lakelandarc / Lakeland Amateur Radio ClubGroup archive of old Yahoo group for the Lakeland Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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reg121REG121 Amateur Radio Club General MembershipCreated:
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LaarclubLos Angeles Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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karavaliMangalore Amateur Radio Club members groupCreated:
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NCARClub / Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio Club BoardThe email "reflector" for Northern Chautauqua Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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Wythallradioclubhamfest / Wythall HamfestWythall Radio Club Hamfest For electronic communication between Wythall Radio Club Hamfest team and our TradersCreated:
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njharc / Neosho Jr. High Amateur Radio ClubThis is a group for the Neosho Amateur Radio Club. We will receive updates and such here. You can create a new topic, but we will use #'s for all topics. Here is an example post: "When will the #nextmeeting be?"Created:
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AMRADNET / Amateur Radio Education NetworkThe Amateur Radio Education NetworkCreated:
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YorubaworldCultural collaboratikn and networking groupCreated:
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Youth-amateurradio-philippines / Youth Amateur Radio Programme Philippines4F0UR - Youth Amateur Radio Programme by Radio Engineering Circle PhilippinesCreated:
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MSM-DIYmirror group for YahooGroupsCreated:
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diyDIY is a block-parallel library.Created:
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Alternative-Pet-HealthAlternative, Non-invasive Pet Health Group Description The purpose of this moderated group is to discuss *and spread the news to each other about* non-invasive technologies and/or methods which pet Moms and Dads have actually experienced to work, and which helped optimize or recover the health of their beloved non-human babies, including species-appropriate diets and raw or BARF diets. We...Created:
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tucson-dogsTucson dogs group. This group originated as the site, and was primarily populated by the original group at Tucson’s first dogpark at Christopher Columbus Park but is intended for the entire Tucson area. Yahoogroups is changing their setup, so we are moving to an io group. We are in the process of working to upload the past posts from the yahoogroups page.Created:
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straycatsanddogsoftroyStray Cats And Dogs Of TroyCreated:
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ParrotletsPlusParrotletsPlus is devoted to all aspects of the feisty little bird known as the Parrotlet. Our friendly and knowledgeable moderators and members encourage both your questions and the sharing of your experiences, photos and stories. Topics we address include proper nutrition, housing, training, medical care, disease issues, basic genetics and the love we share for these marvelous birds. "Honora...Created:
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cscouponplace / cscouponplaceHello and welcome to our group. You can trade coupons, hop on a train or two, post your coupon haves and wants, take advantage of freebies, contests and sweeps, share and take advantage of other shared recipes, stay up to date on recalls and play games. We encourage members to post freebies, printable coupons and forms, great deals, household hints and of course coupon trades. *** A Membership Que...Created:
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fremontbarfThe Fremont BARF Co-op is a local buyers coop for a group of people who have chosen to feed a BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, or Bones and Raw Food), raw foods diet to their dogs and cats. We are mostly located in the San Francisco East Bay Area, in California - but if you are willing to come from further away to pick-up your orders, that's fine too. Feel free to chat on all things p...Created:
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canineliverdisease / Canine Liver Disease Support GroupA place for dog owners whose dogs have been diagnosed with some form of liver disease to get support and information.Created:
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herewegoaipAutoimmune Protocol DietCreated:
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