Filipinos in Manteca and Tracy With common language and culture With common dreams and plans
7 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
FilmAstrophotographers / Film Astrophotography Group
Film Astrophotography Group: This is a dedicated group of amateur astrophotographers who choose to use film emulsions. You may lurk and read the mail if you so wish. The purpose of this group is to exchange information about exposure time, film speed, emulsions and techniques.
20 Members, 6 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FilmCA360 / FilmCA360 - Film in California
Welcome to the Film in California egroup. This is a private and invitation only group. We are not formally affiliated with the CFC or FLICS organizations, but we are informally aligned with their goal of bringing and keeping more filming in California, statewide. Do you want to bring more Filming dollars to your city or jurisdiction, you're in the right place. Our vision here is to buil...
71 Members, 82 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
filmkomponistinnen / filmkomponistinnen - unabhängiges berufliches netzwerk
Wir sind Filmkomponistinnen und möchten uns beruflich vernetzen. Jobs, Kooperationen, Termine, technische oder ästhetische Fragen stehen bei uns im Fokus.
28 Members, 36 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is a community for professional and aspiring filmmakers and actors. The goal is to network, collaborate on projects and share ideas.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
filosofandoengalego / Filosofando en galego

1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Il y a bien longtemps, cette liste avait pour but à long terme de développer une liste d'armée Fimir pour WFB6+ pour fédérer les joueurs francophone autour d'une liste d'armée commune. Finalement, elle a surtout servi à regrouper que du fan made, des références dans les publications officielles et des idées de proxy ou de figurines pour cette armée.
8 Members, 198 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fin-ham / Fin-ham - Suomenkielinen radioamatöörilista
Fin-ham on avoin postituslista, jolla keskustellaan radioamatööritoiminnasta suomeksi. Jos asiasi selvästi ei koske radioamatööritoimintaa, käytä Ham-sauna-listaa. Toistuvasti Fin-hamille muusta kuin listan aiheesta kirjoittavat voidaan poistaa listalta tai asettaa jäähylle. Henkilöön käyvät nimittelyt, loukkaukset tai solvaukset eivät kuulu listalle, tätä rikkovat voidaan poistaa ...
799 Members, 6,463 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Grupul de discutii al Comisiei Buget-Finante a PNL Bucuresti - pentru referință
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fin-rnet / R.NET RoIP network for Finnish radio amateurs
R.NET is an Internet RoIP network for Finnish radio amateurs. Its primary function is to connect amateur radio repeaters and stations together around Finland. In this group we talk and share information about the R.NET and its new incarnation R.NET2. We talk mainly in Finnish.
34 Members, 24 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Financial-Translators-SIG / Financial Translators SIG
Financial Translators Special Interest Group Group members: before posting, please read ATA's Listserv Policy and Etiquette in the files section. Group members: before posting, please read the ATA Antitrust Compliance Policy.
4 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
The Financial Translators Forum is open to freelance and corporate translators specializing in financial, economic, legal and corporate texts, whatever their language pair. [Representatives of] translation agencies are not welcome. This is the only specialized on-line support organisation by financial translators for financial translators. Join us and circulate the information among your colleag...
102 Members, 345 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
finans, ekonomi
1,119 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Finanztrans is a discussion group intended for German-English financial translators. The primary purpose is to help with terminology issues, but is not limited to that. Anything of direct interest to professional financial translators working in English or German is welcome. (Will be initially run as a test to see if migration from Yahoo Groups is a feasible option)
189 Members, 2,300 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Group to discuss, exchange information and ask questions concerning persons surnamed Finck. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list - FINCK.
9 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group mailing list to support users of the Find A Grave website
5 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FindingFamiliesAustraliaandBeyond / AUS-VIC-GIPPSLAND-NORTHEAST
Originally we consisted of a group of people interested in the North East of Victoria ranging from Wodonga, Rutherglen to Corryong, Omeo to Mansfield and later extended our fields to incorporate all aspects of Victorian and Australian research. We are a group of diverse researchers, some who have published their works others who are continuing their research in a variety of areas, and others who ...
26 Members, 385 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Looking for obit
5 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Group Page for Findlay Troop 312. Used to provide updates for upcoming scouting events, volunteer opportunities, general communications, and related unit information.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
I am looking for some issues of Pulp magazines.
2 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post: