TenTec516 / TenTec516
This group is for owners (and prospective owners) of the Ten-Tec Model 516 (Argonaut V) Amateur Radio Transceiver. It is a forum for the sharing of ideas and information about the Ten Tec 516 such as : operating questions/suggestions/hints/tips, accessories, modifications etc. Personal "For Sale" postings are permitted provided that they concern the sale of Argonaut 516 or related acces...
427 Members, 4,484 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TentecArgonautVI / Tentec Argonaut VI 539
This group is for hams to exchange information pertaining to the Tentec Argonaut VI 539 transceiver. This group is comprised of those interested in QRP operation as well as others. PLEASE SUPPLY YOUR NAME FOLLOWED BY YOUR AMATEUR RADIO CALL WHEN APPLYING FOR MEMBERSHIP. {There is no specific place to enter your call. Just add it after your name.} I do verify amateur calls as being valid in...
141 Members, 606 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is for anyone interested in the Ten Tec Argosy and Argosy II transceivers
8 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
TenTecCorsair560561 / TenTec Corsair (560)_Corsair II (561)
The group is dedicated to the TenTec Corsair (560) and Corsair II (561) transceiver enthusiasts, owners, users and lovers. In order to avoid spam issues the callsign, full name and short intro (web page link) is required to approve the membership. Without required info requests will be denied. AMERICA'S BEST KEPT SECRET ! BTW: Ten-Tecs are like potato chips, you can't just have one :-) (Da...
56 Members, 36 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TenTecEagle / TEN-TEC Eagle Group
TEN-TEC Eagle Discussion Group This is a FRIENDLY discussion group about the Eagle and related topics. It is a restricted group, for amateur radio operators - only. You do not have to own an Eagle to participate.PLEASE CREATE YOUR DISPLAY NAME AS "YOUR NAME" FOLLOWED BY A HYPHEN AND "YOUR CALL SIGN". For instance, "Joe Ham - KZ8ABC"We do verify amateur calls as being vali...
390 Members, 6,302 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TentecJupiter538 / Tentec Jupiter 538
This is a discussion group as it relates to the Tentec Jupiter radio, model 538. You are welcome to join the group. This is a moderated site. This site is not owned or moderated by Tentec or any of its employees, past or present. PLEASE SUPPLY YOUR NAME FOLLOWED BY YOUR AMATEUR RADIO CALL WHEN APPLYING FOR MEMBERSHIP. {There is no specific place to enter your call. Just add it after y...
212 Members, 217 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TENTECLEGACYNETS / TEN-TEC Legacy Nets - "Keeping the Story Alive"
TEN-TEC Legacy Nets (TTLN) 2025 SSB Net Schedule Sunday PM +/- 7.195MHz All XMITTER Types Welcome Over-the-Air Calls Start at 4PM ET Followed by Netlogger Netlogger Recommended - Over-the-Air Calls are offered at the beginning and end of the Net or when all Netlogger listed Check-ins are worked. The TTLN Sponsors several Special Events throughout 2025 to include the "Chasing Cornwallis Challen...
307 Members, 569 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TenTecOmniV562 / TenTec Omni V_562
The group is dedicated to the TenTec OMNI V / model 562 transceiver enthusiasts, owners, users and lovers. In order to avoid spam issues the callsign, full name and short intro (web page link) is required to approve the membership. Without required info requests will be denied. Only after using the other rigs You can realize just what a great receiver the Omni V really is. Or You should say the be...
71 Members, 68 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TentecOmniVII / Tentec Omni VII
This group is formed to assist others and exchange ideas and experiences with the Tentec Omni VII 588 transceiver. This group is not owned or moderated by Tentec, or any of its owners, past or present. This is a restricted group by membership only. This is a discussion group as it relates to the Tentec Omni VII 588. You are welcome to join the group. This is a moderated site. PLEASE SUPPLY...
457 Members, 9,919 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
TentecOrionSeries / Tentec Orion Series 565 & 566
This group is for the discussion and exchange of information related to the Tentec Orion Series 565 and 566 radios. All amateur operators are welcome with approval by the group Owner or Moderators. Please provide your call sign with your subscription request. When joining this group. please put your amateur call and your first and last name in the comments area. As an example: Bob McGraw - ...
165 Members, 324 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
crossover group from yahoogroups for anyone who wants to join. TenTec Patriot ham radio group!! Thanks Richy N2ZD
30 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
New Ten Tec Pegasus 505 group. Share your information and thoughts on the venerable computer controlled radio which evolved into the TenTec Jupiter.
69 Members, 26 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Crossover group from Yahoo groups! Ten Tec Rebel radio forum! Thanks Richy N2ZD
61 Members, 25 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Tenwomenmainst / Ten Women Main St.
This Ten Women Main St. Gallery group has beem created as an adjunct to the actual Ten Women Main St. Gallery in Santa Monica, California The purpose of this private group is to make available all communiques, meeting minutes, schedules, committments, events and contact information for MEMBERS ONLY. Members may actively participate by creating files, adding to calendar and database etc. as needed...
32 Members, 10,804 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This Ten Women Gallery Group has been created as an adjunct to the actual Ten Women Gallery in Santa Monica, California. The purpose of this private group is to make available all communiques, meeting minutes, schedules, committments, events, and contact information for MEMBERS ONLY. Members may actively participate by creating files, adding to calendar,and database etc; as needed
29 Members, 14,840 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is intented to be a meeting point of HAMs interested in Transequatorial propagation (TEP) on 144 MHz, to share experiencies and information, and also to arrange skeds.
78 Members, 172 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
TePaPl / Temple of Pansexual Pleasure
Variety of lifestyles
3 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Liddle equestrian group
54 Members, 1,120 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
teraju / TERAJU ~ eForum Penterjemahan dan Bahasa Melayu
eForum tentang Penterjemahan dan Bahasa Melayu, untuk penterjemah dan jurubahasa, ahli dan peminat Bahasa Melayu An eGroup on Malay Language and Translation, for translators and interpreters, scholars and language buffs To Subscribe/Unsubscribe via email: •Subscribe: teraju-subscribe@yahoogroups.com •Unsubscribe: teraju-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com (Foto Minikon Teraju 2005, Hotel Armada, Petal...
46 Members, 11 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: