McAlpineFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – McAlpineCreated:
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MCAMFT / MCAMFT - Marin CAMFT Discussion Group ListservThis is a restricted group—entry to this group must be approved by the moderator(s). In order to remain a member of this group you will need to keep current with your Marin CAMFT membership. Please see Listserv Guidelines for guidance on using this group. Important things to remember: Do not promote your private practice, except for one-time events such as an address change, open house, et...Created:
325 Members,
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MCANA-member-chatInformal conversations between members of the Music Critics Association of North AmericaCreated:
24 Members,
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McAnally / Ira and Evelena McAnally FamilyContact and discussion group for descendants and relatives of Ira and Evelena McAnally family.Created:
11 Members,
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MCARC / Montague County Amateur Radio ClubThe Montague County Amateur Radio Club (MCARC) is a non-profit public service oriented organization comprised of amateur radio operators who live in and around Montague County, Texas.Created:
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MCARC-KC6PMCGreetings to all our amateur radio club members. This communication group is meant to facilitate quick and easy communications with all of you concerning our club activities and new information. Please utilize this emailing group to communicate to all club members. If you have any questions regarding this group, you may contact Rob Fredericks directory at .Created:
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mcares / Monterey County ARES/RACES organizationMonterey County ARES/RACES organization is a group of licensed Amateur Radio Operators who voluntarily provide additional communication services in times of emergencies, but only when requested to do so by one of our served agencies. Our "hams" have mobile radios installed in their vehicles that can be deployed to a staging area to relay messages to our served agencies. They also have hand...Created:
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mcarestn / Monroe County (TN) Amateur Radio Emergency ServiceMonroe County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (Tennessee)Created:
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MCARS / Marshall County (TN) Amateur Radio SocietyThis group is for the members of the Marshall County (TN) Amateur Radio Society, a non-profit Tennessee membership corporation, used to promote the amateur radio activity and distribute corporate documents (Constitution and By-Laws), meeting notices, meeting minutes, meeting agendas, amateur radio license courses and testing sessions, operating activities, net notices, welcome messages to newly li...Created:
10 Members,
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MCARSradio / Monroe County Amateur Radio SocietyMCARS radio communication toolCreated:
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McAteeFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – McAteeCreated:
5 Members,
4 Topics,
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mcatsThis group is a forum to discuss all aspects related to Maine Coon cats, the only American long haired breed of cat--our gentle giants. It is for both breeders, pet owners and lovers of the breed.Created:
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mcb-eaMissouri Council of the Blind education and advocacy committee list serve.Created:
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mcb-thriftEMail list for the MCB thrift store.Created:
9 Members,
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mcbaMon County Beekeepers AssociationCreated:
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MCBA-Forum / MCBA ForumThis is a listserv run by Maryland's Montgomery County Beekeepers Association.Please consider joining the MCBA CLUB as well as this listserv. For additional information HOW TO USE MCBA's FORUM * LIMIT discussions to BEEKEEPING topics. * To reply privately to the sender, use "Reply" * If your response will benefit the GROUP DISCUSSION, use "Re...Created:
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MCBC / McHenry County Bicycle ClubWelcome to the McHenry County Bike Club Event Email system! MCBC members can post club events, such as road and trail biking, hiking, XC skiing, dominoes, and camping. The MCBC list server is unmoderated. Subscribers are asked to only use the system for MCBC event related information. To send a message to everyone listed on the server, simply address your email to: Misuse of the s...Created:
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McBee-Genealogy / McBee Genealogy and Family HistoryMcBee genealogy and family history, of any spelling and in any place and time. DNA findings are especially welcome since this is such a rare surname. MacBee, Magby, Macabee and other spellings are welcome to join. This list succeeds which was archived 2 March 2020. We support the McBee Y DNA Project at Subject tag: [McBee]...Created:
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mcbeemers / Motor City BeemersMotor City Beemers, a Detroit, Michigan area motorcycle club. We are a friendly group of people who like to eat and ride and tell stories about our rides and where we ate. Motor City Beemers was founded in 1993 to pursue, promote, and protect the interests of BMW motorcyclists. We also seek to develop better and more enthusiastic relations with the general public and the operators and riders...Created:
22 Members,
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mcbmultimediaMCB Multimedia Committee Email ListCreated:
4 Members,
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