genehist-promg / Genealogia & História da Zona da Mata e Sul - MGO projeto busca reconstruir a história através da genealogia, com foco na região dos Caminhos Velho e Novo desde a primitiva desbravação dos Bandeirantes e ciclo do ouro, até as grandes fazendas de café e afins, com toda sua glória, tristezas e realidades que construiram a localidade. Tem como principal iniciativa, catalogar e compilar o trabalho de genealogistas sérios e compromissados...Created:
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Genehuy / GenehuyBienvenue sur le forum de généalogie Généhuy dédicacé principalement aux recherches sur la région Huy-Waremme. N'hésitez pas à poser vos questions ... Toute inscription sous un pseudo, c'est à dire sans un nom et un prénom indiqués en commentaire sera refuséeCreated:
150 Members,
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geneprovenceListe d'échange des Cousins ProvençauxCreated:
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generacThis group, is for discussing residential generators, manufactured by generac! The rules are as follows! 1. There's absolutely no drama on here, whatsoever, or you'll get bootted, automaticly. 2. Let's be respectful, and give each other technical support about your generators, and enjoy yourselvesCreated:
17 Members,
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General-Hospital-2012-Present / General Hospital 2012-PresentI've been watching GH off and on since 2012 - hence the name. -CERTAIN RUMORS/SPOILERS NOT ALLOWED - THIS INCLUDES VIDS AND CHILDREN DYING. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION REQUIRED . Please read the rules upon joining.Created:
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GENERALHOSPITALSOAPFANATICSWelcome to General Hospital Soap Fanatics. This is a place where you can discuss everything about General Hospital from the past storylines to the current ones. NO ADVERTISING OF GROUPS ALLOWEDCreated:
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GeneraMusicTesttest descriptionCreated:
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Generations-In-Embroidery / Generations-In-EmbroideryThis is not a sew out as of yet... Just something I threw together this morning and decided to just put it up as a screen shot... Maybe after the holidays I'll sew it out and re-post it. The whole idea was to try to create something that would pretty much fit the neo sized area without a bunch of fuss and chopped off sections. The trick seems to be 250 by 1000 pixels. Naturally it turned out t...Created:
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Generator / Home power and backup for outages and converters to 3 phaseHome power for power outages and stand-by power Also off grid use With Single to Three phase convert Other GROUPS Foundry how to set up a home foundry and patterns. Generators Home power, backup for power outages Lathe Running and projects with lathes Logan Lathe How ...Created:
15 Members,
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GeneSIG / GeneSIG[Transitioned from Yahoo Groups] GeneSIG is the Genealogy Special Interest Group (SIG) for members of American Mensa. It is open to any Mensa member -- membership number required -- who is interested in tracing ancestral roots. Members of any national Mensa are welcome. All business for this SIG will be conducted in English. American Mensa, Ltd. a...Created:
5 Members,
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Genesis-band / Genesis Discussion GroupDiscussion of the music of the progressive rock group Genesis, including the musical projects and collaborations of past, present and future band members.Created:
5 Members,
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GenesisRadio / Genesis RadioThis group is a technical support forum for GenesisRadio transceiver kits. Kit ordering is no longer available. The web site is no longer available except via the wayback machine. General discussions about GenesisRadio kits are welcome. Please limit your messages and responses to topics related to amateur radio and Genesis radios, SDR and associated topics.Created:
1,425 Members,
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GeneticGenealogyGroup of attorneys interested in coordinating litigation around the use of Genetic Genealogy searches.Created:
1 Member,
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GeneticProgrammingCommunications regarding genetic programming research and applications.Created:
907 Members,
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geneticregistryGroup to work on adding genetic information on TICA's pedigrees and its registryCreated:
12 Members,
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geneticsgenealogyandyouWe are a free, open forum for DNA and genetic genealogy discussions, questions, and education.Created:
4 Members,
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genevahhh / Geneva Hash House HarriersThis is a group for anyone interested in social running, jogging or walking. We meet every Wednesday evening somewhere in the Geneva region (canton of Geneva or neighbouring Vaud or France). We run/jog/walk for about an hour, ending up with drinks and then go on for a meal. All skill levels are welcome. Normal cost for the run is 5 CHF paid on arrival to cover beer, snacks, etc. (cheaper than a be...Created:
164 Members,
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GenevaindiansThis group has been created to unite all people of Indian origin and their family and friends. We will share information on cultural events and other activities as well as share news of common interest.Created:
2 Members,
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GenevaLakesDBCThe Geneva Lakes Duplicate Bridge Club is located at City Hall, 626 Geneva St., in Lake Geneva, WI. Start time is 9:15 am. Thursdays. During the May - September timeframe the game is an Am. Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sanctioned game. We guarantee a partner so you can just drop in; advance notice helps as we may do a better job matching skills.Created:
34 Members,
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genfrancesa / GenfrancesaGrupo destinado al intercambio de información y experiencias sobre Genealogía Francesa en castellano y francés. Sitio Web: Administradora: Cecilia Puchulutegui * No se permitirán mensajes fuera de la temática del grupo y los miembros que no se adhieran a las reglas serán moderados y/o expulsados. * Se reserva el derecho de admisión y permanencia genealogia franci...Created:
178 Members,
350 Topics,
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