sabrescan / SabreScanFor radio scanner enthusiasts in the St. Louis, MO region. Based on the original SABRE group created from the old St. Louis RCMA chapter founded in 1977 by Mike RemanCreated:
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Sabrina / Sabrina (Norma Ann Sykes)A place where fans of Sabrina - Norma Ann Sykes - can talk about Sabrina.Created:
2 Members,
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sabvhf / Southern Alberta VHF SocietySouthern Alberta VHF Society: An amateur radio working group to promote activities on VHF/UHF/SHF and microwave frequencies.Created:
57 Members,
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SAC / Strange Antenna ChallengeThe Strange Antenna Challenge (SAC) group is for amateur radio operators ("hams") who are experimenting with "strange" antennas, made of found materials, existing structures, items that might be found after a natural disaster; essentially anything except a normal antenna made of wire or pipe. The Strange Antenna Challenge has been an annual event since 2003, started by Erik Weaver ...Created:
9 Members,
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SAC-forum / SAC ForumA group for members of the Saguaro Astronomy Club in Phoenix, AZ and others interested in amateur astronomy in Arizona.Created:
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Sac-SierraEAS / Sac-Sierra Emergency Alert System GroupFor Broadcasters, Cable System Operators, Federal, State, County and Local Emergency Management and Public Safety managers and employees. This group is focused on development, operation, maintenance and training related to the federally mandated Emergency Alert System in the Northern California/Western Sierra Slope. It includes these counties and sections of counties: North Zone...Created:
17 Members,
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sacbookclubThis is a group for those interested in reading non-fiction books. The group chooses books based on personal suggestions or desires of those attending the previously scheduled meeting and are open to any topic and subject area. We try to diversify the subject areas and topic area. We do our best to "round robin" suggestions of the frequent attendees so that everyone gets a chance to hav...Created:
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sacdahowcanwehelpSacDA How Can We Help was created to allow our community of co-workers to keep their work family apprised of concerns, needs, and trends as we navigate these unprecedented times.Created:
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sacdrotesttest for dstCreated:
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SACGSouth Austin Community Garden Group Page Garden WebsiteCreated:
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SacGrowNativesA group to share gardening tips on growing California native plants in the Sacramento Valley.Created:
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SachaHp 54600b oscilloscope repair helpCreated:
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sachesColleagues from AC in Bucharest University of BucharestCreated:
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sachoirSt. Anne's choir.Created:
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sachs1964 / SACHS Class of 1964Exchange of information from old classmates of the SACHS San Angelo, Tx.Created:
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sacjug / Sacramento Java Users GroupThis mailing list is for open announcements and discussion among participating members of the Sacramento Java Users Group. Meetings on the second Tuesday of every month[, except Valentines Day].Created:
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Sackett / Sackett / Sacket Research GroupThe goal of the Sackett mail list is to facilitate research, share, and record historical and genealogical data on Sackett and Sacket descendants worldwide. The list is open to anyone interested in such research. The list is affiliated with The Sackett Family Association (TSFA). One need not be a TSFA member to participate in this mail list. Membership in TSFA is open to anyone with an interest ...Created:
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SacksSubdivision1. Membership is exclusive to residents of the single-family homes within the Sacks Subdivision. 2. Subject matter should be limited to issues of neighborhood interest or concern --- Traffic, Safety, Development and related issues. 3. Advertisement for services, items for sale, or rental properties is prohibited.Created:
13 Members,
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SacLandscapeDesign / Sacramento Valley Landscape DesignSacramento Valley Landscape Designers exchange tips and problem-solve together in a supportive group.Created:
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SACMARCStrategic Air Command Memorial Amateur Radio Club, Bellevue NebraskaCreated:
16 Members,
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