kkimel / KKI MelbourneKKI MelbourneCreated:
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KKKGrupa krotkofalowcow Malopolski zrzeszonych w Krakowskim Klubie Krotkofalowcow oraz wszystkich chetnych.Created:
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KKKZBThe Zeta Beta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Fraternity for College and University Bandmembers, exists at Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas. We exist to promote the existence and welfare of college bands, experience brotherhood, and strive for the highest. For our individual chapter, the highest is Jesus Christ. We respect the diversity that makes up our organization, just...Created:
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kkpzzpnetwerk / Het Keizer Karelpark ZZP vrouwennetwerkHet ZZP vrouwennetwerk Keizer Karelpark, Amstelveen. Opgericht door Vera Lemm, Lindi Podell en Frauke Ricklefs. We willen vaker kennis en ervaringen met elkaar uitwisselen over het ondernemerschap. “Als ZZP-er sta je er alleen voor, hoe fijn is het om van elkaar te kunnen leren en te kijken hoe je elkaar kan versterken.” - Vera ZZP-ers en ondernemers in de wijk zijn belangrijk voor een wijk...Created:
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KKT / Kanata Kareer TalkKanata Kareer Talk is the online discussion forum associated with the Kanata Kareer Group (KKG). The KKG is an adhoc support group for unemployed and underemployed residents of the Kanata, Ontario area. It is sustained by volunteer efforts and by the generosity of the Kanata United Church (suppliers of our meeting space). More information can be found at http://kanatakareergroup.ca or on Twitter @...Created:
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KKUI-W4AVMThe KKUI-W4AVM email group is envisioned to facilitate a timely and convenient communication process between all members and friends of the SS American Victory Radio Club.Created:
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kl250 / Kawasaki KL250 Super Sherpa motorbike/motorcycle world wide forumKawasaki Super Sherpa KL250 Dual Sport, Dual Purpose Motorcycle! The official group and club for ALL Technical, Maintenance, Service, Repair, Specifications, Photos, Files, Links, Modifications, Carb Re-Jets, Tire Info, and MORE Members from all over the world, in USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Japan ride this air-cooled bulletproof bike! [The above is our original descript...Created:
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kladvanced / KUALA LUMPUR ADVANCED TOASTMASTERS CLUBKUALA LUMPUR ADVANCED TOASTMASTERS CLUB is part of the Toastmasters International movement. A world leader in communication and leadership development. The organisation has more than 352,000 members worldwide. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 16,400 clubs in 141 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations. The world needs leaders. Le...Created:
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KlamottenWir nähen Klamotten und alles drum herum.Created:
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Klangfolk-FestivalHier können wir uns austauschen bzgl des Klangfolk-Festivals :)Created:
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klangtisch / KlangtischKlang - Kunst - Kultur place for networking and people who working in soundCreated:
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Klassforaldrar-4BVårdnadshavare till Oliver, Smilla, Frans, Boris, Hector, Sally, Lova, SaraCreated:
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Klassische-Kriegsfuhrung / Klassische-KriegsfuhrungKlassische Kriegsführung, Spielregeln für klassische Kriegsführung is a group dedicated to Ancient Warfare figure-gaming rules, initially the Anabasis and Rapax ancients figure-gaming rules, first published back in the 1973 and 1986, respectively. Links to all rules are included below. Anabasis v1978 Rules : 1 figure equals 20 men or 8 elephants, chariots or artillery, Ground scale is 1:500 to ...Created:
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klaytnklaytn is a blockchain open-source project, which enables mass adoption of blockchain.Created:
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klca-b-alumniA place for us to keep upCreated:
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KLEAccreditationCoalitionKansas Law Enforcement Accreditation Coalition Email GroupCreated:
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kleckaclanMail etc for kleckaclanCreated:
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KleinUploaded filesCreated:
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kleinplaneten / Kleinplanetenmailing list for minor planet observer (in German)Created:
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Klettertreff / SAC Basel KlettertreffSAC Basel KlettertreffCreated:
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