UTP6 / Unify The People MBUnify the People MBCreated:
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UTP7 / Unify The People ONUnify The People ONCreated:
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UTP8 / Unify The People QBUnify The People QBCreated:
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UTP9 / Unify The People in generalUnify The PeopleCreated:
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UTSCAnniversaryCommitteethe Upper Thames Sailing Club Anniversary Committee areaCreated:
5 Members,
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uu-ChancelDecos / FUCSJ Chancel DecosGroup account for the Chancel Decorators of the First Unitarian Church of San Jose.Created:
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UUCCWC / Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Washington CountyWe are are progressive, free-thinking community located in the historic Orenco neighborhood of Hillsboro, Oregon. We are an inclusive spiritual community that believes in peace and justice for all peoples, respect and responsibility for the Earth, freedom of thought, the democratic process, spiritual growth for our families and the world. Our purpose is to live our values and join o...Created:
195 Members,
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Uucforum / Union University Church forumA private discussion group for friends and members of the Union University ChurchCreated:
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uucg-members / UUCG for the 21st CenturyMy Name is Deepal Moonesinghe. I created this email forum. As the new (rebel) vice president who joined the board in July of 2023. I am appalled by the lack of transparency and disregard for congregational transparency. My intent is that this forum will give the congregants who are not among the chosen few (Brahmins) an opportunity to voice their opinion, even anonymously at times. This group is...Created:
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UUCNH-BoardThis is the test site for the UUCNH Board group.Created:
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uucpaAll UUCPA members. This could be the equivalent of the announce groupCreated:
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UUCSJInterns2018Welcome to our new 2018 Interns!Created:
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UUCSS / Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring, MDThis Groups.io site comprises a "list serv" style group email and a Wiki for members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring, MD. Within this groups.io there are also subgroups for various committees and activities, each of which has their own group email list and Wiki. You must be a church Member or Friend, and a member of the "Main UUCSS Groups.io," to j...Created:
277 Members,
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UUCSSGentlemensClubFor men affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring. We are an informal group that meets socially on a monthly basis and occasionally coordinates church related volunteer or group activities.Created:
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UUFCO-MF-STThis group is designed for steering team communications at the UUFCO Men's Fellowship. This group is meant to plan the direction and activities of the MF. UUFCO stands for Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon.Created:
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uuflimaThis group site and subgroups will be for the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Lima. The Hospitality and Membership committee will be the first to test it out.Created:
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uufrcGeneral discussion group for UUFRCCreated:
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uufrc-caregiversPrivate group for caregivers in UUFRC community.Created:
16 Members,
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UUFRC-ComContactsemail list for UUFRC committee contacts/chairsCreated:
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UUFSCC-DinnerClubUUFSCC Dinner Club 2022Created:
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