WedgewoodClusterWedgewood Cluster Association members in Reston, VirginiaCreated:
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wednesdate / A Date of WednesWednesdateCreated:
14 Members,
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Wednesday-Train-GroupWednesday Train Group - For planning and communicating about upcoming events.Created:
26 Members,
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WednesdayGaming / Wednesday GamingThe Wednesday night gaming group.Created:
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WednesdaynightobedienceStudents participating in Wednesday night obedience class. To post if class is canceled, students not coming, etc. only current students will be following.Created:
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WednesdayWanderers / Wednesday WanderersWe are a small group of older but energetic hikers in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area). We hike every Wednesday usually starting promptly at 9 AM, most often choosing routes in the 8-12 mile range (occasionally a bit over or under). We keep a 2 to 2-1/2 mile per hour overall speed, counting breaks. We usually stop for lunch. Our hikes typically are in Contra Costa or northern Alameda Co...Created:
39 Members,
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weebots / WeeBotsMicrocontroller, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, IOT, small electronic circuitsCreated:
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Weekend-RecipesWeekend-Recipes This group has an updated description... Weekend Recipes group is for sharing any food or recipe that is good for a weekend or vacation. Whether recipe is for summer grilling, a special Saturday picnic, a family Sunday dinner, a special holiday or dessert, or vacation time. Share recipes for holidays and special occasions or casual and relaxing days alone or with family or fri...Created:
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weekender / Weekender VHF/UHF radio stationWeekender VHF/UHF is an Open source project that builds & improves VHF/UHF HAM radios around DRA818 modules.Created:
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weekendpartyA party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, recreation, or as part of a festival or other commemoration of a special occasion. A party will typically feature food and beverages, and often music and dancing or other forms of entertainment.Created:
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WeekendRecipes / Weekend RecipesThis group is for a themed recipe game. Every week on Monday a new theme will be announced, then everyone submits recipes to the group that fit that particular theme for the week. Starting Saturday morning, the messages will be released in portions and ending some time on Sunday evening. Here are the rules for the game: Every member must participate. If no one participates, then it's no fun. I...Created:
22 Members,
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weekendsurvivorsAl-anon group.Created:
11 Members,
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Weekly-Themes-4-IM / Weekly Themes-4-IMHello and thanks for peeking in. If you love themes and have stats your sorting through or deleting from your collection then this is the group for you. Unlimited shares every day and a different theme each week. Themes will run from Sunday to Saturday. I personally have a lot to sort through. Sharing is a must !!! Hoping you jump in and share away.Created:
9 Members,
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weekly-wind-up / Weekly Wind UpThe Weekly Wind-Up group, formed in 1981, is for people who enjoy healthy living and stress management in the form of consumption of liberal quantities of real ale at real pubs in and around London on Thursday evenings. The group attracts members who also have a slight interest in all manners of public transport and the desire to log numbers. However, it's not essential, just a love for re...Created:
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weeklylinkedinThis is an email list for those attending my weekly LinkedIn Lunch 'n' Learns as well as my monthly LinkedIn events.Created:
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WeeklyShowWinsSubscribers will receive the weekly compilation of AKC Samoyed Specialty wins and all-breed or Working Group wins and placements.Created:
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weeklywanderers / Weekly WanderersOUR HISTORY (2003-2023) Penny Ismay and Julie Draper, two fitness-minded women who worked at Title-9 Sports, launched this women’s hiking group in February 2003. They viewed fast-paced walking and challenging hikes as a congenial way to stay in shape, and the T-9 management saw sponsoring the Weekly Wanderers as a community service. Penny and Julie planned and led our two-hour hikes and were suc...Created:
55 Members,
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WeelambsadoptionWork out roles and responsibilities for the Wee Lambs Adoption board vs the Planning Committee for the Adoption Fellowship MeetingsCreated:
14 Members,
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weelcommitteeFile sharing area for the WEEL Committee.Created:
36 Members,
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WeesperstraatBetrokken bewoners in PWbuurt.Created:
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