We-Understand-the-Pain / We Understand the PainThis group was created in order to help support those 18+ with: physical disabilities who also experience other physical pain, either due to the disabilities or due to physical abuse, and who have been emotionally, physically, s**ually, or verbally abused; and/or have certain types of depression, PTSD, anxiety, or other similar issues. If you' don't mind some profane language, and are ...Created:
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we8chz / MiRATSMichigan Radio Amateurs Technological SocietyCreated:
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WEALDFor discussion of people and places (and pretty much anything else historical) relating to the area know as The Weald spanning the English counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex.Created:
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WeAreFamilyChat / We Are Family!Welcome to Home! As some of my members have said so many times that this group feels more like "HOME" than their own real-life home does. They have even said that we are more like "FAMILY" more like "SISTERS" than any of their own blood. We are called "We Are Family!" and in our subject lines it says "From Your Sister". This special group that will eventu...Created:
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WeAreInStitchesAn embroidery group for the exchange of friendships, and knowledge of embroidery hobbies and company activities.Created:
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WeAreWoman-WeAreGoddess / We Are Woman We Are Goddess We Are OneWe Are Woman We Are Goddess We Are One! No matter your path, if you are WOMAN you are welcome. Kindness prevails here, a safe haven! We share affirmations, validate each others thoughts and fears, send positive messages and/or readings. Postings about Women, Goddesses, cultures, magick, ritual, meditation, prayer, dreams, divination and healing of all kinds are welcome. IMPORTANT: To make this a ...Created:
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WEARSGroup dedicated for use of the members of the Westmoreland Emergency Amateur Radio Service.Created:
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WeaselsUSAWeasels USA is a Social Organization with chapters quickly springing up throughout the world. Since some of them, and more coming, have learned to communicate electronically, I have thought it necessary to create a mailing list in which we can freely communicate matters regarding those things that matter most to Weasels. Indeed, consider this yet another extension of the Weasel Network within the ...Created:
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weatham-neighbors / Weatham NeighborsCommunity discussion group for Mount Airy, Philadelphia, PA near a certain street. Policies for this list will be decided in regular meetings of Weatham Neighbors, and as directed by the current president of the group. The group is to provide neighborhood information. At present, it is not intended for political topics or for selling items or services.Created:
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WeatherThis Groups.io is a hosting of popular weather stations from past and current. As station manufacturers disappear from the market place, their followers are always looking for ways to keep their station going. There is a strong following on likes and dislikes of different stations. I created a files section for people to upload information relating to long lost manuals, to replacement parts t...Created:
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WeatherGroupGroups.io Weather GroupCreated:
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weatheringPlease join the weatheringtechniques io group as all the files and photos from the old Yahoo weathering group are being kept there. This group is for administration only, no emails, photos or files. Darryl Huffman darrylhuffman@yahoo.comCreated:
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weatheringtechniques / Weathering TechniquesThis group is devoted to photos and pages of ideas and techniques for weathering models. While the main emphasis is on model railroading and model structures, any discussion pertinent to enhancing the reality of models is allowed. This is a family oriented group, so please keep the language clean. No religion, politics, or flaming allowedCreated:
1,329 Members,
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weathermessage / Weather Message SoftwareDiscussion group for Weather Message software. Click "Join This Group" button at the bottom of the page to join and see topics. To discuss the EMWIN Internet data feed, join the EMWIN Internet Host GroupCreated:
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WeatherNewsandDiscussion / Weather News and DiscussionThis group is to discuss anything weather related... earthquakes, tornadoes, etc... Plus... USA, Canada & Europe weather news/updatesCreated:
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WeatherRadioCanadaA public forum to discuss the Environment and Climate Change Canada Weather Radio Service and its transition from AviPads to i-Notify.Created:
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WeatherRadioInCanada / Weather Radio in CanadaA forum to discuss the Weather Radio service of Environment and Climate Change Canada. This forum is not affiliated to or necessarily monitored by Environment and Climate Change Canada.Created:
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weatherreportspune / Weather in PuneA group providing reports, updates and news on the Pune WeatherCreated:
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weathersage / WeathersageWe are a serious group of weather forecasters, a number of professionals, many students of Carolyn Egan's Weather Forecasting CDs, and many who are simply interested in long range weather forecasting. Astrometeorology, a moderated global mailing list, has been setup for discussion and the exchange of information and techniques used in astrometeorology. Astro-meteorology is the study of methods...Created:
19 Members,
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Weaver-SiblingsThe children of Richard and Margaret Weaver and their spousesCreated:
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