UstoVentusTraveling buddies. Yosemite and more.... Formerly biking group ;-)Created:
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USTPEmail addresses of group members.Created:
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UStreetTots / U Street TotsThis group is for parents and families in the greater U Street area in Washington, D.C. An online place for parents to connect, make new friends, find daycare/nannies/schools/doctors/other rec, learn about local activities, buy and sell used items, and organize offline family fun in the neighborhood.Created:
1,079 Members,
21,521 Topics,
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USTVSignoffsWelcome to to the US TV Signoffs group. Post your Real Audio and Windows Explorer videos of TV station sign offs (local broadcast stations) and cable/satellite channels. They must be full length, including SSB if they sign off with one. Sign Ons are accepted but sign offs are perferred. You can post pics and audio only signoffs only if you don't have a video signoff available. Video montage ...Created:
10 Members,
37 Topics,
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USValenciaExpats / U.S. València ExpatsThis group is created to help expats share information and ideas about the city and news and information back in the United States.Created:
52 Members,
217 Topics,
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USWFLUSWFL is a Strat O Matic 20 team computer football continuously owned draft league. Started in 2008.Created:
7 Members,
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UT-BK-NCPEC / University Towers Neighborhood, Community & Political Engagement CommitteeA private listserv for members of the UT Neighborhood, Community & Political Engagement Committee, who are organizing to advocate for the best interests of the UT Brooklyn community.Created:
34 Members,
39 Topics,
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UT-Census-LookupFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For anyone desiring a check of this state's census records for their ancestors. Requests should be as specific as possible and include county name, specific family of interest, and year whenever possible. In addition, those who own or have access to census records and are willing to do lookups are asked to subscribe and assist in responding to queries.Created:
6 Members,
3 Topics,
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UT-ObitsFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For the posting of obituaries and requests for obituary lookups related to Utah.Created:
9 Members,
4 Topics,
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UTAARSA group for university alumni interested in Ham Radio.Created:
1 Member,
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Utah / Utah Family History and GenealogyState of Utah This is replacement for Rootsweb mailing list that is shut down. Wikipedia FamilySearchCreated:
10 Members,
13 Topics,
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UTAH-GMRSA group where GMRS users can exchange information in UTAH Please visit the Facebook page for more information and forums.
17 Members,
9 Topics,
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Utah-HamUtah ham radio news and announcements, periodic reminders about special Events and MeetingsCreated:
91 Members,
290 Topics,
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Utah-SOTAWelcome to this message board for amateur radio operators interested in Summits On The Air (SOTA) in Utah. If you are a chaser or activator in Utah, then this group is for you. Please keep conversations related to outdoor amateur radio activity and please post in English. Before uploading images to the Photos section, please create a directory with your call sign, and put all your images in t...Created:
12 Members,
3 Topics,
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UtahAPRS / Utah APRSThis list allows those interested in APRS in Utah to participate in a free-form discussion and make APRS type announcements like Balloon Flights, Projects, etc. Also this is a good place to post Packet Radio related items too.Created:
80 Members,
773 Topics,
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UtahARES / Utah ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency ServicesThis group is for ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Services) members in the state of Utah.Created:
171 Members,
428 Topics,
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UtahCatFanciersThis is a group for any or all cat fanciers in Utah or who want to stay in touch with the Utah cat scene.Created:
14 Members,
22 Topics,
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utahchangeleaders / Utah Change LeadersHonk Honk for folks who have been through Utah Division of Arts & Museum's Change Leader InstituteCreated:
3 Members,
2 Topics,
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utahdogagility / Utah Dog AgilityThis is a group for Utah Dog Enthusiasts in Utah. We will have premiums for upcoming trails, a link to a calendar of events, discussion, and other fun things! All new members of this group will be moderated. This is to decrease the number of spammers we have been getting.Created:
109 Members,
165 Topics,
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UtahEntomologyA group for Utah based or adjacent entomologists (professional or otherwise). Please keep postings to relevant conferences, speakers, jobs, scholarships, student opportunities, local entomology news.Created:
3 Members,
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