genverre / genverreGroupe historique et généalogique destiné à recenser les verriers nés en Europe (et parfois émigrés ailleurs), dresser leurs généalogies et la carte de leurs déplacements, permettre la valorisation de leur savoir-faire et de la mémoire verrière. Si vous êtes intéressés, soyez les bienvenus sur la liste de discussion gratuite de GenVerrE !Created:
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GenWIUKDickenson / Dickenson families of Wisconsin and IowaA geneology group with a focus on the ancestors and descendents of the Dickenson families in Beloit Wisconsin and Linn Iowa areas that immigrated from the UK around or after 1818. Benjamin Dickenson, b. 1818 in England and married to Matilda Brown, b. 1827 in England were parents of: George H. Dickenson, b. Jan 1850 in Rock, WI Mariette Dickenson b. 1854 in Illinois Lewis A Dickenson, b. May 186...Created:
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Genx-Ms / GenX-MsWelcome to Generation X Mensans! We are a curious and distinct group within Mensa - fortunate to have grown up in a world of unprecedented peace, prosperity and education. All Mensans born in the years 1961 through 1981 are potentially eligible for membership in the Generation X Special Interest Group (GenX SIG). It's been said that this 21 year age range covers such a huge variety of life ex...Created:
1,152 Members,
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genxwomen / Gen X WomenA group for women born between 1965 and 1984 who identify as members of Generation X.Created:
5 Members,
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genzgroup email for sharing resourcesCreated:
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GEO / GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) amateur radio satellite for the Americas.GEO (Geostationary Earth Orbit) or Phase 4 B amateur radio satellite for the Americas, discussions. Posting the latest in efforts to achieving the final goal of acquiring a GEO ham radio band satellite transponder for IARU Region 2, over both North America and South America. Europe has QO-100. We will eventually have our own GEO sat(s). This could be an AMSAT-NA or a non-AMSAT solution. All posts ...Created:
248 Members,
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GEO-DD / GEO-DDGEO-DD TTL Digital Divider /6/10/60 Module DiscussionCreated:
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GEO-mGEO ManagementCreated:
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14 Members,
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geo-spatial / Lista de discuții exploreaza concepte, tehnici si instrumente specifice comunitatii geospatiale. Promoveaza adoptarea solutiilor software open source, neignorindu-le insa nici pe cele proprietare. Militeaza pentru democratizarea accesului la datele geografice si propune harta ca instrument universal de comunicare si inregistrare a relatiilor dintre componentele sociale (stiintifice, politice, cultur...Created:
728 Members,
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GEO-Subscribers / GEO-SubscribersThis is the official group is for subscribers of the Group for Earth Observation (GEO). Membership of the group is limited to those who want to exchange information relating to either GEO or earth observation satellites. Postings may be moderated. Whilst you may find out information about GEO on other groups, this group is always monitored by the GEO steering group, and they will probably ...Created:
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GEO-System-IntegrationGEO-System_Integration Combining GEOelectronics Nuclear Instrumentation Modules together to form a specific instrument.Created:
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geochronThis group is for owners or potential owners of the Geochron mechanical and digital products.
43 Members,
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GeoCraicCraíc noun Often the craic, fun and entertainment, especially good conversation and company: “Come for the beer, lads, and stay for the craic!” mischievous fun; laughs: “We did it just for the craic.” (from:íc noun Geographic fun and entertainment. “Let’s keep the GeoCraíc at ninety.”Why GeoCraíc?
10 Members,
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GEOelectronicsGEOelectronics Q+ACreated:
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geohumanidadesLos SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica) son aplicaciones que se utilizan para evidenciar información geoespacial sobre un mapa. Suponen una aplicación directa de la informática sobre la geografía. Las geohumanidades dan buena cuenta de la inútil confrontación entre las humanidades y ciencia, al unir geografía, informática y cualquier otro tipo de datos y disciplina en su ámbito pr...Created:
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GEOJOURNEY / GEOMETRIC EXPLORATIONSThis group follows the geometric explorations of Jim Lehman.Created:
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geolibrariesThis is a place to converge communications about the role of librarians in geography, GIS education and spatial data information literacy. It has grown out of the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries' conversation series, during which we addressed the need for a more specific forum than the Map Libraries listserv. Use the forum for: - Brainstorming or collaborating - Asking questions about ea...Created:
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geomancy / GeomancyA group to discuss traditional divinatory geomancy, the art of divination using the 16 binary figures of geomancy, as well as its cousins `ilm al-raml, sikidy, and other related divination systems. Although relatively unused and unheard of for the past few centuries, geomancy has enjoyed a millennium-long spotlight across Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Europe and used by countless peo...Created:
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geometrydashGeometry dash was released in 2013. It is a rhythm-based platformer game in which you control a cube and jump through obstacles along the path and reach the end.Created:
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