rtptca / RTP Tamil Catholic AssociationPurpose of RTP Catholic user group is to bring together Indian Catholic families to pray and raise kids in catholic faith. We are getting together to have Tamil Mass once in a month.Created:
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ag / Alexeevs groupsVerein Kuffner SternwarteCreated:
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dreempoodlesThis is a private group for the owners of Dreem Poodles. We will be able to share information, brags, videos, meet the owners of related dogs and have fun.Created:
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StationLink-RigLinkSupport forum for the StationLink and RigLink Server platforms. The StationLink and RigLink Server platforms are a collection of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) that many hams will find useful in day to day station operation rather they're in their shack, in their easy chair in their living room or on the road.Created:
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a089346686Sending study materials to studentsCreated:
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the807sAmateur "Ham" radio group, instructors, and Volunteer Examiners. For the betterment of amateur radio as a hobby and emergency service to our communities and served agencies. We are a social and non-profit group. We will teach, advise and test future amateur radio students. Our served agencies are ARES, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, CT State Police, Ct National Guard and all local pol...Created:
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WNCAuxComm / Western North Carolina AuxComm GroupWNC AuxComm/ARESCreated:
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nailswithstarrinatesting testing testing testing testing testing testing testingCreated:
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ConroekcThe Conroe Kennel Club is an independent member club recognized by the American Kennel Club - AKC. Our goal is to be an advocate organization for the dog as a family companion, to advance canine health and well-being, to work to protect the rights of all dog owners and promote responsible dog ownership.Created:
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nass / NASS - North American Spitfire SquadronYou've found us! The original NASS list. Welcome to the 'public' forum known as The North American Spitfire Squadron Welcome to the premiere marque/model specific enthusiasts group, specifically centered around the Triumph Spitfire and GT6 to exist in North America. If you're looking for technical information to maintain your Triumph Spitfire or GT6 and or need to talk to...Created:
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American-Mariner-SailboatsHere is a place where owners of American Mariner Sailboats can call Home Port. Here you can chat with other owners, do some research, add a photo or file or two. American Mariner Industries (AMI) called their boats the "World's finest trailerable cruising sloops." Mr. Arthur S. Henry designed the American for outstanding stability, quality, and roominess with a broad beam; a straight w...Created:
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district9aresTennessee District 9 AresCreated:
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portoclaroEsta é a nova lista de Porto Claro, criada em 2019 para preservar a lista que existe desde 1998. This is the new official mailing list for Porto Claro, a South American micronation. https://br.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/portoclaro/infoCreated:
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adiPraesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.Created:
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jcaresJCARES stands for Jones County ARES. We are the go to group of ARES volunteer that support Jones County Emergency Management. If you would like to become part of our group, contact n5bi, Gary Branch at gabranch@att.net for more information on how to join our groujp.Created:
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AmericanHomelessSocietyThe American Homeless Society is a forum for people who are, or want to help the homeless, in the USA.Created:
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elpaloalto / El Palo Alto Chapter NSDAREl Palo Alto Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) Chapter moderator(s) will use this service as a means of communicating important information to its members. The Chapter is based in Palo Alto, California.Created:
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cost-austinCost Austin is dedicated to Sustainable transportation.Created:
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Northtexasamcclubenthusiasts of American Motors carsCreated:
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MFTStestTesting Groups.io for Mass. Farm to SchoolCreated:
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