agffnKommunikationsplattform der Arbeitsgemeineschaft Feuerwehrtaucher und Fachdienste NordCreated:
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aggroup / AG GROUPAntigravity Group. For starters we're gonna replicate Alexey's AG craft which uses counter-rotating aluminum disks and high voltage. So far no one seems to have done that successfully, so we'll be the first with a functioning antigravity device outside of Russia. Here's a video: Here's the PLAN: Phase 1: Replicate AG Craft Phase 2: Bu...Created:
3 Members,
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agiantproblemA new twist on the classic Against the Giants module series.Created:
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AgileSacramentoGovGroup for Sacramento Area Government Agencies to Share Information on Agile MethodologiesCreated:
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AgilityafterdarkAgility After Dark is an agility practice group that meets weekly at the Carroll Indoor Soccer Center.Created:
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AgilityNerdAnnouncementsAnnouncements of seminars and special events for AgilityNerdCreated:
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AgilityRecordBook / Agility Record BookThis group is for keeping you updated on any changes in the Agility Record Book program. This free program has been designed to track agility records in any [Currently: AAC AKC ASCA BHA CKC CKCSC CPE DOCNA FCAT FCI NADAC SCC TDAA UKC UKI USDAA VALOR] agility (and some others!) venue. (Well, I do ask that you make a donation to a local animal shelter or rescue group.) This group is also so you can ...Created:
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AgilityUnscrambled / Agility Unscrambled Trial SoftwareThis Email discussion group for is questions and discussions about Agility Unscrambled trial software only. This list will NOT be used for discussions which are better suited for general dog lists (E.G. flea control, how to groom your dog, training problems, selling puppies, brags, etc.). This list is lightly moderated -Do not engage in personal attacks. The discussions on the lists are meant to ...Created:
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aginfosinfos et ressources pour actions contre Mac Ron.Created:
8 Members,
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AgingAxles / Aging AxlesAging Axles Planning get-togethers, Camp outings, Meet UpsCreated:
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aglaw-assn / American Agricultural Law AssociationThe AALA e-mail group offers a forum to pose questions, share information and ideas, discuss differing opinions, and provoke meaningful dialogue. It is provided exclusively to AALA members. The dialogue and posts must remain substantive, professional, and respectful. Please use the AALA e-mail group with integrity. By using the service, you agree to the AALA e-mail group guidelines. AALA is no...Created:
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aglomeradoabertoGrupo de Astrônomos amadores, profissionais e amigos do céu.Created:
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agnusday / Agnus Day – the lectionary comicThis is the distribution group for Agnus Day – a lectionary comic strip The strip is published at on Wednesdays before 10am Chicago time and is sent to this list for those who choose to receive the strip through via email. The strip also has a Facebook page at 'Agnus Day' is the creation of Pastor James Wetzstein, a Lutheran pastor wit...Created:
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AgoClanThe AgoClan Group is a distribution list of the Ago Clan.Created:
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agoranomic / GioBackup forum for AgoraCreated:
73 Members,
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agri-ieslThis Group is for members of the Agricultural & Plantation Engineering Sectional Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka.Created:
7 Members,
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agsdr / Austin German Shepherd Dog RescueAustin German Shepherd Dog Rescue based in Austin, TXCreated:
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AgtsecThis is the group for the Agtsec agility software groupCreated:
167 Members,
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agualindamembersThis is the Agua Linda Swimming Pool membership email group. It is used for communications within the general membership.Created:
167 Members,
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AgualindapoolboardAgua Linda pool board members listCreated:
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