Kirchenchor der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Oberjesingen
Created: 2/05/20
4 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 2/06/20
kirchenmusik-innsbruck / Mailingliste Kirchenmusik Innsbruck
Informations- und Austauschliste für Kirchenmusiker*innen in der Diözese Innsbruck
Created: 5/10/23
11 Members, 10 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 1/17/24
Kirchenmusikalischer Informationsaustausch der Diözese Innsbruck
Created: 5/10/23
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
kirchenmusikliste / Kirchenmusikliste
Die Kirchenmusikliste ist eine Mailingliste für Kirchenmusikerinnen und Kirchenmusiker - egal ob hauptamtlich, nebenamtlich oder ehrenamtlich. Sie sind aber auch offen für alle, die an Kirchenmusik interessiert sind. Die Liste ist unabhängig und überkonfessionell. Wir diskutieren über alle Fragen des beruflichen Alltags, zum Beispiel: - Vorschläge für Konzertprogramme und Musik im Gottes...
Created: 5/02/01
550 Members, 23,876 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: Mar 20
kirek-instr / Tutori del corso KIREK di lingua esperanto
Gruppo dei tutori (ed amministratori) del corso KIREK di lingua esperanto. Grupo por la gvidantoj (kaj administrantoj) de la lingva kurso KIREK pri Esperanto.
Created: 1/17/20
26 Members, 77 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 20
kirin / Kirin Chipset & Technology Development Dept, HS
Kirin Chipset & Technology Development Dept, HS
Created: 5/31/19
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
kirk / KIRK family history discussion group
For the sharing of information between relatives & descendants of Aaron KIRK, born c1704 at Drayton Parslow, Buckinghamshire, England. Aaron's grandson Benjamin KIRK (1777-1844) was transported to Australia aboard the 'Camden' in 1832. This group originated as the KIRK Yahoo! Group on 19 Dec 2002. As a result of the impending reduced functionality of Yahoo! Groups, it was transiti...
Created: 11/11/19
28 Members, 37 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 10/20/24
KirklandCocktailClub / Kirkland Cocktail Club
All of us were so very privileged to count Brian Ellerby – “Plans” as a friend and the Kirkland Cocktail Club is one small legacy that allows us to reminisce of happier times that we spent together, either working on a project on the Copper River & Yukon, drinking beer or kibitzing (not necessarily in that order – and sometimes all simultaneously!) – or just hanging out together at a...
Created: 4/05/20
12 Members, 1,028 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 18
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - Kirkley
Created: 3/08/20
3 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 10/08/22
KirkseyFamily / Kirksey Family
This is a Kirksey Family genealogy and history group. Share and discuss the history of the Kirksey Family from anywhere and any time. Sites where some information on the family can be found: Family History Revisited: Google DelphiForums:
Created: 10/24/98
86 Members, 3,231 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Feb 28
Kirk/Spock was the first large fannish slash pairing, dating all the way back to the late 1960s. Come help us celebrate this fannish pairing and our fannish history!
Created: 10/22/19
28 Members, 7 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 7/11/24
A group dedicated to all things Kiron, ie lenses made by Kino Precision, Vivitar lenses, Panagor and Elicar, Guinness and things like that...
Created: 7/16/03
724 Members, 12,128 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 20
Kısa Dalga (LW-MW-SW) Broadcast yayınları dinleme hobisi haberleşme grubu. Lütfen grubun konusu ve amacı dışında tebrik mesajları da dahil herhangi bir dini veya siyasî paylaşım yapmayınız.
Created: 8/08/19
3 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post: 8/08/19
KiskiAstronomers / Kiski Astronomers
The Kiski Astronomers is a 'Virtual Club' consisting of a group of amateur astronomers who have a passion for discussing, sharing, observing and photographing the heaven's above! Many of our members get together at Cherry Springs State Park, PA from Spring through Fall for observing sessions. We have dispensed with holding monthly meetings, having elected officers or paying dues freei...
Created: 11/26/20
16 Members, 347 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 20
kiss / Kiss Web Development Framework
Discussion about the Kiss Web Development Framework described at This would only be of interest to software engineers.
Created: 1/29/22
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
KissAndCry / KissAndCry
A private group, of long-time friends, for email discussion of figure skating.
Created: 11/18/20
14 Members, 206 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 3
kissandfriends / KissAndFriends
This is a discussion group for members of Keep It Simple Springfield AFG. I have called this group KissAndFriends. This is to take the place of our in person meeting for now. Please follow all of our group rules and Al-Anon traditions.
Created: 3/17/20
11 Members, 10 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 3/26/20
Family Group
Created: 12/28/17
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Kissena Synergy Velodrome Friends Group, Flushing, NY formed in August 2018. Our mission is to advocate for and participate in the continued cooperative upkeep, maintenance and transformation of the Kissena Velodrome and the Park’s grounds surrounding and leading to and from [it], as an enclosed cycling track offering safe and productive healthy ride opportunities for recreational cyclists as w...
Created: 10/22/19
14 Members, 301 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 6/05/24
Group for
Created: 3/11/20
11 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Jan 3