FircrestVillageCondos / Fircrest Village Condos Owners Chat ForumThe forum is created for the benefit of unit owners and tenants of the Fircrest Village Condominium Association (FVCA), McMinnville, OR only. Items posted in this forum are for information purposes only. Please feel free to share any items of interest to the FVCA community, invitations to neighbors, or upcoming events. The FVCA Board of Directors may not respond to any of the posts so that they...Created:
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Fire-FliesDollConventionWelcome to the Fire-Flies Doll Convention which has been held annually in the Orlando, FL area since 2003. Founded by Jeanne Niswonger, founder of the Modern Doll Collectors Convention, its aim is to illuminate the doll world in any way possible. All souvenirs, programs, workshops, speakers, and sales room plus 5 meals are included in the registration fee. Attendance is limited to 50 to allow all ...Created:
30 Members,
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fire-for-effect / Fire For EffectFire For Effect is a tabletop gaming group based in northern Indiana. Our purpose is to bring Michiana area gamers together and promote the gaming hobby in the area by organizing games and events.Created:
27 Members,
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fire-housethis group is for general chat and some fun by emails and to chat to friendsCreated:
2 Members,
12 Topics,
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fire-stationwelcome to this fire station at this fire station we can have a general chat and friendship and we can meat our friends from all over the worldCreated:
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firealarmenthusiastsA forum for fire alarm enthusiastsCreated:
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FireandFuryFanPageThis is a Fan Page to share scenarios, variants and other items related to Brigade and Regimental Fire & Fury Miniature RulesCreated:
67 Members,
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fireballforwardA gathering place for the WW2 table top miniatures game Fireball Forward. Share you thoughts on the game and ask questions of the design and community at large.Created:
214 Members,
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firebirds / FirebirdsFirebirds is a friendly choir that meets weekly in Armidale NSW to sing for fun. It rarely performs to an audience. The list is private but easy to enter. Just ask someone who is already a member to get you put on the list. We sing 4 part harmonies of a wide variety of songs dating from 17th Century to the 1970s.Created:
58 Members,
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FireBladesFor owners and lovers of the Honda FireBlade CBR900RR and CBR1000RRCreated:
19 Members,
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firecapture / FireCaptureThis is a user group for Torsten Edelmann's FireCapture software ( The purpose of this group is to provide a location for discussion, questions and comments. Posting rules: 1. Off-topic posts: please try to avoid off-topic posts because other forums like CN are a much better place for asking general questions regarding finding accessories, choosing filters etc. 2. Po...Created:
705 Members,
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FireFight / FireFight, UK Based Laser-Tag LARPThis group is for the discussion, dissemination and advertising of any aspect of the Laser-Tag LARP hobby as run under the auspices of the United Kingdom Laser-Tag Alliance (UKLTA). We run a wide variety of games from full weekends, skirmish days and social events but there is always a Laser-Tag component in there somewhere. If you are looking to acquire your own equipment then you can contact Ju...Created:
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fireflyMailing list for the ones in the Firefly flight.Created:
4 Members,
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firefox-support / Firefox SupportThis group is for users of Mozilla Firefox, and any interested people associated with Mozilla or otherwise with Firefox, to provide support for people who ask for it, and to otherwise discuss Mozilla Firefox, without derogatory comments. The group and the group founder /list administrator are not affiliated to, or, otherwise associated with, Mozilla, the entity that produces Firefox. This group/ma...Created:
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firelookout / Fire LookoutsA community to discuss the forest fire lookouts of North America and the world -- past, present, and future. Photos, trip reports, stories, history, questions, and news are all welcome. This is also a place for current and former lookout staffers to share news, stories, job announcements, and tips. This is also the successor to the "firelookout" community at Yahoo Groups, which operated fr...Created:
362 Members,
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FireSceneThis group is for the promotion of fire related subjects not only in the British Isles but the whole world. FireScene is a discussion group so we can tell each other what is happening in relation to new fire stations, fire rescue vehicles, incidents and events. Information is provided by contributors and you are able to download pictures and information for personal use only. Images are protected ...Created:
270 Members,
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FiresidechatA forum for the (HAM Radio) central New York Fire-side chat net. The net is run on Mondays at & PM. The weekly question and answers to it, can be posted here.Created:
4 Members,
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firestickmodsmodding your firesticks and easy to use programsCreated:
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FirewiseRoberts-RidgeThis group serves as a communication tool to allow quick and easy email communication between property owners in the local Firewise group. The national Firewise USA® recognition program provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community and to reduce wildfire risk...Created:
41 Members,
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First-IdealsA group for former members of the Foundation for Individual Responsibility and Social Trust. Welcome!!Created:
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