AFBiz / Arlington Forest Small Business RoundtableThis group is for Arlington Forest residents to discuss all things related to their home or small business. You may advertise your services on here, but it's really a forum to help each other with business issues. New business owners are encouraged to join. There is no age restriction, so if you are fourteen and starting a babysitting business and want to ask advice on how to get paid, this ...Created:
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AFCIWLAPrograms / Arlington-Fairfax Chapter IWLA ProgramsArlington-Fairfax Chapter of the IWLA collaborative environment for the Education and Training Program and Winter Skeet and Trap League.Created:
152 Members,
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AFDAAssociation of Illinois Foreclosure Defense AttorneysCreated:
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AFDRetirees / AFD Retiree's CommuniquéMembership is intended to be Anchorage, Alaska Firefighters, Medics, Inspectors, Investigators, Dispatchers, Mechanics and Support staff who have retired from the Anchorage, Alaska Municipal Fire Department and its fore-runners, the City of Anchorage Fire Department and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Fire Department. Also - Active AFD members who are working toward their retirement from AFD. A...Created:
272 Members,
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afedrisdrThe AFEDRI / AFE822x / LAN-IQ SDR range of receivers are software defined receivers, based on the AFEDRI8201 or AFE8220Q1 DDC (digital down converter) ICs from Texas Instruments. The Single Channel SDR models are based on AFEDRI8201 IC, that embed a one 76.8MHz or 80MHz 12 bit RF sampling ADC + DDC receiver, when Dual Channel models are based on chip -.AFE8220Q1 IC, that embed two 76.8 MHz 12 b...Created:
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afewthoughts / A FEW THOUGHTS ON THE HOLY RULEThoughts on the Holy Rule as it applies to Oblates and other Lovers of the Holy Rule living "away from home" and it relevance and implementation in the world; and on Self-Abandonment to the Divine Will. With occasional references to the beautiful gems of reflection on the Holy Rule by our good Brother Jerome OSB. This is an open, newsletter list. Daily posts on the reading from the Holy Ru...Created:
1 Member,
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AffiliatedRescueGroups-CSPThis group if for all Chinese Shar-Pei rescue groups that are affiliated with the CSP Rescue Trust.Created:
15 Members,
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affiliatemarketingEverything about affiliate marketingCreated:
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affinityhomesHI Everyone - Welcome to the groupCreated:
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Affordable-MDU-ConnectivityEasy communication for the states who are convened and sharing best practices as they build their affordable MDU connectivity programs.Created:
29 Members,
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AffordableHousingAdvocates / Affordable Housing Advocates- CincinnatiAffordable Housing Advocates (AHA)– also known as Cincinnatians for Affordable Housing– is a group of housing providers, advocates and consumers dedicated to the goal of ensuring good, safe, accessible, affordable housing for all people in Southwest Ohio. Our focus is on meeting the housing needs of very low, low, and moderate-income individuals and families. This group formed to share the exp...Created:
158 Members,
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AffordaPlaneAffordaPlane builders and owners.Created:
5 Members,
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AFGardensThis is for the gardeners of Arlington Forest.Created:
126 Members,
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AFGE-Local-3343Membership Communications for AFGE Local 3343Created:
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afgenFor discussing African genealogy and family history and sharing family history information. This forum covers the entire continent of Africa.Created:
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AFHC-DiscussionAustralian Foxhunting Championships Discussion Group. A place where competitors and organisers can discuss competition topics.Created:
13 Members,
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afhs / Alberta Family Histories SocietyAlberta Family Histories Society (AFHS) is a non-profit organization supporting worldwide family history research through education and the encouragement of preservation of information. Office and library located in Calgary, Alberta.Created:
36 Members,
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AFIBSUPPORTAfibsupport test groupCreated:
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AfiliadoscccartagenaPrueba de un sitio para los afilaidos de la ccc en cartagena colombiaCreated:
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afla / Austronesian Formal Linguistics AssociationSee Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association In 1994, a small group of Austronesianists met at the University of Toronto. Their purpose was to create an organisation that promotes the study of Austronesian languages from a formal perspective. While conferences dedicated solely to Austronesian languages existed at the time, none were focu...Created:
53 Members,
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