PebblestoneTriangleNeighborsA group for neighbors living near Pebblestone Triangle in Forest Hills, Queens.Created:
3 Members,
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PEC / Piedmont Economics ClubPiedmont Economics Club of SCCreated:
9 Members,
13 Topics,
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pecans / PecansA listserv for public library members of Peace Library System.Created:
77 Members,
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PeckSlipKindergardenCohortB / Peck Slip Kindergarden Cohort B ParentsFor parents of students in Chris and Susan's Cohort B classes at the Peck Slip School 2020-2021 to connect and support each other.Created:
9 Members,
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Peconic-Radio-Club / The Peconic Amateur Radio ClubThe (PARC) Peconic Amateur Radio Club is located in Southold, Long Island NY. PARC is a full service club and we hold meetings monthly (except July) at the Custer Institute and Observatory 1115 Bayview Road in Southold. Click Here for the W2AMC Club Calendar. PARC's club station, W2AMC is QRV on all bands. Our club Repeaters are: W2OQI (VHF) in Middle Island and W2AMC (UHF) in Greenport.Created:
23 Members,
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Pedagogico-Tumaco-CDI2019 / Componente Pedagógico TumacoGrupo del Componente Pedagógico de Tumaco del proyecto de Genesis Foundation y Corpoeducación que tiene por objetivo "Promover atención integral de calidad para la Primera Infancia (bajo los lineamientos técnicos de Genesis Foundation), en cuarenta USD, mediante el fortalecimiento de docentes y agentes educativos, bajo el marco del programa de Fortalecimiento". Para participar simpl...Created:
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pedalFor my friendsCreated:
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pedalradio / Pedal RadioA Public Access, non-Club-affiliated Group, for the purpose of promoting and coordinating social activity and exercise via cycling and amateur radio with the use of bicycles, tricycles, velomobiles, etc., with emphasis on augmenting the experience by incorporating amateur radio activities and equipment for those so inclined. Members do not have to be licensed amateur radio operators to belong to t...Created:
24 Members,
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pedantic / Pedantic PublicationsGroup for discussion of pedantic publications and related matters. Examples of pedantic publications include: The Relative Hills of Britain More Relative Hills of Britain TACit Press publications Mapping Mountains publications Ordnance Survey Maps The Periodic Table The Concise Oxford DictionaryCreated:
146 Members,
204 Topics,
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PedernalesRanchEstatesPOAA list serve for property owners in Pedernales Ranch Estates in Johnson City, Texas, This will be used as a communication tool for residents. We will be able to make post regarding lost pets, warnings regarding dangerous weather possibilities/flooding, request recommendations for work needing to be done, communication regarding neighbors who may need assistance, and news/meetings for homeowners. ...Created:
36 Members,
104 Topics,
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pedevapedeva la laCreated:
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pedigreepointFor users of the Pedigree Point web pedigree software. See for more information.Created:
74 Members,
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pedlars-packA discussion list for people interested in street literature and cheap print of the past (broadsides, chapbooks, songsters, prints, etc.) in Britain and beyond.Created:
80 Members,
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peelJohn Peel radio show discussion groupCreated:
228 Members,
494 Topics,
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Peel-Ontario-gen / Peel County, Ontario GenealogyThis is a discussion list for those interested in genealogy research in Peel County, Ontario, Canada, referenced from the Rootsweb email list.Created:
39 Members,
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PeerenboomHahn PeerenboomCreated:
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peeringExtreme PeeringCreated:
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peersupportAn announcement list for the monthly peer support conference hosted by the St. Charles County Council of the Blind, an affiliate of the Missouri Council of the Blind. We will send out a monthly reminder of our public conference call where we offer support to those that are blind or have low vision. There conference calls are open to anyone that has an interest in living or working with a visual...Created:
1 Member,
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peg-cavers / PEG CaversA group email list for Pony Express Grotto, a group of cavers located around St. Joseph, Missouri.Created:
21 Members,
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pegasus-groupPegasus Supervision Group Wherever the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring spring burst forth A group in which those practising hypnotherapy come together. The group is moderated and facilitated by Chris Pearson, an accredited supervisorCreated:
6 Members,
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