NESPIN / NESPINNESPIN (Northeast Security & Professional Investigator's Network), consists of Private Investigator's, Security Providers, Executive Protection Agents, Polygraph Examiners & Bug Sweep Technicians in all of New England, New York, New Jersey & Pennslyvania is for promoting Networking, Education & Legislation Assistance. Although most members are from Northeast, members are we...Created:
3 Members,
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NESRboard / National English Shepherd Rescue BoardNational English Shepherd Rescue BoardCreated:
9 Members,
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NESTNatural Environmental Systems and Technologies (NEST) research group aims to serve the GCC region in the field of agro-environmental systems and sustainability of water, food, and ecosystem security and quality through research excellence, creativity and innovation. By partnering with leading academic institutions, influential organizations and industry leaders, we provide efficient and well-round...Created:
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Net-Gold / Net-Gold ON IONet-Gold is a RESOURCE and NEWS group with a specific purpose: sharing by its members of important, informative and useful Internet and sometimes other resources for learning and improvement of skills. We also cover news stories on all topics. The information shared should be suitable for Family Life and include suitability for at least adolescent level perusal. WIKI
12 Members,
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NET-GOLD-ARCHIVEThis group contains old posts posted prior to the creation of Net-Gold in October 2014.Created:
2 Members,
262 Topics,
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NETA-Teachers / National Embroidery Teachers' AssociationNETA -- National Embroidery Teachers' Association Mission: The National Embroidery Teachers Association is an organization open to all teachers, active or retired, and to prospective teachers of embroidery and other textile arts. The purposes of the organization are: 1. To unite into one organization all persons actively engaged in the profession of teaching embroidery and those teachers who h...Created:
71 Members,
348 Topics,
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NETC-board / NETC BoardGroup for New England Terrier Club Board communications.Created:
12 Members,
320 Topics,
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NETCA-meetsThis group is for communication among members of the New England Division of the Train collectors Association in regard to our meets and other group activities. As Meet Coordinator, I am establishing this group for information about coming events and exchange of ideas among dealers/vendors, exhibitors and other meet participants. Our next TCA meet is planned for Sunday, September 27th in the ...Created:
70 Members,
116 Topics,
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NETCoDems / Northeast Travis County Democrats NotificationsNews and information from the Northeast Travis County Democrats (Texas). Subscribers receive the latest information about NETCo Dems meetings and activities from the Executive Committee. This is not a discussion group. To comment on a post, please correspond directly with the author, if the author provided contact information. To contact us regarding your account or the functioning of this not...Created:
74 Members,
346 Topics,
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NETCoDemsEC / NETCo Dems Executive Committee Discussion GroupDiscussion group for members of the Executive Committee of the Northeast Travis County Democrats political club.Created:
12 Members,
1,571 Topics,
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NetFrameworkOlder.NET framework 4.6/4.8 and the related SBOM generationCreated:
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NetJunkies / NetJunkies"A friendly group of folks who love to share with one another. We share poems, writings, graphics, tags, recipes, jokes, games, webpages, needed prayers, and more." (No politics.)Created:
14 Members,
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NetLogger / NetLogger.orgA Public Group for users of the NetLogger Amateur Radio Software. Home page is located at Note: New members will be moderated to combat spam. Group Etiquette 1. Keep your posts on-topic. 2. Remember to search for answers first -- please avoid 'looking with your mouth.' 2. If you can't find answers here and need SUPPORT, please open a ticket at http...Created:
155 Members,
25 Topics,
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netnrc / Northeast Tennessee Radio CommunityA radio club for anyone who enjoys using radio for communications (amateur radio, GMRS, FRS, MURS, CB) in the Northeast Tennessee Tri-Cities area. President: Mike Burris (KQ4JSS/WRTR997) Vice President: Allen Holt (KN4VWR/WRPR207) Secretary: Tim Draper (WSAD93) Treasurer: Sean Dennis (KS4TD/WSBW961)Created:
18 Members,
19 Topics,
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NETOGAWelcome all Onions! This is the place to gather and give information on the New England TOGA. The next TOGA will be August, 11th-12th, 2023 in Bangor ME.!Created:
42 Members,
72 Topics,
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netrexx / NetRexxMailing list to discuss all things related to NetRexxCreated:
73 Members,
137 Topics,
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netronics-elf2Dedicated to the Netronics ELF II computer. Join this group to discuss the Netronics ELF II, the RCA CDP1802 and all things COSMAC.Created:
17 Members,
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NetscapeRollerHockey / Netscape RollerHockeyRoller hockey group that used to play at the Netscape rink in Mountain View, now in San Jose @ 2700 Zanker Rd, San Jose, CA 95134 in the parking lot behind the buildingCreated:
88 Members,
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netsec2gmi2017GMI Network Security 2 Semester 2/ Jan 2017Created:
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netsso / Group for Netsso usersGroup for Netsso users Netsso provides three main internet services, which can be used independently or as a group, integrated with each other, after a single sign-on access password.Created:
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