genhp65 / GENHP65GENHP65, dont le dynamisme, la convivialité et l'esprit d'entraide sont soulignés, regroupent actuellement près de 1370 membres, domiciliés dans le département et / ou descendants de haut-pyrénéens à la recherche de leurs racines, vivant en métropole et à l 'étranger. 56 000 messages ont été échangés, depuis mai 2001, entre eux. L'entraide (limitée à la recherche p...Created:
285 Members,
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genindreGénéalogie dans l'Indre Cette liste a pour but de permettre l'échange d'informations de généalogie et d'histoire locale entre généalogistes sur le département français de l'Indre (36). Bien entendu, les limitrophes peuvent y poser leurs questions, on n'est pas sectaires. Les messages sont réservés aux abonnés de la liste.Created:
106 Members,
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Geniocracy-SocietyI am descendant of a founder of the Skull and Bones Society, Alphonso Taft, I have created this in dedication of his name We are looking to connect all the society together in means to make the world safer, sharing insight into how to do something bigger than ourselves, together we are one We plan on creating a new system to assist in such issues as homelessness, and unemployment This is a member...Created:
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GenNYUKDawson / Dawson families of NY/NJA geneology group with a focus on the ancestors and descendents of the Dawson families in New York and New Jersey areas who immigrated from the Alva, Stirlingshire, Scotland area of the United Kingdom in 1889-1894. Alexander Anderson Dawson, b. 7 Sep 1869 in Alva, Scotland and married in 1896 in New York state to Annie Laurie Gow b. 28 Apr 1869 in Scotland were parents of: Jean Laura Dawson, b....Created:
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genoak / GENOAKGENOAK is the GMRS Emergency Network for Oakland's CORE/CERT neighborhood groups. Managed by the Oakland Firesafe Council's Oakland Community Preparedness & Response (OCP&R) program, GENOAK enables and promotes effective neighborhood-to-neighborhood emergency GMRS 2-way radio communications before, during and after a disaster such as a wildfire or earthquake. The NCGUG/Northern Ca...Created:
166 Members,
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GenOHPastron / Pastron families of Lorain OhioA geneology group for the ancestors and descendents of George and Mary Pastron who immigrated from the German speaking areas of East Europe/Russia between 1911 to 1913 and settled in Lorain, OH. Gorge Pastron, b. 21 Feb 1878 in "Russian Empire" ) married to Maria/Maria Heizenrader/Heitzenreder/Heinzenroder/Heitzenreider, b. 3 Mar 1887 in "Russia Empire" were parents of: George P...Created:
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GenProof69Peer review group focusing on Tom Jones' Mastering Genealogical Proof. Met online for eight weeks Fall 2021.Created:
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genproofstudyThis group is for professional genealogists, aspiring professionals, and serious students to study GenProof.Created:
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GenQuartersThis list is a forum for players and referees of the naval miniature wargaming rules sets, GENERAL QUARTERS, GENERAL QUARTERS II, GENERAL QUARTERS III, and FLEET ACTION IMMINENT to discuss the rules and the games in which they are used. Topics may include, but not be limited to: - battle and scenario recommendations - tips for players and referees - suggestions for game preparations - techniques ...Created:
109 Members,
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GenRad / GenRad[Photo - General Radio 1607A ] This Group is for users and collectors of the test and measurement equipment made throughout much of the 20th century by General Radio (later GenRad) of Concord, Massachusetts.Their product line included Impedance Bridges; Resistance, Capacitance, and Inductance Decades; Variac brand variable autotransformers; Strobotacs; Noise Sources; Sound Level Meters and Analyz...Created:
335 Members,
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GenRad-Alumni / GenRad Alumni - Former Employees and Friends of GenRad, Formerly General RadioFor Former Employees and Friends of GenRad, Formerly General RadioCreated:
147 Members,
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GenRadAlumniFor folks who worded at GenRad or one of its companies, divisions, holdings, etc. This Group owned by Joe, GenRad - 1981 to 2001Created:
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GenResearchClubGenealogy Research Club - for everyone researching their family tree. Help, advice, tips, tricks. Let's all get together and help each other!Created:
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Gensheet / GENSHEET UK rare rail routesThe Gensheet email group is for the discussion of UK railways passenger train diversions and unusual routings. Future information is especially welcome, but recent and historical 'rare track gen' may be posted and discussed. There are two postings a week advising of items of interest made by the moderation team. The main field of interest is use by normal service trains, however limited d...Created:
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GenSocPrograms / Genealogy and Family History Society Program Ideas RoundtableThis group is for Washington state genealogy and family history group education and program teams to collaborate and solve problems together. This group may decide to meet virtually or in person from time to time. Creation of this group is in response to the Washington State Genealogical Society's Genealogy Program Idea Roundtable in February 2023, where many attendees expressed the desire to...Created:
5 Members,
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Gensource / GenSourceThis group is for sharing genealogy resources, links, info, tips and tricks. Groups members may ask for research assistance from other members within the group page. Please share links to to online info related to genealogy and family history. The main purpose of this group is to help others who are seeking genealogy/family history info. No advertisements for personal gain. No spamming. Please be...Created:
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gentesenderista / Gente SenderistaQUE HACEMOS Excursiones de senderismo por los alrededores de Madrid. GRATUIDAD Nuestras actividades son gratuitas. El transporte se realiza en vehículos particulares, compartiendo el gasto de gasolina. RESPONSABILIDADES No somos una agencia. Solo somos un grupo de amigos que a través de esta web nos organizamos para hacer senderismo. Por eso, quien acude a una actividad del grupo lo hace ...Created:
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GentientA group to discuss the web site. Be civil to each other or lose posting privileges.Created:
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GentlemenOfIHM / Gentlemen Of IHMTraditional Catholic Gentlemen associated with the Northern Shenandoah Valley area discussing and coordinating matters that are of interest to our Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel or to those who worship here. e.g. -Chapel location or renovation topics -Parish activities planned, proposed, or desired, and needing publicity, volunteers, or other resources -Local, regional, and other political ma...Created:
20 Members,
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GentryGentry GenealogyCreated:
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