SCARS-VE-TeamThis is the email distribution for the Space Coast Amateur Radio Society VE TeamCreated:
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SCARSAntGrpSun City TX ARS Discussion ForumCreated:
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scarsdale-chateaux-circleThis group is created to serve as a communication and collaboration platform for residents of the Chateaux Circle coop in Scarsdale, NY. The goal is to have an open platform for residents to launch discussions related to the coop.Created:
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ScaryLogoGroup / The Scary Logo GroupScary Logo Group made a Freaky Logo I like some a Paramount and Columbia and MGM and Fox and Universal and ITC and Screen Gems and etc. Based on the Scary Logos Wiki. Are you not on this wiki anymore.Created:
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Scarymoviesthis group is for scary stuff only ThCreated:
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SCASubtletiesandConfectionsThis group is the IO group associated with the "olde" SCA Subtleties and Confections, which operated on Yahoo from September 2004 until December 2019. This group is "dedicated to the research and recreation of subtleties (sotelties, soltelties, etc.), entremets, illusion foods, desserts, confections and sweets within SCA timeframe" through "the study of documented recipes and e...Created:
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ScatesFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Scates See also
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Scatterpoint / Scatterpoint Microwave NewsletterThis group exists to allow members of the UK Microwave Group to download its monthly newsletter Scatterpoint. Membership is limited to those on the current UkuG subscriber list.Created:
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scba-appellatelawAppellate practitioners with the Suffolk County Bar AssociationCreated:
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SCBWIeuropolitan / SCBWI EuropolitanDiscussion group for the Europolitan regions (BeNeLux, France, Germany/Austria & Switzerland) of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI)Created:
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scc-ares-races / Santa Clara County ARES/RACES AnnounceSanta Clara County ARES/RACES/ACS Main Group This is the main group for SCCo ARES/RACES/ACS. The main group is only used for announcements that are relevant to all SCCo ARES/RACES/ACS members. The actual group discussions take place in various sub-groups listed in the subgroups menu. Membership in this main group is required in order to join the subgroups. This group is specific to ARES/RACES/AC...Created:
407 Members,
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SCC-Chantey-Sing-Colonial-InnSCC Chantey Sing @ Colonial Inn Hillsborough NC This list is for folks who want to be reminded of upcoming sings.Created:
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SCC-ChanteySings-InvitationShip's Company Chanteymen Chantey Sings Invitation ListCreated:
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scc-ds / Santa Clara County Disaster Survey groupSanta Clara County Disaster Survey group. We're working on an app to provide disaster survey's for our county in the event of an emergency. The initial target is for CERT organizations to report to their town, but we expect to make the app available to everyone who has taken the (minimal) training in how to use the app.Created:
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scc-woodbadge / South Coast Cluster Wood Badge GroupSouth Coast Cluster Wood Badge Group If you have ever attended a Wood Badge course in the South Coast Cluster (Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, Pacific Skyline Council, or the former Monterey Bay Council or Santa Clara County Council), you are welcome to join this list! We discuss Wood Badge related events, WB topics, and general scouting questions. In your subscribe request please tell us yo...Created:
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SCCAAThe SCCAA History The Santa Clara County Airmen's Association was founded on September 8, 1950. At that time, Santa Clara County was a rural, agricultural region with a small population. SCCAA was formed by a group of local pilots with the purpose of persuading the county to purchase and develop Reid Hillview airport. The main emphasis initially was on legislative matters to achieve this goal,...Created:
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SCCARA / W6UW - Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association - General MembershipW6UW / W6UU SCCARA was formed as a general interest amateur radio club in 1921 and became a non-profit corporation in 1947. SCCARA is an affiliate of the ARRL and the Santa Clara Valley Section of Pacific Division of the ARRLCreated:
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SCCARA-BOARD / W6UW - Board e-mail group for Santa Clara County Amateur Radio AssociationW6UW / W6UU SCCARA was formed as a general interest amateur radio club in 1921 and became a non-profit corporation in 1947. SCCARA is an affiliate of the ARRL and the Santa Clara Valley Section of Pacific Division of the ARRLCreated:
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sccareswlnet / SCCARES Winlink Net ForumThis is a forum for amateur ham radio operators to receive instructions, and link to forms for the weekly SCCARES (Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Emergency Service) Winlink Net. Members will be able to communicate with each other regarding problems with radio set ups and Winlink software. Winlink is a Global email by radio software, which is critical to emergency services in the event of an emer...Created:
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SCCARoadRallyThis group is for the discussion of SCCA Road Rallies at National, Divisional, and Regional levels. It is also for promoting the sport of road rally, or roadrally, in general. SCCA road rallies have 3 predominant types, course rallies, tour rallies, and GTA rallies. Course rallies have tricky instructions that have to be done "on time" throughout the drive, while tour rallies don't...Created:
170 Members,
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