INDIAN-TERRITORY-CHICKASAWA group to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons connected to the Chickasaw Nation in the Indian Territory of what is now Oklahoma, prior to Oklahoma statehood in 1907. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list IT-CHICKASAW.Created:
22 Members,
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INDIAN-TERRITORY-genealogyGroup for anyone with a genealogical interest in Indian Territory - an area that in 1907 became the eastern and south/south-eastern part of Oklahoma. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list INDIAN-TERRITORY-ROOTS.Created:
43 Members,
4 Topics,
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IndianaGenealogy research in Indiana -------------- This list is for genealogy research in Indiana, at anytime. Follow the directions below to join and post to the list. Guidelines for posting to this list: 1. This list is for genealogical discussions only and only for the state of Indiana. All other posts will be deleted from the archives and the poster will be placed on moderation. 2. If someone po...Created:
245 Members,
90 Topics,
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IndianaD-STAR / Indiana D-STARIndiana D-STAR is the LARGEST AND MOST ACTIVE group for D-STAR repeater owners and D-STAR radio users in Indiana. The purpose of the group is to facilitate communication between D-STAR users and support the exchange of information relating to D-STAR technology & it's usage in Indiana. D-STAR Simplex Frequency is 145.67 MHz REF024B is the Official Reflector for the Indiana State-Wide D-...Created:
81 Members,
26 Topics,
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IndianaDistrict3EmCommA location for those interested in EmComms in and around District 3 to discuss, share, and post events related to EmComm.Created:
17 Members,
15 Topics,
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IndianaGenListsPlease note. This group is not intended to be a genealogy research group. Its intended to be a directory of genealogy groups for the State of Indiana. If you see a group that interests you, please Copy and Paste the name into the search. Thanks!Created:
4 Members,
1 Topic,
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IndianandColonialInteractionsThis is a genealogy list created as a place to talk about Indian massacres, captivity events, and other interactions both positive and negative between the native Indians in what is now the United States and the colonists who arrived to settle the land.Created:
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IndianapolisHistoricalGames / Indianapolis Historical Table Top GamesThis group is dedicated to Historical Table Top Games in the Greater Indianapolis. We play all scales from 6mm to 28mm, All members are welcomeCreated:
18 Members,
9 Topics,
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IndianaSectionARESnetA networking location for NCS stations (and other interested parties) to invite/coordinate/educate each other in the operation of Indiana Section's weekly ARES® net (5:00 p.m. Eastern each Sunday).Created:
10 Members,
3 Topics,
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IndianaSheltieRescue / Indiana Sheltie RescueIndiana Sheltie Rescue, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3, all volunteer corporation dedicated to taking in, caring for and placing Shetland Sheepdogs (shelties) into new homes. Dogs in foster care come in from private individuals, non-profit and governmental animal shelters and as strays at-large. This list is for volunteers only.Created:
17 Members,
747 Topics,
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IndianaShortFlaggers / Indiana Short FlaggersThe Indiana Short-Flaggers is an organization of active model railroaders, formed for the purpose of stimulating the development of better railroad modeling, stimulating a greater shared enjoyment of model railroading, and continuing good-fellowship. Short Flag: To flag from the rear of a stopped train at distance insufficient for proper protection.Created:
10 Members,
108 Topics,
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IndianaSystemFusion / Indiana System FusionIndiana System Fusion group is for System Fusion repeater owners & radio users in Illinois. The purpose of the group is to facilitate communication between System Fusion users and support the exchange of information relating to System Fusion technology & it's usage in Indiana.Created:
29 Members,
61 Topics,
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IndianMotorcycleVerticalThis group is dedicated to keeping the Vertical family of Indian Motorcycles from '49 - '53, on the road. Tech questions and where to find parts? Note: Membership is restricted. When applying, please tell us a little about your Indian interests. Off topic posters and spammers will be removed.Created:
1 Member,
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IndianMotorcycleVerticals / Indian Motorcycle VerticalThis group is dedicated to keeping the Vertical family of Indian Motorcycles from '49 - '53, on the road. Tech questions and where to find parts? Note: Membership is restricted. When applying, please tell us a little about your Indian interests. Off topic posters and spammers will be removed.Created:
2 Members,
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IndianMutinyWargaming / Indian Mutiny WargamingThis mailing list is intended for the players of an ongoing Indian Mutiny campaign game detailing the events and exploits of the officers and men of 42nd Bengal Native Infantry but is open to anyone with interest in this period. This list will detail the fictional battles of the 42nd BNI as the regiment fights it's way through all the major events of the Indian Mutiny of 1857. The game is a se...Created:
139 Members,
284 Topics,
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indianpsychologists / Indian PsychologistsA group of psychologists working and interested in strengthening the discipline of psychology in India. The members of many national and state psychology associations in India are part of this group, as are the non-resident Indian psychologists working abroad.Created:
1,237 Members,
183 Topics,
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IndianRidgeIndian Ridge in Tucson Arizona neighborhood group. Created in order to increase and maintain communication between neighbors for events, concerns, and general conversation about issues impacting our neighborhood.Created:
142 Members,
1,375 Topics,
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IndianValley-TheOaks / Indian Valley/ The Oaks NeighborhoodThis group is for communications with residents of the Indian Valley/ The Oaks neighborhood in Perinton.Created:
23 Members,
26 Topics,
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indianvillage / Indian Village Neighborhood, Acton, MassachusettsThis group is for residents of the Indian Village Neighborhood in located in West Acton, Massachusetts, USA. Its purpose is a way for us to connect with neighbors to share information, ask questions, etc. Feel free to post info about lost pets, kids that need work (babysitting, yard work, etc.), events you think would be of interest to the group, etc. As a member at some point if you feel you are...Created:
318 Members,
3,982 Topics,
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indiastarIndiaStar is a community project by IIT Chennai alumni to solve the perennial water shortage problems of the city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by leveraging our collective strengths and resources.Created:
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