IncredimailGalsnPalsA place to share Incredimail, chat and get to know each other! Some adult content permitted but no obvious nudity or pornography. Political post must be acknowledged by putting "Political Content" in the subject line. The main goal of this group is to get to know each other, share ideas and chat.Created:
7 Members,
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0 Members,
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IncredistatA group for sharing incredimail stats & tags. participation is a must!!Created:
15 Members,
17,519 Topics,
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IncrediWILD / IncrediWILDCopyright compliant group where we keep in touch and now and then share IM stationery of house pets, farm animals, wild animals, nature, sky, and such.Created:
15 Members,
2,803 Topics,
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IncroybalesBoudu comme dirait NinaCreated:
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incurablyobsessiveBOTH GENDERS of the human race each have their share of "RELENTLESS CLINGERS" of one to another, which I'm ABSOLUTELY PROUD of being such, MYSELF, in COMPLETE DESPERATION to find that VERY WOMAN who'll WILLINGLY COMPLY with my TOTALLY-OUT-of-CONTROL-CLINGY BEHAVIOR; THIS is the VERY GROUP to FREELY EXPRESS your UTTER QUEST for such to happen, as that of FINALLY OVERWHELMING, or bei...Created:
1 Member,
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INDaviessDavies County Indiana Genealogy ResearchCreated:
10 Members,
2 Topics,
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inddiethumpers / Inddiethumpers Bullet ClubInddiethumpers Bullet Club for Royal Enfield MotorcyclesCreated:
43 Members,
5 Topics,
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INDEARBO / Dearborn County, Indiana Genealogy GroupWelcome! We are the former Rootsweb list, INDEARBO. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Dearborn County, Indiana and surrounding regions.Created:
27 Members,
2 Topics,
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indeedalumni / Indeed AlumniFor former employees of Indeed.Created:
1 Member,
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INDekalbGenealogy in DeKalb County IndianaCreated:
22 Members,
0 Topics,
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INDelawareGenealogy in Delaware County IndianaCreated:
17 Members,
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IndependentVoiceIndependent Voice is inspired to create a practice of independent thinking and provide a forum to exchange ideas engage in thought-provoking and discussions where the positive outweighs the negative and the truth outshines malignant falsehood.Created:
2 Members,
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Index-Manager-UsersThis group is for users of Index Manager (by Klarso). This will be a space to ask questions of other users, to offer tips and tricks, and to generally support each other in using this program. Alexandra Peace is the group administrator.Created:
62 Members,
153 Topics,
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index-peer-reviewIndex Peer Review This list is for those who are indexing books or ebooks. Professional indexers volunteer to review each other's indexes. This feedback is an important part of learning for newer indexers, but also aids more experienced indexers. By reviewing and being reviewed, we increase our awareness of good indexing technique and gain valuable feedback on our current skills. Group me...Created:
158 Members,
115 Topics,
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indexembossersThis group is for people who use the braille embossers, and will allow for discussions on setting up embossers for the first time.Created:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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indiaAbout IndiaCreated:
2 Members,
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India-81Discussion Group for The Citadel India Co Class of 1981Created:
13 Members,
12 Topics,
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india-british-raj / India British Raj HistoryA group for the lovers of the history of the British Raj (Empire) in India. (New avatar of our old List at Rootsweb.) This group is for anyone who is interested in all things belonging to the period of time known as that of The British Raj. In addition to studying and enjoying the cultural aspects of that period of time (roughly from 1600 to 1950 A.D.), we will also help those interested in the t...Created:
191 Members,
305 Topics,
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india-grantmaking-communityHello! I've been thinking about how we, as grantmakers working in India, could benefit from a space to connect more regularly. Our recent conversations about well-being got me wondering: what if we had an ongoing way to share ideas, opportunities, and insights? So, I'm trying to experiment by setting up a mailing list for grantmakers who work and fund in India. It's a simple idea: a...Created:
95 Members,
11 Topics,
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