Heathkit-HW-9-users-groupThis is the Heathkit HW-9 user group. Dedicated to the enjoyment, restoration and operation of one of Heathkit's most fondly remembered kits. Greetings from your group moderators Steve VE7GTU and Colin VA7WWV -- both enthusiastic QRP operators located in southern Vancouver Island in beautiful B.C. Before posting to the group with an issue, please browse under the "Files" tab where you ...Created:
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Heathkit-HW16 / Heathkit HW-16 transceiversThe purpose of this group is to promote Heathkit HW-16 discussions, as well as selling/buying HW-16 related items and parts, and providing answers to questions relating to problems and maintenance of HW-16 transceivers and related equipment. Be advised that group members come from all around the world and many speak English as a second language. Please take this into consideration when reading me...Created:
138 Members,
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Heathkit-Radios / Heathkit-RadiosWelcome! This group is for collectors and users of Heathkit amateur radios and accessories. You are encouraged to post: A) Parts For Sale B) Parts Wanted C) Items to Sell & Trade (Please include prices) D) Service Hints, etc. E) Schematics and excerpts from manuals Members cannot hide email address. All members will be listed in the groups.io directory. All messages must be signed with a name...Created:
1,379 Members,
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HeathkitClocks / HeathkitClocksThe Heathkit Clocks group was formed to share information on these unique, electronic kits that were designed and sold under the Heath Company name. Many of these clocks are becoming collectable in nature and I've found (as in my own case) that these electronic marvels that have run for years, need the occasional tune-up, adjustment or replaced part. Please feel free to share and post inform...Created:
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HeathkitDX60Heath kit DX-60 radios. . . Repair, communicate, and chat about these heathkit radios. Hits and Kinks on fixing, updating, and problem solving, making the DX-60 the best it can be.Created:
42 Members,
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HeathSS9000 / Heath SS-9000 - Heath's ultimate ham transceiverCelebrating, repairing and chatting about owning Heath's ultimate ham radio transceiver- The Heath SS-9000Created:
51 Members,
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HeatleyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Heatley surname.Created:
5 Members,
4 Topics,
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HEATOPolice Traffic Officers Association of Hudson and Essex CountyCreated:
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HeatPumpHomesThis email list is an outgrowth of the HeatSmart CNY campaign and is a forum for homeowners or renters with heat pumps. We often ask our neighbors for advice; this is the place for sharing best practices, etc!Created:
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HeavenlybrewsHeavenly Brews Crew - employee groupCreated:
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HeaverFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – HeaverCreated:
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heavy-metal-gangThe "Heavy Metal Gang" is a very informal group of people in the Ottawa, Ontario, Canada area who like making things out of metal, whether by hacksaw, band saw, metal lathe, milling machine, metal casting, welding, or any other method of making things out of metal. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at a local restaurant for a very informal "show-and-tell", an exchange of ...Created:
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HeavySabreThis group is dedicated to resurrecting the sabre fencing styles of the classical fencing period. These include, Victorian Broadsword, Classical Italian Sabre, German Fechtsäbel and any other styles fenced with heavy sabre blades from the late 1800’s to the mid 1900’s. To a much lesser extent discussion of sabre dueling will be tolerated but only if it is applied to the main topic.Created:
6 Members,
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heber / Heber GovernorsA mailing group for members of the Heber Primary governing body.Created:
9 Members,
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hebrew-typographyQueries and discussion about best practices, usage, and tools, new typefaces, notable archives/collections, relevant events, and anything else that seems appropriate to list participants.Created:
14 Members,
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HebrewFreeLoanA place for sharing ideas and asking questions among the borrowers, guarantors and donors or the Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Francisco. Over time, we will create subgroups for Business Circle members, Full Circle Club members, and Legacy Society members. We will also encourage affinity groups of borrowers to create smaller groups for support and encouragement, for example graduate student...Created:
5 Members,
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hebridesgenealogy / Hebrides GenealogyFor discussions of genealogy relating to the Hebridean group of islands (the Hebrides), Scotland.Created:
5 Members,
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heckathorn / HECKATHORN GENEALOGYA mailing list for the research and study of the Heckathorn surname and variations (e.g., Hecathorn, Heckathorne, Hatchethom, Hagedorn, Hackathorn)Created:
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hedda40Snack om Heddas födelsedagsfest.Created:
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HeDenHaagsKeramiekLeden van het collectief HeDenHaagsKeramiek - Den Haag en omgevingCreated:
9 Members,
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