kitapsevenlergörme engelliler için engelsiz kitapCreated:
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Kitchen / The KitchenThe kitchen is where we spend some time, for cooking, gossiping etc. We are what we eat! Most diseases we get are from foods, how we cook & eat those. This group is not only about the kitchen but all kitchen & cooking tips, recipes, healthy food, health & life-style. This page is under construction, if you wish to add some info, or if you need any help, then please e-mail to: Kitchen+o...Created:
5 Members,
101 Topics,
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kitchen-renoKitchen Renovation DiscussionCreated:
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KitchenAppliancesAndRecipes / KAARKitchenAppliancesAndRecipes This group - KAAR - is for discussing kitchen appliances, and getting new recipes for them. We all have kitchen appliances put away because we used them once or twice and got bored with them. This group is for finding new uses and new recipes for them! For the Blender, Food Processor, Crock Pot, Crockpot, Slow Cooker, Slowcooker, Pasta Maker, Electric Skillet, Pizzazz,...Created:
133 Members,
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KITContracting / KIT ContractingA meeting place for the firefighters of KIT Contracting. HAZMAT Drivers, Helibase Comm Operators and all the others in the KIT Family! Useful Links: NIFC Sitrep Geographic Area Coordination Centers INCIWEB National Fire Situation Map VIPR Contracts (Enter 'Kit Contracting' in search window) Space Weather (Radio Propagation info)Created:
23 Members,
36 Topics,
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kitsandparts / Friends of Kits And Parts Dot ComGeneral discussions where users help design Electronic Kits to be distributed by kitsandparts dot comCreated:
308 Members,
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kitsapares / Kitsap ARESThe Kitsap County ARES GroupCreated:
3 Members,
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KITSAPBAR / Kitsap County Bar AssociationKitsap County Bar Association List ServeCreated:
5 Members,
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KitsapWordSmithsA writer's group that welcomes writers and others with strong critiquing or editing skills. We will meet monthly at various locations (Libraries, Coffee Shops, Parks) around Kitsap County, Washington to critique that months submissions (two to three pieces of up to 10,000 words each.)Created:
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KittitasACS / Kittitas County Auxiliary Communications ServiceFor members of the Kittitas County ACS TeamCreated:
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KittyWhiskas / KittyWhiskasThis club is dedicated with love to Lester (1985-1999)and to my precious Gabriel (2001-2005), who were both the Sunshine of My Life and who will live in my heart forever. KittyWhiskas is a club for ALL cat-lovers, but particularly for those who have adopted shelter cats, taken in a stray, socialized a feral kitty, rescued and cared for a kitty in distress or provided a foster home for a precious ...Created:
40 Members,
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KivaPuppyOwnersThis group is for owners of Kiva American Eskimo Dog puppies. It is for posting questions to the breeder and to provide ongoing communication between puppy buyers owning littermates. Pictures are welcome. Questions are welcome. Stories about your new charges are more than welcome.Created:
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kivy / Kivy framework - developement, usage, discussionsA group for kivy developers and users.Created:
11 Members,
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KIWHITE-TEST2 / KiWhite Test2 GroupTesting moving main group content into a subgroupCreated:
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Kiwisdr / KiwiSdr ReceiverThis is a discussion group for KiwiSdr receiver and related items. Share your experiences tips etc and your station pictures.Created:
62 Members,
14 Topics,
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KJOKBASEBALL / KJOKBASEBALLGroup for grass roots baseball research not typically found in other locations and for Diamond Mind Baseball simulation data and toolsCreated:
129 Members,
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KJPBSAn attempt to start a forum on KJPBS (King James Pure Bible Search).Created:
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kk4gq / KK4GQ - The Fayette County (Georgia) Amateur Radio Club Official Email Reflector SiteThe official reflector site for the Fayette County (Georgia) Amateur Radio Club - KK4GQCreated:
136 Members,
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kk4marKK4MAR is a group for the members of the Mayland Amateur Radio Club, Inc. A NC non-profit dedicated to supporting NC Public Safety emergency communications and promoting Amateur Radio in generalCreated:
11 Members,
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kki-sd / Keluarga Katolik Indonesia - San DiegoOfficial mailing list of the Indonesian Catholic Community - Diocese of San Diego.Created:
133 Members,
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