pdxshelterforum / PDX Shelter Forum -Last updated: 2023-02-02, by Tim McCormickList/group information: Click Here to Request to Join Mailing List (approval required). A) Purpose PDX Shelter Forum is for news, discussion, proposals regarding alternative shelter and village responses to homelessness, particularly in the Portland, Oregon area and for those currently unsheltered. (i.e. on street, not in emergency shelter or transition...Created:
257 Members,
225 Topics,
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pdxthistlesThis group is for Thistle Sailors in the Portland, Oregon area (Fleet #125).Created:
99 Members,
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pdxusk / Portland Urban SketchersThis Portland Urban Sketchers mailing list is a way to plan sketchcrawls with other group members, announce interesting sketching/art related happenings in the area, and plan impromptu sketch outings. When people post to our blog, it automatically sends the group an email of the blog post. Important links: Check out our BLOG and/or become a contributor at http://urbansketchers-portland.bl...Created:
437 Members,
526 Topics,
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PDXVolvosThis group enjoys the camaraderie associated with the maintenance, upkeep and restoration of 544, 122 and 1800 series Volvos. Discussions are not limited to this subject and will ordinarily not be moderated. Let your conscience be your guide!Created:
128 Members,
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PDXVolvosMarketplaceBuy, sell, trade round Volvo parts. Membership in PDXVolvos is required.Created:
12 Members,
5 Topics,
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PE / The Potters Exchange"The Potter's Exchange" is a group of clay artists in the Lehigh Valley/ Bucks County region of Eastern PA, who meet on a regular basis to share clay related information, ideas, and experiences. We believe that each individual whether just starting out or professional has something unique to offer to the group. Therefore, we take turns being both teachers and students, and we are mutua...Created:
70 Members,
3,867 Topics,
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PeaceWe are inclusive and welcoming, respect and value neurodiversity, and include all kinds of families and all ages of learners.Created:
15 Members,
7 Topics,
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peace-corps-ithaca / Peace Corps IthacaPeace Corps Ithaca is made up of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers living in and around Ithaca, New York. While the organization is primarily made up of RPCVs it is not meant to be exclusive. Peace Corps Ithaca seeks to reach out to Ithaca and the surrounding community to share the Peace Corps experience including the cultural aspect. Peace Corps Ithaca brings RPCVs together and provides them with t...Created:
25 Members,
10 Topics,
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PeacefulGardenZoomSanghaA mindfulness community meeting via zoom on Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 PMCreated:
1 Member,
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peaceghazaHarassment of any peace.Created:
1 Member,
3 Topics,
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PeachComps / Peach CompetitionsThis group is to assist with planning and running of the Peach Open and Peach Classic figure skating competitions sponsored by the Georgia Figure Skating Club.Created:
13 Members,
16 Topics,
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peachestandem / Peaches Tandem Discussion ForumA place for discussion for members of the PEACHES TANDEM bicycle club based in GeorgiaCreated:
1 Member,
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PeachheadNanny / Peachhead NannyPeachheadNanny is the sister group to Peachhead. This site is for parents searching for nannies/caregivers and nannies/caregivers searching for a family. Nanny agencies may not join this group. If a nanny agency would like to advertise on this site or promote their business to the members of PeachheadNanny, please contact Linda Perry at Linda@Peachhead.net to find out about having a dedicated e-...Created:
13,574 Members,
72,592 Topics,
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PeachLakeNY / Peach Lake, New YorkThis group discusses topics related to Peach Lake, New York. The members are primarily residents of the five lake communities: Starr Ridge Manor, Vail's Grove, Pietsch Gardens, Northern Westchester Country Club, and Bloomerside that are located in the towns of Southeast (Putnam County) and North Salem (Westchester County).Created:
95 Members,
75 Topics,
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peachsweepersKeep up with the group anytime!Created:
3 Members,
2 Topics,
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peachtreehandspinnersThe Peachtree Handspinners Guild is a group of handspinners in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area. This list is set up to facilitate communication among the members of the guild. Here you can get your spinning, weaving, dyeing or knitting questions answered between meetings. News of general fiber interest is welcome. The Peachtree Handspinners Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the...Created:
208 Members,
7,616 Topics,
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peacnewsA place for members of Parent Educators of Adams County (PEAC) to exchange news and information. PEAC is an inclusive group of homeschoolers; all Adams County, PA and nearby homeschoolers are welcome.Created:
12 Members,
13 Topics,
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peafc / Peninsula Elder Abuse Forensic CenterPeninsula Elder Abuse Forensic Center seeks to resolve cases of elder abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.Created:
36 Members,
2 Topics,
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peaktopeakmiataclub / Peak to Peak Miata ClubPeak to Peak Miata Club, the Colorado Mazda Miata and Mazda MX-5 Car Club. Read up on us at https://www.peaktopeakmiata.org/Created:
195 Members,
748 Topics,
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peakygames / Peaky GamesPeaky Games is a non-profit society whose mission is to write, run and publish freeforms - and to organise freeform writing weekends (known affectionately as Peaky).Created:
54 Members,
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