Share biotech and startup events with IndieBio in New York!
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
San Jose IndieHackers unite!
12 Members, 9 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
indieiot / Indie IoT
The Internet of Things can work just fine even without a big overlord company spying on you. Let's make it happen.
14 Members, 6 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
IndieRomanceInk / Indie Romance Ink
New members must be ***ROMANCE WRITERS*** who have self-published or are indie-curious. We're a genre-focused group by and for romance authors, and we do not allow self-promo. Author service providers and other industry professionals are welcome IF they are ALSO romance writers.
96 Members, 46 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
People helping build Want to help? Join us.
5 Members, 8 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group for indie authors who want to put on an unconference in their area, and those who want to see what indie uncons are going on around them.
39 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
Email distribution list of Indigenous communities and organizations in Canada created to provide information on the various initiatives of Indigenous Disability Canada (IDC) / B.C. Aboriginal Network on Disability Society(BCANDS), provincially, nationally and internationally as it relates to Indigenous disability and health related matters.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
South Bay Indigenous Solidarity
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Indigo / Indi-go
A community for doctors from the Indian subcontinent, in the UK helping each other with information and social interaction
4 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
New home for previous Individual-Sovereignty persons
0 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Indivisible-Watauga / Main
Action by action, day by day, group by group, Indivisibles are remaking our democracy. Brought together by a practical guide to resist the Trump agenda, Indivisible is a movement of thousands of group leaders and more than a million members taking regular, iterative, and increasingly complex actions to resist the GOPs agenda, elect local champions, and fight for progressive policies. They make c...
212 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
indivisiblebi / Indivisible Bainbridge Island
Indivisible Bainbridge Island is a local chapter of the national grassroots movement committed to defeating the right-wing takeover of the American government, winning an inclusive democracy, and advancing bold progressive policies. We join thousands of chapters nationwide in taking strategic action to resist regressive agendas. Together, we're building lasting power in our community and a st...
93 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
This group is for Indivisible groups to connect. We (members of Indivisible Portola Valley) have been talking individually with other Indivisible groups; we thought that it'd be a good idea to create an email group to make it easier for all of us to communicate with each other. The hope is that this group will be useful to share ideas, coordinate, and inspire each other as we resist the Trump ...
39 Members, 13 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Indivisible in Towsonbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnbnbbbbnbnbnn nbbbbbbbbnbbbb bbbbbbbn nbbbbbbbbnbbbb
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Citizens of Shelburne and surrounding area who care about our country's values, and commit to political action when they are under attack.
28 Members, 171 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
indlangsKannada / LearnKannadaGroupByIndLangs
Learn Kannada Group.
2 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Indo-Eurasian-Research / The Indo-Eurasian Research Group
The Indo-Eurasian Research List is primarily aimed at prehistorical and premodern researchers, with special but not exclusive focus on pan-Eurasian issues. Participants include linguists, historians, archaeologists, paleoanthropologists, geneticists, art historians, specialists in ancient religion & mythology, and many other fields. Active members are located in S. Asia, China, Russia, Eastern...
686 Members, 10,425 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
indoindurailway / Indonesian industrial, plantation and general railways special interest group
Indonesian Industrial Railway SIG (Special Interest Group) Successor of the former [steam_in_java] group. We focus mainly on: - industrial railways and their factories in Indonesia / former Dutch East Indies, like -- Planation railways (sugar cane, rubber, logging, agricultural, etc.) -- Mining and oil railways -- Saltworks railways -- Other industrial railways of the archipelago -- construction r...
35 Members, 6 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Indonesia tanah airku
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Indoor Gardening is a group that provides news stories and information sources about gardening, indoor gardening, urban gardening, urban agriculture, agriculture, botanical gardens and arboretums WIKI
14 Members, 891 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: