scancode-toolkitWe intend to discuss scancode-toolkit project on higher levelCreated:
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Scandinavian-TranslatorsA discussion group for translators of Scandinavian languages (mainly Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish). This group is the logical successor to the earlier groups Norskjal and neo-Norskjal which had to close.Created:
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scandinavianlight / Scandinavian LightA forum for Scandinavian Lightworkers - but everyone is welcome to join the list. A nest where we can share experiences, messages, ask questions, make announcements for Spiritual events, etc. Everything between Heaven and Earth that is connected to Lightwork, Spirituality, ETs, Ascension and your own growth.Created:
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ScanElPasoCounty / ScanElPasoCountyA group for scanner enthusiasts who monitor in El Paso County, Colorado. We cover all types of Fire, Police, Sheriff, State Patrol, Military, Federal, Business, News media, & aircraft communications, and anything and everything regarding El Paso County monitoring. Teller County also covered in lesser detail. For updates on frequency lists, go to Be sure t...Created:
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ScanHi-End / ScanHi-EndFounded in May 2000, this group is the leading peer-to-peer resource for users of High End transparency and reflective scanners, including PMT Drum Scanners and pro-quality CCD scanners, such as those made by Howtek, ICG, Heidelberg, Imacon, or Polaroid, that are capable of scanning formats larger than 35mm. Users of pro quality flatbeds are also invited to participate. Apart from hardware, the gr...Created:
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ScanIllinois / Scan IllinoisThis group is for sharing Scanner Frequencies AND other Emergency/Public Service related information for all of Illinois. Scanner Frequency updates & database are at Other Scanner Groups in Illinois: STARCOM21 -Statewide Digital Trunked Radio SystemCreated:
266 Members,
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ScanIowa / Scan IowaRadio Scanning in the State of IowaCreated:
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ScannedSeriesScannedSeries Al sort of Collectible Art, Scans, Illustrations, Series, Calenders, Books, Magazines etc. Subjects like: Fantasy, Comics, Art, PinUps, Cartoons, Nature, Animals and many more. Some Scanners: Abraxsis, Legacy, Therion, 0uro, Perrien, Hieroglyphics, Hermelin, S4, XXX, Almighty, Consigliere, Comix, D50 Dragon, Gladius, Scanners with Attitude, Kollektor, QMan, Wolf, Zane, Zen etc. W...Created:
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ScannerScanner groupsCreated:
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ScannerConstructionSetThis group is for the discussion of the program "Scanner Construction Set" written by Jay L. BrayCreated:
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scannerfeeds / scanner feedsWelcome to my new list, the purpose of this list is for discussing scanner and scanner frequencies, sutch as police, fire, rail, and aviation! My names Bob Edenhofer, and I'm the owner of this list. Dad was a police officer at one time, and he retired from the police force, in January of 2004. and he served in the airforce, and was a mechanic, he worked on the jet fighter planes. and he use to...Created:
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Scanners / Scanners - Uniden / WhistlerRadio Scanners - Uniden / Whistler Discussion of the portable scanner radio Uniden: BC296D, BC796D, BCD396T, BCD996T, BCD436HP, BCD536HP, SDS100, SDS200, HomePatrol, HomePatrol II, BC250D, BC785D, BCT15, BCD996XT, 396XT, 996P2 & 325P2, BC75XLT, BC125AT, Whistler: WS1040, WS1065, WS1080, WS1088, WS1095, WS1098, TRX1, TRX2, GRE: PSR-500, PSR-600, WS1040, WS1065, WS1080, WS1088, WS1095, WS1098,...Created:
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ScanSacramento / ScanSacramentoThis list is for discussion of all aspects of the hobby of monitoring radio communications ("scanning") 25 MHz and above in Sacramento County (and adjacent areas). Our primary emphasis is on Public Safety and Public Service systems at all levels (local, state, federal) including police, fire, EMS, Public Works, etc. Besides the email list itself, we have access to all previously posted mes...Created:
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ScanSoCalDiscussions about radio scanning in the Southern California area. People from other areas are welcome to join, but should limit discussions to topic relevant to Southern California. This group is a replacement for the old SoCalScan group on YahooGroups. I had to change the name when I moved the group to because someone else grabbed the SoCalScan name here on Groups.ioCreated:
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ScanUK / ScanUKWelcome to ScanUK The purpose of this group is the exchange of technical Information concerning transmissions from Low VHF to SHF and beyond although I encourage HF discussion too. History We started originally as a spinoff from ScanPromaUK, a rather useful and highly regarded group for scanning originally owned by Paul Wey. When this group closed, I opened UKScanGroup where we came to be un...Created:
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ScanWeave / ScanWeave@groups.ioA group for weavers with an interest in Scandinavian weaving of all kinds.Created:
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scarbramb / Scarborough RamblersMembers' forum of the Scarborough group of The RamblersCreated:
3 Members,
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SCARES / Skamania County ARESSkamania County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (SCARES)Created:
13 Members,
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SCARF / SCARFSouthern California Amateur Radio Friends: This list was created for the dissemination of information to members of this group. Acceptable postings include amateur radio events and gatherings, Net information, repeater information, Buy / Sell / Trade information, radio equipment, amateur radio and SCARF discussions, etc. Basically, anything amateur radio related. This is not a forum for politic...Created:
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SCARSThe goal of the Simplex Communication and Relay System is to create a robust network of practiced radio operators utilizing all forms of radio communication including but not limited to GMRS FRS CB and Amateur Radio.Created:
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