pressures to own a cell phone, a laptop and a com[uterCreated:
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Categories-and-Homological-Algebra18AxxGeneral theory of categories and functors 18BxxSpecial categories 18CxxCategories and theories 18DxxCategories with structure 18ExxAbelian categories 18FxxCategories and geometry 18GxxHomological algebraCreated:
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catfanciersofwashingtonCat Fanciers of Washington cat club membership only group.Created:
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CATgreenICJC / Corvallis Interfaith Green TeamsJoint communication group of the UU Fellowship of Corvallis Climate Action Team, Corvallis Interfaith Climate Justice Committee, and other Corvallis area green teams.Created:
10 Members,
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