elmerI created this group to promote Ham Radio and provide a means to get information when you need help with Amateur Radio.Created:
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elmers / Amateur Radio ElmersA place for sharing advice and training from new to old, old to new members of the diverse, global amateur radio community. An extension of the Amateur Radio Elmers group on Facebook. - de Jim, No1PC Origin of the term "Elmer" The term "Elmer"--meaning someone who provides personal guidance and assistance to would-be hams--first appeared in QST in a March 1971 "How's ...Created:
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ElmerUniversityA collaboration forum for amateur radio 'elmers' - not garage antenna hacks, Baofeng programmers, etc. - honest to goodness technical knowledge, validation, implementation and practice - to be shared consistently, reliable, authoritatively with the hungry realm of new hams and technically challenged. The 'product' of the group is to be a consistent set of basic 'course' m...Created:
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ElmervfwcommanderIt's a veterans of foreign wars group from. Elmer N.J.Created:
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elmicom-sbyGroups for the price list of elmicom surabaya members.Created:
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elmicomsurabayaGroups for elmi computer members / seller / reseller. To Subscribe to this group, please contact hongelmi@gmail.comCreated:
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ElmiratechsHobart Elmira EmailCreated:
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Elmore-LithiumElmore family Lithium discussions. Private, please wait for confirmationCreated:
12 Members,
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ElmorefamilyGreater Elmore family business discussion, including lithiumCreated:
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ElmwoodExchange / Elmwood ExchangeElmwood Exchange is a private group hosted by the Elmwood Neighborhood Association (ENA) in Providence, RI. ENA works to maintain and improve the overall quality of life in Elmwood, and to ensure that our neighborhood is a safe, secure, enjoyable, and desirable place to live. Learn more about ENA at www.ena-pvd.org/.Created:
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ElmwoodTerraceBoardElmwood Terrace is a condominium Corporation in Welland OntarioCreated:
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ElnaHeirloomSewingMachinesThis is a "carryover" of the ElnaHeirloomSewingMachines group formerly found on yahoogroups. It is for all people interested in vintage Elna sewing machines. Many of us are fixit/tinker with it types as well. We are open to all, but ask that you remain reasonably on-topic as well as civil and courteous. We do not tolerate flaming, trolling, or political and religious diatribes. All of...Created:
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ELoYCEdible Landscapes of Yamhill County, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to promoting Food EqualityCreated:
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ELP / Emerson, Lake and Palmer or Powell Discussion GroupDiscussion of the music of the progressive rock group ELP (Emerson, Lake and Palmer or Powell), including the musical projects and collaborations of band members.Created:
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elpaloalto / El Palo Alto Chapter NSDAREl Palo Alto Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) Chapter moderator(s) will use this service as a means of communicating important information to its members. The Chapter is based in Palo Alto, California.Created:
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elpasonlglegalobserversListserve for trained Legal Observers in El Paso, TexasCreated:
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elriotA group for members of Ely and Littleport Riot Border Morris Dancers to communicateCreated:
24 Members,
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ELSCheshireLibrarians24Group for librarians and staff at schools subscribing to ELS to share ideas, best practice and support each otherCreated:
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elsie / Wabash Sigma ChiWabash Sigma ChiCreated:
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ElternbeiratDies ist der Verteiler für den Elterbeirat. LG JohannaCreated:
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