beadladyI send out a weekly newsletter for my bead shop! Get in on all the new stuff that comes in along with sales and closeout pricing on discontinued books and more!Created:
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beadladyclassInfo on upcoming classes every other week!Created:
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BeadsEtc / BeadsEtcBeadsEtc is a group for bead and jewelry aficionados, primarily for combining our individual orders to get better prices, but also for sharing our interest in jewelry and our projects, for sharing our knowledge and experience, and for general bead and jewelry-making chat.Created:
61 Members,
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beaglebuddiesbeaglebuddies coming soonCreated:
11 Members,
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BeairdFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BeairdCreated:
3 Members,
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BealeGenealogy and family history for the surname BealeCreated:
25 Members,
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beanhollow / Bean HollowMailing list for past, present, and future residents of Bean Hollow.Created:
28 Members,
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bearaFor those interested in genealogy of Ireland's Beara peninsula.Created:
165 Members,
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bearboats / San Francisco Bay Bear Boats AssociationThe SF Bay Bear Boat Association is looking for a few excellent owners who: 1) Love wooden boats 2) Enjoy sailing San Francisco Bay 3) Are interested in racing this sure-footed, forgiving and fun sloop. The Bear was designed for the Bay, and can handle the breezes and strong current dished out by Mother Nature all summer out here. When other sailors are heading in for the day, the Bears have perfe...Created:
55 Members,
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BearceFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BearceCreated:
5 Members,
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BeardieAgilityDiehards / Beardie Agility DiehardsBeardie Agility Diehards (BAD) was founded in 1997 and is very active today. All you need to join us is a Bearded Collie and a love for agility training and trialing.Currently we have 180 BAD members in the United States and Canada who exchange ideas, advice, and congratulations on all forms of agility competition. More than 600 Beardies have individual page...Created:
151 Members,
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BeardieList / BeardieList (BD-L)THE email list for bearded collie enthusiasts from around the world! This list was founded almost 30 years ago as BD-L, migrated to .salmon, migrated to yahoogroups, and we are at Beardielist is an open membership group. We encourage membership by anyone who has or is interested in bearded collies. The group's primary language is English but we have speakers of severa...Created:
156 Members,
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BeardieObed / Beardie ObedienceThe Beardie Obedience list is for Bearded Collies and their people to discuss obedience, rally, tracking, nosework/scentwork, trick dog, service dog work and any other kind of training, issues, and rule changes. Brags are encouraged! Please remember, this is a family-friendly list. Keep the profanity and politics at home. Encourage any and all beardie owners who are new to obedience to join. P...Created:
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BearGulch / Bear Gulch Emergency Preparations CommunicationsThis group is for receiving emergency preparations communications for Bear Gulch Road East. It is HIGHLY recommended the you sign up for the SMC Alert for real time community reporting via email, land lines, texts or phone apps. SMC Alert is a free alert notification system used to immediately contact you during urgent or emergency situations and evacuation areas.
55 Members,
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BearGulchCommunityA forum for the Bear Gulch Community to interact.Created:
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BearLoversStampClub / Bear Lovers ClubThis is a community of rubber stampers who value "friendship", creativeness, the fun of exchanging cards, as well as other handcrafted items, and Teddy Bears. We enjoy participating in monthly swaps, card exchanges, ornament exchanges, and just about anything that involves rubber stamping and bears. Sadly our Mama bear passed away in August 2018 but we are continuing in her memory!Created:
16 Members,
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BEARONSBEARONS - Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Operators North SocietyCreated:
41 Members,
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BEARS / Bainbridge Island Emergency Auxiliary Radio Service (BEARS)This is the platform for the Bainbridge Island Emergency Auxiliary Radios Service (BEARS).Created:
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BearsN238818Bears Group to share or exchange informationCreated:
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beartoothascThis group is for the Beartooth ASC board to discuss upcoming events & club business.Created:
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